Derek Maggs, A/Executive Director | Jul 16, 2015

Art has always played a significant part of the heritage of Bon Echo. Hundreds of years ago the aboriginal artists left their unique drawings at water level on Mazinaw Rock. In the 1920-30s, Merrill Denison invited several members of the Group of Seven to discover and paint the beautiful Mazinaw countryside. In the ongoing years hundreds of artists have come to capture the scenery on canvas and film.

The annual Art Exhibition and Sale was the brainchild of the late Gary Sharman, Assistant Park Superintendent in 1995. It was orchestrated by then Friends of Bon Echo President Joan Lindey and Director Carla Miedema. Both have continued to be involved throughout the 20 years. Attendance, the quality of the artwork and total sales continue to increase. Many campers, cottagers and local residents plan their vacation dates to coincide with the Art Show.

An exciting variety of activities will mark the Friends Art Exhibition and Sale this year. On July 24, 25, 26 original art depicting Canadian nature, wildlife and countryside will be presented with over 40 new and returning artists participating. Highlights for all ages include mouth-watering barbecues and baked goods, Sciensational Sssnakes!! presentations, live musical groups and stone and paddle carving.

The entire summer season at the Park offers campers and day visitors a number of activities which arise from the Friends’ commitment to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Bon Echo Provincial Park. Through the effort of over one hundred volunteers they are able to give major funding assistance to numerous educational activities, many of which are orchestrated by the trained Natural Heritage Education staff. The Greystones Gift and Book Shop, the tour boats, barbecues and enhanced trails give visitors the opportunity of an exceptional park experience.

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