Jan 09, 2019
Feb. 15 – 17, 2019
This year marks the 13th year of the Frontenac Heritage Festival in Central Frontenac. The Festival Committee has been busy the past few months putting together a line-up of events that have something to please everyone and help us to enjoy our great Canadian winter.
The Official Opening takes place at the Sharbot Lake Legion on Friday, Feb. 15 with a baked chicken dinner. Saturday starts with the popular Lions Club breakfast at OSO hall, then spend the rest of the day in Arden at the Community Centre with Empty Bowls, Historical Society, Wood Carving and games outside. The Kennebec Lake Association will sponsor activities on the lake near the bridge. Enjoy the music of Shawn McCullough and Wade Foster at the Sharbot Lake Country Inn on Saturday evening.
Sunday events include the Polar Plunge in Sharbot Lake followed by a chili lunch at the Legion. The Child Centre will sponsor a children’s day of games and food at the Centre while Bob and Mike serve up free pioneer food at the Railway Heritage Park. New this year, Bill MacDonald will be demonstrating logging techniques in a hands-on display, sure to be of interest to young and old. A new game called Crokicurl that combines crokinole and curling will be held at the Sharbot Lake ball field. Come on out and try this new and exciting game.
Also, on Sunday the Matson Family will offer a display of old time logging in Arden. This was a very popular event last year, one you’ll want to see.
Again, Bob and Mike will be holding an overnight winter camp in the Sharbot Lake area, to be held when weather is good, but space is limited so contact Mike at 613-279-2572 ASAP if you are interested. Look for Frontenac Heritage Festival on Facebook.
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