Craig Bakay | Apr 10, 2024
Come and get your trees.
At the Feb.6 meeting, Addington Highlands Council decided to participate in Quinte Conservation’s tree seedling program. Also at that meeting, they decided members of the public would have to place advance orders.
However, at the April 2 regular meeting in Flinton, staff presented a slightly different plan and Council agreed it was a good one.
“This is kind of our first kick at the can, so to speak,” said CAO/Clerk-Treasurer Christine Reed. “Although the original resolution called for orders to be submitted in advance, distribution of the seedlings may be more efficient by having members of the public attend the Township Office (in Flinton) on Saturday May 4 from 9am to 4pm to pick up the seedlings on a first come, first served basis.
“The limit of 10 seedlings per person would still apply (and) the event and the process for picking up the seedlings would be advertised on the Township website and Facebook page.”
“I think this recommendation is a much more practical approach than taking orders,” said Coun. Ken Hook.
“They’ll be free to members of the public with the Township absorbing the cost,” said Reed.
There will be 505 seedlings available (which cost the Township $971.50) in the following numbers: 40 white spruce, 65 white cedar, 150 red oak, 150 sugar maple, 40 black cherry, 30 northern hackberry and 30 white birch.
Community Activator Funding
Dep. Clerk/Planning Secretary Patricia Gray gave a verbal update from the AHEAD committee and told Council that they’ve submitted an application for funding under the Community Activator Stream.
The area that qualifies for the funding is County Road 41 between Peterson Street and Firehall Road in Northbrook.
“We collaborated with the Land O’Lakes Lions, Land O’Lakes Garden Club and the Cloyne and District Historical Society,” she said. “Eligible projects include streetscapes, landscapes, event enhancement and beautification.”
She said included in the application were plans for historical plaques, memorial banners, nurals and enhancements to the Land O’Lakes Farmers Market and Speakers Forum.
“We expect to hear back at the end of May, beginning of June,” she said.
Housing Needs Assessment
Dep. Clerk/Planning Secretary Patricia Gray presented a report Council had asked for on Prince Edward Lennox & Addington Social Services.
She said PELASS provided the following information:
The Housing Needs Assessment is close to being completed, a draft is currently being reviewed and validated;
Housing Accelerator Fund announcements have and continue to be made by the federal government, however most municipalities in our area have not been successful or decisions are still pending;
Municipalities with Lennox & Addington County do not have housing targets under the Province of Ontario Building Fast Fund;
There have been no funding opportunities from either the provincial or federal governments.
Building Report
CBO David Twiddy reported that building permits are coming in at a very sustainable pace. Inspection requests on construction projects have not declined as per usual.
“That can only be attributed to the winter that was unseasonably warm,” he said.
Off Year for Local Rinks
CBO/Bylaw Enforcement Officer/Facilities Manager David Twiddy reported that hockey and the overall condition of arenas suffered this year because of the lack of sufficient ice making weather.
“On a good note though, new puck stop netting has been installed at both ends of the rink in Flinton (and) the bird situation in the open-air arena that posed somewhat restrictive considerations on many events has been effectively dealt with,” he said. “As a result, there is a wonderful space there to take advantage of.”
Going to the Dogs
CBO/Bylaw Enforcement Officer reported that isolated instances of dogs running at large, garbage thrown on the sides of the roads and noise continue to be the most predominant bylaw issues.
Rental fee Waived for Softball
Council approved North Addington Education Centre’s request to waive the rental fee for the Flinton Ball Diamond May 28 for a secondary school girls’ softball tournament.
Doctor Recruitment
Council voted its support to North Frontenac’s resolution requesting the Province to consider reimbursing all municipalities who have provided funding towards doctor recruitment.
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