Thankful for Pine Meadow
I am so thankful to all those who worked or donated to make Pine Meadow a reality. All of Addington Highlands, North Frontenac and a large portion of Central Frontenac were involved. It was a major undertaking for a rural area and when people heard how much money needed to… READ MORE
Voting Strategy
I rarely vote Liberal. Twice in my life, so far. Living in a rural Eastern Ontario riding that almost always goes Tory, I've had the freedom to vote with my conscience. This time however, I've a glimmer of hope that voting strategically may be the best bet for cutting down… READ MORE
Re: American Flag
I have to agree with GlenysBender (Letters, Feb. 20/25) - take the damn US flag down NOW! I've had this on my mind and so glad Glenys wrote in! I hope you get lots of support letters asking that it be removed. Maybe we can burn it in a ceremony… READ MORE
Canadian Pride
With all the negativity in geopolitics these days, especially with Trump, we often focus on the negatives causing us stress. I have been reflecting and have identified some positives that I believe we should focus on. First, I have to say that our response to USA aggression has generated even greater… READ MORE
Re: American Flag
About the beach flag, I have family and friends in the USA. Don’t judge a book by its cover. If you don’t like the flag, simple, stay out of the park.- Earl Wood READ MORE
Electoral Cooperation
A growing mass of people support the concept of electoral cooperation. This is being promoted by Cooperate for Cana (C4C). The idea is that the centre/ left parties should stop fighting each other and splitting the more progressive vote. They should unite-- to stop the dangerously expanding far-right in… READ MORE
The American Flag
Take It Down Now It makes me furious. The American flag should NOT be flying at the Sharbot Lake beach. Does France fly the Belgian flag? No! Does Great Britain fly the Danish flag? No! Why should we fly the flag of a for eign country? Now we have a… READ MORE
Backyard Chickens
In response to last week's letter (January 30th issue) on Backyard Chickens, the new Addington Highlands bylaw is not about invading people's freedom but protecting neighbours' freedoms. It is well known that more than 26 cities in Ontario allow backyard chickens under restrictions. Most, if not all, of these cities… READ MORE
Take Down the Flag
Canadians are incensed with the bullying and belittling of Canada by Donald Trump. His unfair tariffs will hurt businesses both local and national. His suggestion that Canada become the 51st state is outrageous. The thought of the American flag flying over Canada is abhorrent to most Canadians. For these reasons,… READ MORE
Backyard Chickens
The new chicken By-law is becoming a reality in the Addington Highlands - it is a new rule regulating a number of backyard chickens based on the size of people's property. This new By-law concerns me and a lot of local people as we see this new by-law as a… READ MORE
Safe Properties Bylaw
Council is looking at a safe property bylaw being voted on Jan. 28, 2025 First I heard of it was today. People should read this proposal as it will affect everyone and not in a good way. Township wishes to control our private lands, but they cannot maintain their own… READ MORE
Charities Hurting Amid Postal Strike
The ongoing Canada Post strike is having a devastating impact on charities that rely on the postal service to deliver much-needed donor contributions. This holiday season, organizations like the Loughborough Christmas and Emergency Relief Committee are feeling the pinch more than ever. Our committee's donations are down by approximately $10,000… READ MORE
Re: Accused Released on Bail
I would like to address this to the writer of the editorial piece( (Jemma Dooreleyers) I’m certain this is not going to be the only comment / complaint you receive about the article on the front page about the bail release of Mathew Splinter. Although the article it self is… READ MORE
SF Trailer Bylaw
I live in Harrowsmith, on a private 27 acres that I bought in 2019. We had a very unpleasant surprise recently, when I was told that S Frontenac has a bylaw prohibiting the use of any form of RV, trailer, motorhome or variation, in any way shape or form on… READ MORE
Re: K&P Trail Permits
In this story that was printed on Wednesday November 27th Councillor Ray Leonard when talking about the ATV arrangement for the Frontenac Trail brought up the subject about trail bikes and e-bikes. Saying that a “motor is a motor.” Leonard is technically correct but logically I do not think he… READ MORE
Signage over Safety in SF
The curving hill on Bedford Road running into Sydenham has seen many accidents over the years. Thus, it is concerning that South Frontenac staff have allowed a new driveway to enter the roadway at the bottom of the curve. This intersection (4573) was constructed so that it is not even… READ MORE