Sep 17, 2014

Ten local artists displayed their unique creations at the second annual Art in the Saw Mill show in Verona on September 7. The venue is perfect for such an event, spacious and roomy and the show attracted a large crowd of art buyers and enthusiasts to the historic old mill. Five painters covered a wide array of subject matter including landscapes, flowers, and wild life and five artisans displayed their more functional wares: gorgeous quilts, metal lawn and garden ornaments, photographs and woolen items. Ted Stewart of Newboro, an award-winning wildfowl sculptor who is self taught and who has made over 1400 bird carvings over his 20-year career was on hand carving a basswood wood duck. His display included numerous wild fowl, including loons, Niska (Canada geese that he carves out of single piece of cedar), pied-billed grebe

Stewart carves mostly basswood but also cedar, tupelo, pine and he paints the carvings with acrylic paints. He taught for 15 years at the Kashechewan school in James Bay and also does archeological work. Stewart has won over 135 awards for his work across Canada and in the United States including a first place award at the 2014 World Championships in Ocean City, Maryland. His work can be seen on his Facebook artists page at tedstewart-art.

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