Nov 30, 2022
It was a great day for the Lions Club of Land O'Lakes Santa Claus Parade, on Saturday, November 26th at 1pm. in Northbrook.
32 parade participants/floats, live Reindeer Display from Sherwood Reindeer Farm, the Kawartha Kavaliers Marching Band, a Town Cryer, a Piper, antique automobile's, trucks, snowplows, dogs, ATVs, tricycles, dancers, a boat and even a cat and so much more and of course Santa Claus and his Elves.
Back at the Lions Club Hall cookies and hot chocolate were enjoyed by all. The Holly Shoppe where children could shop for their friends and family.
Great to see all the smiling faces of the community as well from the participants. Couldn't have asked for better weather ... it was a Great Day!
Lions Roar - by Lynn Oborne
The Lions Club of Land O'Lakes is a community of dedicated individuals who set the mark high in service and community care. Today, we would like to share with you one story of their dedication and creativity.
Hopefully, you have been all watching the Lions’ fence change from Halloween to even more colourful Christmas designs with new lighting. Perhaps you participated in our Santa's Parade. Maybe you have been preparing your shopping lists for the Christmas Extravaganza. The question is .....have you been wondering what Santa's Workshop is going to add to all our Christmases at the Lions Hall?
Here is a glimpse of what the members have been doing in just one event behind the scenes.
It took Paul days to measure, cut and sand together 2x2 pieces of lumber in all the right sizes to build the 6 ft Christmas Tree that the kids will be thrilled to see at Santa's Workshop.
Savanaugh, who is the leading Lion on this event, has already built a 6ft snow globe and an even bigger snowman.
Meanwhile, Red, who many of you have got to know as the returning Santa from the North Pole, has been labouring at building a large wooden train with wagons and loads on the wagons.
There are 30 members who are going to be working with the children on the day to teach them how to build their own trees, make their own snow globes, and decorate their own cookies.
There are 10 community members who will also be part of the task force working to ensure every child has fun making toys, writing a letter to Santa, and getting a picture with their family.
These 40 people, who will be the elves during this event, range in age from 16 to 92.
It takes a village to build a village. We are building Santa's Workshop. Come join in the fun and the magic of this event.
N.B. The Lions Club of Land O'Lakes will open its doors from 10- 1pm on December 10th to show you the marvelous, enchanting world of Santa's Workshop.
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