| Jul 25, 2013

The Relay for Life events are held each year in the month of June. Although they were originally held in urban centres, they have migrated to rural locations, and normally that means from about 8:30 until 10:30 many of the participants find themselves grabbing more clothes in order to cover up against swarming mosquitoes.

This year in Finton, however, the participants were covering up against the cold and wet, and they kept cover up through an unseasonable chilly night. Fortunately the rink at the Flinton Recreation Centre has a roof over it, so the relay could get in out of the rain, but the cold was something no one was expecting.

“I never thought it could be so cold in June,” said event organiser Carolyn Hasler.

Nonetheless the relay raised a total of $52,876 or cancer research and services.

Among over 20 teams and 220 plus participants, there were a few who went all out raising money. Sharon Lyon’s raised the most money by an individual and was part of the gold level ($5,000 +) North Frontenac Retirees team. The Silver level ($3,000 +) was reched by two teams; Marties Smarties and Roy’s Wrecking Crew. Bronze ($2,000 +) was attained by 4 teams; Debbie’s D-Cups, Knuckle Punks, Pink Ladies and Northern Lights.

The weather was so cold on the night that a number f people left at around 2:30 n the morning and breakfast was put on a 4:45 instead of 5:45. When it was time for the fight back ceremony to take place at 6:30, which is normally the finale of the relay, there were very few people left and the ceremony didn’t happen.

Nonethelss the camaraderie of all the people at the relay made it come off successfully I spite of the weather.

“It’s always hard work organizing a relay, said Carolyn Hasler, “and we did really well on the night of the event.”

Volunteers in the run up to the event were harder to find, stretching the core organizers who have been with the event for several years

“Many of us had to take on two or three jobs in the advance period, which was taxing,” said Carolyn Hasler.

This will be one part of the discussion when a meeting take place later in August, where a decision about the future of the Flnton Relay will be at the top of peoples minds.

For now, the volunteers are enjoying the summer sun, with $50 grand in the bank from their collective efforts.

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