| Dec 27, 2007

Feature Article - December 20, 2007

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Feature Article - December 20, 2007 South Frontenac Shoots Down Sunday gun hunting by Wilma Kenny It was much closer than last time, when almost the entire council rejected a proposal by the Ministry of Natural Resources and supported by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) to allow gun hunting on Sundays in South Frontenac.

That was under the previous council, and with four new councilors in place, a presentation was made at the last council meeting by OFAH and a local farmer that council reconsider their position.

Council agreed to reconsider, and last week they carried out a major debate during a Committee of the Whole meeting. This week it was time to vote.

Councilor Dave Hahn of Bedford District, a hunter himself, argued against the proposal. He said that people should realize that Sunday hunting would not apply solely on two Sundays a year, during deer season, but would include all other forms of hunting, including duck, turkey, and goose hunting seasons.


Storrington Councilor john Fillion supported the proposal, arguing that an individual should have the right to hunt on private property with permission when they want to.

Deputy Mayor Bill Robinson took his cue from canvassing his constituents in Portland District. He says they are opposed to it now, as they were 18 months ago when it first came up.

Forty hunters, most from Portland district, packed the meeting to show support for Sunday hunting.

Councilors Fillion, York and Stowe and Mayor Davison voted in favour, while Councilors Hahn, McPhail, Hicks, Vandewal and Deputy Mayor Robinson opposed the motion. The motion was therefore defeated, 5 votes to 4.

Water Rates

Council passed a by-law to establish water rates for the hamlet of Sydenham. All rates remained the same, at a flat rate of $41.76 per month up to 18 cubic meters, and $0.25 for each m3 above that amount per month. The administration is waiting for financial information from Utilities Kingston, which will allow the rates to be adjusted to reflect the actual cost of the water system operation. CAO Burns noted that once more residents were on the system, so that revenues were higher, they hoped to be able to introduce a ‘conservation rate’. No one commented on the fact that all households were presently paying the flat monthly rate, whether or not they were using the water.

Committee of Adjustment

Council named the members of the land division/committee of adjustment for the coming year: councillors Hahn, Vandewal, Robinson and York, and community members Rich Philips, Len McCullough, Larry Redden and Larry Garrett.

Township Committees

Council agreed to increase the honorarium to non-council members on township committees to $25. per meeting, and suggested that committee size be restricted to no more than ten members.

Road Allowances, Open or Otherwise

Council agreed to reopen discussion of the motion to extend Boundary Road south of Rutledge: this motion had been defeated earlier this month. Then, council fell into disarray and noise over the issue of a turning circle at the end of Ramparts Road in Storrington, finally agreeing to defer making a decision.

Hydro One’s Spray Program Approved

Further to discussion at Committee of the Whole last week, Council approved Hydro One’s proposal to use a glyphosate-based herbicide under hydro lines on township road allowances with the understanding that "all safety and environment precautions will be complied with." As well, Hydro will be asked to give three days’ notice of spraying to all farmers with land abutting road allowances to be treated. Councilor Hahn asked that this last clause be added to help organic farmers, in particular.

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