Craig Bakay | Nov 24, 2021
Addington Highlands Township received confirmation at its regular online meeting Nov. 16 from Quinte Conservation CAO Brad McNevin that water and erosion control projects are separate from QC’s 2022 preliminary budget.
“The $3,947.77 would be held in a reserve account until enough capital is raised to complete required work for the Deerrock Lake Dam and the Flinton Dam.”
“It’s basically an extra $3,900,” said Reeve Henry Hogg. “To me, it’s a form of downloading.”
“We’re recommending we receive the letter and defer it to our budget deliberations,” said CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed. “They’ve applied for grant funding.”
Cell Tower going up in Denbigh
Council concurred with Rogers Communications regarding the construction of wireless communications sites at 259 Slate Falls Road; Lot 37, Hwy 41 and Massanoga; and Lane Street in DenbighDenbigh that all proponent obligations have been satisfactorily addressed.
Approval jurisdiction for the facilities rests strictly with Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada.
Road crew ready for tree cutting assignment
CBO David Twiddy reported that roof maintenance on the Addington Highlands Community Centre has been completed.
“This involved the removal of a scum-like material associated with large pine trees just over the fence on a neighboring property from the roof surface,” he said. “This scum continuously clogs the scuppers on the roof and pushes water to areas of entry into the interior of the building and is causing a shortened life span of the roof system on the AHCC.
“The owner of the neighbouring property has indicated a willingness to allow the Township to take down these trees and I think it’s something Council should consider.”
“I’m not generally in favour of hacking down trees but these should go,” said Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch.
“I’ve talked to the road crew and they have some new chain saws they’d like to try out,” said Coun. David Miles.
Roof disks will be ready soon
Regarding the plan to install lemon-scented disks that make pigeons think they’re on fire at the Flinton arena, CBO David Twiddy had this to say: “The Flinton Arena is still waiting our bird friendly ‘go somewhere else detail.’ I’m hoping for installation within the next two weeks.”
Vaccine policy now in place
Council passed a bylaw officially adopting a vaccination policy. Under the bylaw, team members who opt not to submit proof of vaccinations will be deemed non-vaccinated and in the event of a declared workplace outbreak of covid 19, may be placed on an unpaid leave of absence until the situation is declared over by Public Health.
Money for play yard at NAEC
Following a request from the North Addington Childcare Centre for funds to address the play yard at the front of North Addington Education Centre, Council, Council opted to grant $1,000 of the estimated $2,000-$3,000 required.
CAO//Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed said the Township did have some funds earmarked for student education that weren’t requested.
In her letter requesting funding, Lydia Kellar said: “The play yard is quite bare and some community members have commented that it does not look inviting to children and families.
“We are attempting to change that.”
“It doesn’t look too appealing when you drive by,” said Reeve Henry Hogg. “They didn’t even do a good job planting the grass.”
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