Lynn McEvoy | Nov 01, 2012

The planter box program of the Land O’ Lakes Garden Club has had 39 boxes placed from Kaladar to Flinton and north to Denbigh for the last four years. This year the club would like to give special recognition to the wonderful job done by Bishop Lake Outdoor Centre, Hwy 41, Cloyne, to make their box the outstanding display it was this summer.

We rely on business owners to keep the boxes well watered and fertilized and this summer was especially challenging. Bob Yearwood, owner of the outdoor store, credits the results to Jerry Bowers for watering the box every day and fertilizing once a week.

The garden club, based in the Northbrook-Cloyne area, continues to maintain gardens at Cloyne Pioneer Cemetery, Barrie and Harlowe Halls and plants the gardens at Pine Meadow Nursing Home in Northbrook. All of this takes the work of many volunteers who unselfishly give their time to help make our community more attractive for those who live here and for visitors who come every year.

We have interesting topics and guest speakers at our monthly meetings, held from April to November at the PineView Free Methodist Church in Cloyne on the 2nd Thurs. of the month at 7 p.m. We’ve had speakers come from considerable distances to give presentations on topics such as naturalizing your garden, hostas, invasive species, and learning to work with the conditions specific to our area. On Nov. 8 we will have our Christmas potluck. Our guest speaker, talented floral designer Michelle Vanden Bosch, will give us ideas for holiday décor. Please join us and bring a friend.


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