Victoria’s Quilts Canada, Harrowsmith Branch | Dec 21, 2016

We are a group of members who have strived to follow the Mission of Victoria's Quilts, to provide comfort and warmth to those individuals who have cancer. Harrowsmith Branch is entering it's ninth year as a branch and we deliver quilts, free of charge, from Verona to Nappanee, Sharbot Lake and Harrowsmith into Kingston and area.

Harrowsmith is a hard working group but also enjoy the companionship of each other. Many lasting friendships have developed and the social part of our meetings have also become important as is our making of quilts.

Members can either be sewing quilts, ironing or helping to deliver quilts to recipients. These quilts are a gift and the feeling you get when you see the faces of those receiving these quilts is the answer to why we do this.

We are always looking for volunteers, so if you think you might be interested in joining us, we meet at Trinity United Church in Verona on the second Friday and the fourth Tuesday of each month from 10:00am until 3:00pm.

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