Dec 18, 2014

by George Allen

It was early Christmas morning, not so long ago, in a quiet little town all covered with snow.

As church bells rang, and carolers sang, the Spirit of Christmas filled the air.

In an old, little house at the edge of town, a young mother sat home in despair.

For this year she has no money to buy gifts, or even a tree, for her little daughter

Tracy, who just last week turned three.

All she had was a little angel, made of tinsel and glass that she found one day as she went through the town trash.

She fixed it up till it almost looked new and hoped that some how the little angel might do.

Then she hung it up high where Tracy would see, and prayed that maybe it would make her happy.

Just then little Tracy came out from her bed, rubbing her nose and scratching her head.

And seeing her mother, quick as could be, she ran right over and got up on her knee.

"It's Christmas," Tracy said, as she dawned a big smile, then asked her mother about Christmas and God's only child.

So mother told her about the shepherds that watched their sheep by night, and of the great star in the heavens that shone bright.

She told her of the angels that rejoiced, and sang praise, and about all the people that came to see Him that day.

Then she told her of the wise men that knelt down by His feet and even of a little drummer boy who played softly in the street.

After telling her daughter all she knew, she asked little Tracy "What is Christmas to you?"

As Tracy looked up, her face glowed with delight, for she saw the little angel as it sparkled in the light.

Then pointing to the angel that hung high above, she turned to her mother and said, "Christmas is Love".

As her mom turned her head, trying to hide her tears, little Tracy leaned over and whispered soft in her ear.

"Don't cry, Mommy, and don't feel blue, cause I've got Christmas, cause my Christmas is you".

So to all those at Christmas that somehow have lost sight

Think of little Tracy, for what she said is right.

For Christmas isn't the ornaments placed on a tree, nor is it the fancy lights put up for the neighbours to see.

And no, it's not the gifts that you find in a store, for Christmas, my friends, is oh so much more.

Christmas you see came from heaven above, for it was on that first Christmas that God sent us His Love.

So, from me and mine, to you and yours, with all our love, and best wishes, to you all, a Merry Christmas.

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