Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Revisions to South Frontenac Official Planby Wilma KennyTownship planner Lindsay Mills introduced a resolution that Council approve in principle the changes to the Official Plan as listed in his report, and that the revised plan be… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 SLHS Penny drive for cancerBy Chava Field-GreenSony Teal, Principal Janet Sanderson, Adam Hibbard On August 9 and 10 SLHS principal Janet Sanderson will walk 60 km in Edmonton for cancer research. She will walk with her… READ MORE
Jun 19/08 - Breakthrough in Uranium Consultation Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Shabot Obaadjiwan claim breakthrough in consultation, While Frontenac Ventures remains committed to explorationby Jeff GreenIn a press statement released on Friday of last week, the Shabot Obbadjiwaan First Nation said it had won “a key… READ MORE
Letters - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Letters - June 19, 2008 Letters: June 19Coming Home, Cathie Sharbot DucheneWho Controls Council?, Brian DavisEmotional Tour, Vernon CrawfordComing Home Here we are! At Sharbot Lake, Ontario! Our family’s namesake! What an honour to be here at last. How many Sharbots are there… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Sharbot Lake teacher Pam Woods receives award for excellenceby Chava Field-GreenThe piercing whistle will get the attention of any little 5 or 6-year-old, but it’s the warm smile and encouraging nature that keeps the attention in… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 South Frontenac Volunteer of the Year awardsWayne Conway, Walter Freeman, Steve Amey In a break with tradition, South Frontenac Council is celebrating three volunteers of the year for 2008 instread of four, and in keeping with… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Sydenham’s Golden Eagles fly highCoach's Award winner Gavin Davis-Young is congratulated by team member Matt Fouzie who also won a Coach’s Award and Chris Shibley Decked out in team colored red and yellow balloons, the nest… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Denbigh ceremony Recognizes Fallen WWI SoldierBy Angela BrightFamily, along with Addington Highlands Library Board members and government representatives, gather around the Memorial Frame.The Denbigh Library now proudly houses the medals and military belongings of Private John… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Addington HighlandsCouncil - June 16/08by Jule Koch BrisonTappins Bay dockThe public dock at Tappins Bay is the only access for waterbound properties on Mazinaw Lake. The dock is owned by North Frontenac Township and for years… READ MORE
Editorial - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Editorial - June 19, 2008 Genocide and residential schoolsEditorial by Jeff GreenListening to the long-awaited apology from Prime Minister Harper last week, as well as the statements by Stephane Dion, Jack Layton, there was a sense that finally the Government of Canada was… READ MORE
Jun 19/08 - Artemesia Gallery Opens Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Local artists launch “Artemisia” gallery in Westportby Julie DrukerGeorgia Ferrell, Bonnie McLean and Donna Larocque, all local artists and members of the Land o’ Lakes Artisans Guild, have taken a huge step forward and have started… READ MORE
Jun 19/08 - NF Council Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 North Frontenac Council - June 12/08by Jeff GreenNeighbours want to block islanders’ plan for dock on Big Gull A delegation of Big Gull Lake residents, led by Keith Rowe and Adair Crosby, appeared before North Frontenac Council… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Where’s the Beef? Local Family Farms in Verona… that’s where!By Julie Druker4H Club member Darcy Clow of Godrey with his family's breed of Charolais beef cattle. Dave and Kim Perry of Local Family Farms in Verona… READ MORE
Outdoors - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Outdoors in the LandO'Lakes - June 19, 2008 The Scarlet Tanager – A tree-top gem Outdoors in the Land O'Lakes by Steve Blight Photo: Steve Maslowski, US Fish and Wildlife Service One of the most attractive birds to make its summer home in… READ MORE
Feature Article - June 19, 2008 Back toHome Feature Article - June 19, 2008 South Frontenac Councilby Wilma KennyFour Residents Honoured Following the township awards to the volunteers of the year, Mayor Davison announced that four township women, Jenna Lambert, Natalie Lambert, Sue Creasy and Sally Blasko, have been recipients… READ MORE
Editorial - June 12, 2008 Back toHome Editorial - June 12, 2008 A shot across the bow from north FrontenacEditorial by Jeff GreenIt is no surprise the North Frontenac Council is dissatisfied with the County of Frontenac. As far as I can recall North Frontenac has always been unhappy with… READ MORE