North Addington Education Centre | Jun 22, 2016

North Addington Education Centre has been certified as an Ontario EcoSchool for the eighth year in a row. NAEC has received Silver certification for 2015-2016.

North Addington Education Centre recently applied for EcoSchool certification. EcoSchools is an environmental education program in Ontario that helps students and schools to become more environmentally friendly. To become a certified EcoSchool the school must show achievement in leadership, energy conservation, waste minimization, ecological literacy, curriculum and school ground greening.

NAEC showed their commitment to the environment throughout the 2015-2016 school year through events such as National Sweater Day, Earth Hour and Earth Day.

“I am so proud of our students. It takes a lot of hard work over a long period of time to earn certification. This type of commitment to the school, the community and the environment is fantastic. Thank you to Ms. Randle and her hard-working team,” said Angela Salmond, principal at NAEC.

EcoSchools is a voluntary program led by teachers and volunteers at schools across Ontario.

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