Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 Book pulled from school reading program for review by Jeff Green A book featuring interviews with Israeli and Palestinian Children has been temporarily pulled out of the Silver Birch reading program at schools within the Limestone District School Board.… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 County budget deliberations delayed by Jeff Green The latest draft Frontenac County budget envisions a 10.75% increase in taxation, but the promise of increased provincial funding for ambulance service, and some alterations to reserve fund allocations that are being… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 Letters to the Editor True cost of country lifeHaving moved to Verona from Kingston over 3 years ago, I was well warned as to the real cost of life in the country. Friends were skeptical and asked why. Being… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 Waiting for the Wolves at CafeMerea Book review by Les Russell Cafe MEREA presented a wonderfully entertaining evening of literary and musical works by local performers to a sell-out crowd in McDonalds Corners on Feb 24. Award winning author… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 FromParham toNewYork City and back again by Jeff Green Life on the farm can become a bit of a grind by the time mid-February rolls around, and even though a conveyer belt takes care of most of his daily… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 Global Change Part 2:Theslippery peak Commentary by GrayMerriam Is the oil shortage real? Yes, any way you look at it. The simplest way is to look at whether we are still increasing toward a peak of oil production or… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 Batman in Sydenham by Wilma Kenny Matt Saunders holds a cut-out of the largest bat in the world, beside an outline of the smallest. Matt Saunders has been fascinated with bats most of his life: his slides from around… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 SouthFrontenacCouncil by Wilma Kenny Sunday HuntingA delegation led by Rodger Jones asked Council to approve Sunday hunting during deer season in the Township. Mayor Lake pointed out that a motion to approve Sunday hunting had been defeated in May… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 9, 2006 Feature Article March 9, 2006 LOLCS expansion sparks controversy:Addington Highlands Council, March 6, 2006 by Jeff Green Land o’ Lakes Community Services (LOLCS) is based in a small house in a subdivision in Northbrook , where it has been operating for ten years without… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 2, 2006 Feature Article March 2, 2006 Northern Frontenac CommunityServices Income Tax Return service: Once again this year in March and April, our trained volunteers will be completing income tax returns for seniors and/or those on fixed or low incomes. Clients can drop off the information… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 2, 2006 Feature Article March 2, 2006 Province instituting four-year municipal termby Jeff Green Last week, Premier McGuinty announced that municipal terms of office will be extended to four years. The province intends to make legislative changes in the coming months to institute four-year terms in… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 2, 2006 Feature Article March 2, 2006 Promoting theCrown Land Stewardship Programby Jeff Green A marketing strategy for the roads and campsites that North Frontenac Township operates on Crown land under an arrangement with the Ministry of Natural Resources was presented to North Frontenac Council last… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 2, 2006 Feature Article March 2, 2006 Kingston has big plans for emergency dispatchby Jeff Green Kingston has big plans for emergency dispatch, but it will cost more for Frontenac townships. Greg Robinson, the Chief of Fire and Emergency Planning for the City of Kingston ,… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 2, 2006 Feature Article March 2, 2006 NorthFrontenac MinorSoftball Association Ball season is upon us again. Come out and join the fun. Everyone is welcome. Last year was a fairly successful year. NF1 Grasshoppers won the A division under coach Marcie Webster. NF2 Grasshoppers won the… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 2, 2006 Feature Article March 2, 2006 Minister saysLineFencesAct will be revisedby Jeff Green The Ontario government is poised to amend the century-old Line Fences Act, which could facilitate the development of recreational trails on former rail lines. In a speech to municipal politicians in Toronto… READ MORE
Feature Article - March 2, 2006 Feature Article March 2, 2006 Local HealthIntegration Networks - Government changesby ErnestLapchinski The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care announced the formation of Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) in May 2004. Ontario has been divided into 14 LHINs based on ‘hospital service areas’,… READ MORE