Cheryl Hartwick | Feb 17, 2016
As we wind down our mild winter and ramp up for spring, it is a good time to reflect on the past year and upcoming events and opportunities from Land O’ Lakes Community Services. This month will highlight our Community Support Program and Pine Meadow Nursing Home.
Board Initiatives:
Our Quality Assurance Committee has been hard at work sprucing up much of our office space by placing some new brochure/pamphlet boards in the main office waiting area and some nice artwork throughout the building (all donated), providing a positive atmosphere for our employees and visitors alike.
Community Support Programs:
Last year, our Meals-On-Wheels provided 68 different individuals with a hot meal every Thursday, prepared by volunteer cooks and delivered by volunteer drivers. In that same time frame, our Transportation program saw 12 volunteer drivers travel a total of 193,581 kilometres to get individuals to appointments, locally and outside the community, and our Congregate Dining programs (Adult Drop-In in Northbrook and Denbigh Diners in Denbigh) provided services (lunch and socialization) for 333 different individuals.
Pine Meadow Nursing Home:
As everyone is aware, we saw the completion of our expansion and were re-licensed. During the holiday season our residents had visits from students of North Addington Education Centre and enjoyed a wonderful Christmas concert with lots of music and entertainment.
We continue visit Adult Drop-In twice a month and are looking forward to our upcoming events. We will be having a Chinese New Year Bingo and regular outings that are still to be determined. Our Breakfast Club is up and running and anticipating a great Pancake Tuesday Breakfast. There are many opportunities to volunteer at Pine Meadow, and this can be a great opportunity for high school students who require 40 volunteer hours to graduate. We encourage anyone who is interested to call for more information at 613-336-9120.
Upcoming Events:
Our annual spaghetti supper in support of the Adult Protective Services program is scheduled for Saturday March 19 at the Barrie Township Hall in Cloyne from 4-7 p.m. This is a great place to bring in spring with a delicious meal and some fun company.
Once again, we will be running our income-tax program from March 1 until April 30. Volunteers complete income tax forms. If you enjoy completing these forms and are looking for a short-term volunteer commitment, this could be something that interests you. Please call the office for more information about the service or to volunteer at 613-336-8934.
We are also recruiting volunteer cooks and drivers for the Meals-On-Wheels program. Cooking for this program is a relatively small time commitment as the schedule is to cook once every 8 or 9 weeks. If interested please call Lori at 613-336-8934.
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