| Dec 21, 2006

Feature Article - December, 2006

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December 21st 2006

CrowLake schoolhouse receives township support – CF Council, Dec 18, 2006by Jeff Green

Joe Slater and Ludwig Ratzinger from the Crow Lake Community Association appeared before Central Frontenac Council to report on the progress that has been made in renovating the schoolhouse/community centre, and to ask the township to cover the cost of a new well that was required to ensure that the building has safe drinking water.

The association received a $56,000 Trillium grant this summer, and raised $8,000 through the sale of the former UnitedChurch in the hamlet. The renovations have cost more than $64,000, but fundraising should cover the rest – except the cost of the new well.

The well ended up being 242 feet deep, running up the cost to $7,300. Adding in the cost of decommissioning the old well on the site, the association came to council looking for $7,500.

Council was receptive. “We have had to pay nothing for this hall, so $7,500 is a deal,” said Councilor Bob Harvey.

Council agreed, suggesting that the money can come out of a reserve fund that was set up a couple of years ago to cover water testing costs.

Deputy Mayor named – Hinchinbrooke Councilor Bill Snider, who is one of the longest serving politicians in FrontenacCounty at 24 years and counting, will be deputy mayor in Central Frontenac for 2007.


Snow plowing tenders – Declaring a pecuniary interest, Councilor Jeff Matson left the meeting during council deliberations over the awarding of snow plowing and sanding tenders for small roads.

Several councilors wondered why only a single price was listed for each road, even though three companies were listed.

“I think we should see all the bids, not just the lowest one,” said Councilor Gary Smith.

Mayor Gutowski said that she had asked the public works manager about that, and “he told me that all the bids were listed; only one company bid on each road. It looks like they [the three companies who submitted bids] agreed to divvy up the roads.”

“The bids are the same as last year,” said Township Planner Cathy MacMunn, sitting in for Chief Administrative Officer Heather Fox.

“We want our contractors to co-operate, but this is a bit more co-operation than we might like,” said the mayor, “but what can we do? These are all the bids we have.” “Some of these roads could be done by township crews,” said Deputy Mayor Bill Snyder.

Nonetheless, the bids were accepted.

Insurance up – Insurance will cost the township $112, 226 in 2007, up $3,778 (just under 3.5%) from 2006.

The insurance brokerage firm Crain and Schooley recommended that the township renew their policy with Cowan’s, one of two companies that insure municipalities in this region.

Debra Murphy from Crain and Schooley notes that the township made claims for two auto losses: a vehicle write off due to a rollover en route to a fire, $169,504; and a deer strike that was responsible for $2,122 in damages.

A mould issue carried over from 2005, in which the township’s building inspector was blamed for a persistent water problem in a residence, led to a $66,185 settlement in 2006.

Cowan has raised environmental costs from $1,810 to $2,500, but Murphy wrote, “considering that this sum provides $2,000,000 liability protection to the township coupled with the fact that we have a sizable reserve on the Godfrey yard salt contamination matter, council should be accepting of the premium adjustment mandated by Cowan at renewal.”

Councillor Gary Smith wondered why a contract in excess of $100,000 had not been tendered.

“There are only two companies who respond to the tenders, and it is a complicated, expensive process, so we don’t do it every year,” said Councilor Frances Smith.

“”Did it get tendered last year?” asked Councilor Norm Guntenpserger.

“Yes” said Mayor Gutowski.

The contract was accepted by council.

Committee appointments – Through a combination of cajoling and arm twisting, all necessary committee appointments were made for this term of council.

John Purdon will sit on the Rideau Valley Conservation board; Bob Harvey will sit on the Mississippi Valley board; and Gary Smith will sit on the Quinte Region Conservation board.

Bill Snyder and Norm Guntensperger will sit on the North Frontenac Arena Board, and Gary Smith will sit on the CPR Trail steering committee. John Purdon and Gary Smith will sit on the Economic Development Committee, and Frances Smith will remain as the township representative to the Family Health Team in Sharbot Lake. Philip Smith will sit on the Hinchinbrooke Rec. Committee, Jeff Matson on Kennebec, Norm Guntensperger on Olden, and Frances Smith on the Oso Rec. Committee. Finally, Jeff Matson and Norm Guntensperger will sit on the Central Frontenac Rec. Committee, which has been dormant of late, but council would like to see it come to life.

E-Waste Facility Lease Terminated – As expected, Council received a letter from Jim MacPherson of the Land O’ Lakes Communications Network (LOLCN) stating that LOLCN wishes to terminate their lease at 1020 Wagner Road.

Expected government funding has never come through for a pilot project in e-waste recycling that was the intended use the LOLCN wanted to make of the building.

Mayor Gutowski said that funding from Human Resources Canada never came through for the project, She has a meeting scheduled with MP Scott Reid this week, and said she would raise the e-waste issue, among other items.

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