Mar 19, 2025
It’s finally happening that Canada is perhaps waking up to the danger and threat of U.S. imperialism that has been around for decades.
It has always been about exploitation for U.S. business interests under the guise of “promoting democracy”.
Canada says very little, indeed has been complicit, when the U.S.A. continues to wreak havoc in Central America and around the world. 60 years of war against tiny Cuba and barely a peep in protest.
The famous poem First They Came by Martin Niemoller written after WW2 about fascism could be rewritten today:
First they came for the Cubans, but I was not Cuban, so I did not speak out
Then they came for the Salvadorans, but I was not Salvadoran, so I did not speak out
Then they came for the Palestinians but I was not Palestinian, so I did not speak out, etc.
Then they came for the Canadians, and there was no one left to speak for me.
-Al Rankin
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