| Jun 08, 2006

Feature Article - June 8, 2006

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Feature Article - June 8, 2006

Women's counseling program in Verona

The Women’s Counseling Program of K3C has been offering counseling to women in unhealthy or abusive relationships for over 20 years in the Kingston area. Eight years ago, the service became available one day a week in Sydenham. Now, with additionalfunds from the Ontario government, counseling is being offered in Verona two days per month. Women over the age of 16 from any part of the county may call for an appointment to be seen in Kingston , Sydenham or Verona .


The topics of violence and abusive partner relationships are ones that are difficult to talk about, sometimes due to denial, sometimes because of a sense of helplessness or embarrassment. A teen-aged or adult woman who is harassed, bullied or threatened, either verbally or physically, is often isolated by a sense of guilt or fear.She may feel caught in an uncontrollable situation.Being able to talk privately to an understanding person who is completely outside the situation is often the first step toward gaining a sense of perspective and self-confidence.

When a mother is abused, her children are affected.Even infants are stressed by violence in the home.Older children may feel the abuse is their fault, or feel guilty that they can’t protect their mother.Children know that their own welfare is strongly tied to their mother’s health and well-being.It benefits all family members when the violence is addressed.

The Women’s Counseling Program is part of K3C Community Counseling Centres and is funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services.The counseling is free and confidential.To make an appointment, women can call the main office number at 613-549-7850 and ask for the Intake Worker or, for Manijeh at extension 3215.

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