Jeff Green | Apr 09, 2014
Land O'Lakes Lions seek help to keep hall going
Marylin Bolender, president of the Land O'Lakes Lions Club, came to Addington Highlands Council, cap in hand, seeking a sizeable grant to help to keep the hall up and running for the next year, to allow the club time to come up with a longer term solution. The Lions are asking for $20,000 this year, of which $3,368 could come as relief from the municipal tax levy on the property.
“The hall has been a community asset for 31 years, at no cost to the township. Unfortunately we are finding it increasingly difficult, as a small Lions club, to provide this facility in a cost effective manner. We believe that as the township provides community halls in both Flinton and Denbigh, it might also support a hall in Northbrook, the major population centre in the township,” said Bolender.
The Lions have never made a profit running the hall, but they are facing steep losses now, and Bolender pointed out that part of the problem is that township halls, which are heavily subsidized by ratepayers, can undercut the pricing at the Lions Hall.
Council expressed sympathy but were not clear how they could go about granting money for the operation of the hall, particularly if it requires support year after year.
“I don't know what options we have,” said Councilor Tony Fritsch.
“You could buy the hall and we'll rent it back from you,” said Bolender.
“We are already the largest landowner in the township,” said Deputy Reeve Bill Cox.
“The very best we can do is bring it some consideration during the budget,” said Reeve Henry Hogg.
Through the Roof Ministry – Reverend Bruce Kellar and members of the Through the Roof congregation asked Council for approval in principle for an addition to the Through the Roof Building in Flinton. Permits will be required from the township and the county will be involved as well because the building is located on a county road.
“You do recognize that parking may be an issue,” said Clerk Jack Pauhl.
“ We see that even in our current use,” said Kellar. “We know there are many approvals that we need, but it starts with the council today.”
Council gave the approval.
Kennel woes: Amos Shire, a breeder of hounds, asked the township to broaden its regulations regarding kennels in the township. Currently kennels must meet zoning requirements and be registered with the Canadian Kennel Club. Shire is attempting to build a small kennel to breed a variety of hound.
“The problem is that the Canadian Kennel Club does not recognize most breeds of dog, including almost all breeds of hounds, but other major kennel clubs do,” Shire said.
“Basically you are asking us to change our bylaw,” said Deputy Reeve Bill Cox.
“What if it said 'Canadian Kennel Club or an equivalent'?” said Reeve Hogg. “I suggest we direct staff to look into some new wording.”
New furnace for Denbigh hall: One quote was received for a new oil tank and oil line for the Denbigh hall. The quote is just under $1,900. Reeve Hogg said that at least one more quote, even a verbal one, needs to be found before the existing quote can be accepted. The matter will be revisited next week.
Budget meeting: Budget deliberations will continue next Monday, April 14 at 11 a.m. at the township office (Flinton Recreation Centre – lower level)
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