| Jun 15, 2006

Feature Article - June 15, 2006

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Feature Article - June 15, 2006

GarrisonShores issue delayed yet again

by Jeff Green

It looked as if the Garrison Shores nightmare was about to be resolved from the point of view of Central Frontenac Township . A bylaw had been prepared that would have amended the township’s Official Plan, creating specific zoning for the ill-fated development. It was scheduled to be brought before council this week.

This would have allowed a condominium agreement to be entered into by the landowners for submission to Frontenac County , once a few more bureaucratic hurdles were cleared; after 25 years of waiting, the landowners would finally have been able to get deeds to their land.

However, a procedural error was made, and another public meeting will have to take place before the bylaw can be passed by council.

Two individuals had been scheduled to address council before the bylaw was to be entertained, both of them looking for the process to be delayed. William Argyle, the first delegate, declined to speak since the matter was already being delayed, but Jeff Dubois, the second delegate, did address council.

Dubois asked that the matter be delayed for 60 days to allow for an accommodation to be reached between himself and the lawyer for the Garrison Shores Association. Dubois is seeking improved access to the water for non-waterfront property owners within the development, and a more stringent buffer zone around the water. The procedural delay will mean a public meeting must be re-scheduled, and with council meeting less often than normal during the summer, Dubois might indeed get his 60 days.


Report on the economy of Frontenac County - Dianna Bratina, the Economic Development Manager for Frontenac County , gave a presentation based on a 29-page report she has prepared. The diversity of conditions in different parts of the county was demonstrated by the presentation. For example, the average income from full-time employment ranges from $22,894 in North Frontenac to $41,371 in South Frontenac. If Eastern Ontario is seen as an economically disadvantaged area, then Frontenac County must be seen as a extremely disadvantaged, as it ranked 12th among 15 counties as an investment destination.

Although most of the report’s information is not new, and is in fact based upon 2001 census data, it is packaged in a comprehensive manner that can be used to work towards improvements.

Mayor Bill MacDonald asked what kind of initiatives Dianna Bratina envisioned undertaking in light of the findings in her report.

“The next step is to complete a business retention and expansion program, which will be relatively easy to do because a template had been developed. It will allow us to find out what business people are faced with; find out what barriers they are facing and what can be done to help them move forward,” Dianna Bratina replied.

Report on open air incinerators (burn barrels) - Council had requested that Fire Chief Mark MacDonald prepare a report outlining options regarding the use of burn barrels in built up areas. There are many issues that would have to be addressed if council decides to regulate burn barrels.

“There are no simple answers, as to the decision to help one group positively often impacts another group negatively. … the vast majority of residents have complied with the [existing] by-law and exemplified good stewardship in consideration of their neighbours. The most important point to bear in mind is to come up with a practical, sound and well defined solution that will benefit all concerned,” the report concludes.

Councillor Logan Murray said he has received complaints about smoke from burn barrels from people in each of the four districts within the township and a public meeting should be held to consider what the township should do about it.

“I don’t think a public meeting is necessary, said Mayor Bill MacDonald. Council is elected to make decisions and we should do just that.” A motion calling for a public meting to discuss the report by Mark MacDonald was defeated and the report was received for information.

$1,000 for Parham Fair – Although some councillors thought the Parham Fair should be given a larger grant this year, in the end council decided to donate $1,000 toward the operation of the fair, the same as in recent years.

Pins and books for LOLPS – Land o’ Lakes Public School Parents’ Council requested support for their annual fundraising event, which this year will raise money for a new sound system for the school. Council decided to maintain its practice from last year, and will donate two copies of the book “Back of Sunset”, two mugs, six lapel pins and four township maps.

Roadside mowing tender – Scott’s Snow Removal entered the lowest bid, $12,800 for roadside mowing this summer. The only other bid, from Lewis Farm, was $14,250. Scott’s was awarded the contract.

Issue of Propriety – An innocuous sounding question by Councillor Jack Nicolson concerning how a letter must be addressed in order for it to be brought before the entire council, led to an unscheduled in camera session.

Nicolson pointed out that letter from the Arden Seniors addressed to the mayor and council members had been included in this week’s council package, whereas a letter addressed to council from one of the fire crews had not been brought to council.

Clerk Administrator Heather Fox said that the fire crew letter had to be dealt with by management through a meeting between herself and the crew, a meeting that has not yet taken place, before the letter will be brought to council.

“If you want me to explain further, we will have to go in camera,” Fox said.

Two Fire hall motion - Councillor Logan Murray had forwarded a motion, as yet un-seconded, calling on the township to build two fire halls this year, one for the Oso department,, and one for the Olden department. It was decided Murray ’s motion should be discussed during the in camera session.

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