Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 The truth about snake bitesBy Matt EllerbeckThere are few animals in this world that are as feared, hated, and misunderstood as the snake. Some people hate snakes so much that they will kill them on sight.… READ MORE
Feature Article - July 3, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - July 3, 2008 Citizens’ Inquiry calls for moratoriumBy Jeff GreenIn a report entitled “Staking our Claim for a Healthier Future”, a Citizens’ Inquiry into the impacts of the uranium cycle has made six recommendations that, if adopted, would have… READ MORE
Jul 3/08 - Canada Day Back toHome Canada Day - July 1, 2008 Canada DayDenbighHarrowsmithSharbot LakeSydenham Canada Day dawned bright and sunny after what seemed like a month of rain. In communities from Sydenham and Harrowsmith, to Sharbot Lake and up to Denbigh, there were breakfasts, parades, events in parks… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 auditor Happy With County: North Frontenac mayor Not So MuchBy Jeff GreenThe annual visit from the county auditor, Vicki Leakey from KPMG, was filled with numbers and talk about reserve reserve funds (there is such a… READ MORE
Legalese - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Legalese - June 26, 2008 Living Wills and Powers of Attorney for Personal CareSusan Irwin, Lawyer/Executive Director, Rural Legal ServicesRecently I was asked if a person needed a “Living Will” if they already had a Power of Attorney for Personal Care. Although not… READ MORE
Letters - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Letters - June 26, 2008 Letters: June26Slow Down, Save Gas, Carmel GowanRe: Who Controls Council, Brian DavisSlow Down, Save Gas Are you angry that gas costs so much? Then don’t drive faster than 80km/hr. Are you furious that gas costs so much? Get… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Central Frontenac Council -Jun 24/08By Jeff GreenRoad capital improvement plan presented in Central FrontenacConsultant Hans Munz, who was part of a team that did an organizational review for Central Frontenac Council earlier this year, presented a… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Verona Lions celebrate new hall renovationBy Julie DrukerWayne Conway unveils the "Trillium Grant" plaque to Nina Jenkins of the Ontario Trillium FoundationOn Friday night about 100 people gathered for a banquet in the newly renovated hall… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Seniors of the Year in Central FrontenacBy Jeff GreenDoreen Turcotte, Mary Howes, Cntral Frontenac Mayor Janet Gutowski, and Jim &Liz Scott The Seniors of the Year in Central Frontenac were celebrated at a lunch on June… READ MORE
Night Skies - July 2008.class { BORDER-RIGHT: black 1pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #000 1pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1pt solid } .class1 { BORDER-RIGHT: #9f5128 1pt solid; BORDER-TOP: #9f5128 1pt solid; BORDER-LEFT: #9f5128 1pt solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #9f5128 1pt solid } .class2 { FONT-SIZE: 8pt; COLOR: #666 } Back… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Sydenham High student wins $75,000 scholarshipBy Jeff GreenEarlier this year, Clara Sellers decided to go to the University of Toronto after graduating from Sydenham High School with a view towards pursuing Peace and Conflict Studies and… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Swinging Their Final “Strokes fore Hopes”By Julie DrukerKrista (Andrew's sister), Andrew Fazacherley, Edward Goodfellow and Cathy (Edward's mother) A sizeable crowd gathered on the greens at Rivendell Golf Club early Friday morning to cheer on Andrew… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Leukemia Fundraiser in SydenhamBoth students of Jiujitsu and non, take down "The Red Man" in the gym at Sydenham HS On June 21 in Sydenham the community joined together for a huge fundraiser in a effort… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Sydenham Scouting on the riseBy Julie Druker Scout Counsellor Marc Meyers, his son Patrol Leader, Ben Meyers and Scout Counsellor Kris RasmussenThe First Sydenham Troop of Boy Scouts held a bottle drive in Sydenham to raise… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 South Frontenac CouncilBy Jeff GreenNew library for Sydenham clears one hurdleIn a library capacity study prepared by the Kingston Frontenac Public Library in 2004, one of the priorities identified was an expansion of the Sydenham library… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 26, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 26, 2008 "Frontenac Venures won't drill before July 21" says DavisBy Jeff GreenShabot Obaadjiwan Chief Doreen Davis told the News on Monday that after intensive negotiations with the Ontario Ministries of Mines and Aboriginal Affairs and Frontenac Ventures… READ MORE