Craig Bakay | Mar 27, 2024
The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes would like to put up banners with the pictures of veterans in Northbrook and Cloyne.
As such Vice-President Jean-Jacques (Red) Emond and Zone Chair Lion Nawar El Khouri were at Addington Highlands regular Council meeting March 19 to enlist the Township’s aid in securing the needed permissions to install said banners.
“We’re here to get your assistance in remembering our veterans,” Edmond said. “We are aware that you have no authority in what goes on the poles, that’s with MTO and Hydro One.”
“We only have the west side in Addington Highlands,” said Reeve Henry Hogg. “The east side is in North Frontenac so you’ll have to talk to them too.
“Most of the light poles are in North Frontenac.”
Edmond said they have sent correspondence to North Frontenac.
He said the banners come from the Memorial Banner Program and are about one foot by three feet at a cost of $150 each. The plan is to put 10 in Northbrook and 10 in Cloyne.
“We (the Lions) would cover the costs,” he said. “They would go up on the last Friday in October and come down the night of Nov. 11.
“We would also like to keep the brackets on the poles so we can beautify the area. Maybe have an Easter bunny or a Christmas theme.”
He said the banners are in no way intended to replace cenotaph ceremonies, just add to the remembrance.
“This would add a lot,” said Coun. Ken Hook. “But we know it’s difficult to get anything on those poles with the MTO.
“You might also need a bucket truck to install them and that could get expensive (but) I would support this program.”
Dep. Clerk/Planning Secretary Patricia Gray said she’d already contacted MTO and Hydro One.
“MTO is having difficulty providing comments without knowing exactly where and what would be proposed,” she said.
“There are about 50 places already across Canada that have them,” Emond said. “I believe once they become visible it will become easier to get another town.”
Coun. Helen Yanch said she’d like to see the program expanded to include Flinton, Denbigh and Kaladar.
Council passed a motion supporting the proposal in principle based on a positive response from MTO and to contact MPP Rick Bresee for any assistance.
“I think it should go to our federal MP as well,” said Hogg.
Pickeball in Flinton
Coun. Helen Yanch reported that the Flinton Rec Club is recommending the painting of pickleball, tennis and badminton lines on the concrete at the Flinton rink by the Club.
The motion was approved.
Denbigh part of Service Ontario Mobile Plans
CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed reported that Service Ontario’s new mobile service centre program will include Denbigh.
“Denbigh has been approved for this pilot project,” she said. “The mobile unit will be parked at the Addington Highlands Community Centre and once we have more of the details, we’ll share those with the community,
“It is designed to go across borders, not just designed to service those in the community.”
Budget Time
Council decided to begin 2024 budget deliberations April 11 at 9 a.m. Under Addington Highlands bylaws, the budget is to be passed at the first meeting in May.
Building Dep’t turns a profit
CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed reported that unlike the previous year, when there was a deficit, Building Services realized a profit of $46,781.74 in 2023. The funds will be applied to the reserve set aside for this purpose.
Council Remuneration
Pursuant to Section 284 of the Municipal Act, in 2023, the township reported that Reeve Henry Hogg received $33,399.33 including $1,887.31 for travel and $62.50 in per diems.
Dep. Reeve Tony Fritsch received $28,539.44 including $2,639.28 for travel.
Coun. Ken Hook received $17,377.73 including $1,709.08 for travel.
Coun. Kirby Thompson received $17,628.20 including $1,959.56 for travel. Thompson also received $960.52 for Quinte Conservation.
Coun. Helen Yanch received $16,587.18 including $98.54 for travel. Yanch also received 41,267.36 for Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority.
In total, Council cost the Township $115,760.36 of which $10,48.70 was for travel and $917.46 was per diems.
Compensation increase for employees, council
The compensation increases for non-unionized employees were released as follows: lead hands — 6.3 per cent, operators — 7 per cent, waste site custodians — 8 per cent and Council — 7 per cent.
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