| Oct 05, 2006

Feature Article - October 5, 2006

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Feature Article - October 5, 2006

North Frontenac Council looking for a place to meet

by Jeff Green

The staff complement at North Frontenac township has increased over the past several years, and with limited space being available in the township office, the Council chambers were turned into office space this past spring, forcing Council to meet at the Clar/Mil Hall in Plevna.

This was no problem in the summer, but in the fall and winter months the hall is very busy on the days that Council meetings are held, on the second Thursday evening and the fourth Thursday morning of each month.

This put council into a potential conflict with the Craft Group, who use the Hall each Thursday during the day, and with the Pioneer Club who use the Hall every Thursday night.

Although staff were given a directive to approach both groups to see if they might consider switching the day they meet, the groups seem to have heard that they were going to be forced to vacate the hall once a month.


So, when Council met in Plevna last Thursday morning, (September 28th) there were over forty people in attendance, most of them wanting to discuss the use of the Clar/Mil Hall on Thursdays.

It became clear very quickly that the two groups did not want to change their schedules at all, and Council asked the township staff to prepare a report on options for meeting dates and locations to the next meeting, which will be held on Thursday, October 12th, 7 pm at the Ompah Hall.

JEPP application Council authorised Fire Chief Steve Riddell to apply for funding under the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) for a $10,000 field exercise in the event of a pandemic to test the townships emergency response plan capabilities, including a review of the emergency operations centre. Council also approved a JEPP application for $23,958 for a fire tower. Council can decide whether to proceed with the projects if and when JEPP funding support is secured.

Fire Hall Grand Opening On October 21st at 11:00 firefighters from all North Frontenac Stations will assemble in full dress uniform at the new fire hall on road 506. They will be led into the new hall by a piper, thus inaugurating the hall. Other festivities will occur, and there will be a lunch provided by the Ladies Fire Auxiliary. The public is welcome to attend.

The township also thanks Francis L. Manion Limited for a donation to the fire hall building fund.

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