| Jun 26, 2019

Prior to Tuesday’s regular Central Frontenac Council meeting at Oso Hall, the Township held an annual tradition — naming its Seniors of the Year, complete with an opening by Township Crier Paddy O’Connor and four tunes from the Arden Glee Club.

Mayor Frances Smith welcomed a rather large crowd by praising all the work that volunteers in the community do, and noting that seniors tend to be a big part of that.

“I read a story recently that said seniors who volunteer live longer — and we’re all proof of that,” she said.

Ward One’s award recipient this year is Gord Brown, who was introduced by Coun. Tom Dewey.

“It turns out that Gord and I grew up in the same area and both went to high school in Napanee,” Dewey said. “But Gord went on to Royal Military College and after being an engineer in the military, he worked for CHEO for 13 years.

“He’s been married to his wife Karen for 43 years and is active in the Kennebec Rec Committee, the Kennebec Lake Association and Friends of Arden.

“He’s been the driving force behind the Kennebec Trail and the Blue Jays farm team, aka The Arden Seniors.”

“I’m obviously more confident on the Kennebec Trails with a weed whacker than talking in front of a large crowd,” Brown said. “The Arden community is blessed with so many wonderful people that it’s humbling to be singled out among them.”

Ward Two’s recipient is Dave Willis, who was introduced by Coun. Elwin Burke.

“I’ve known Dave for 25 years,” Burke said. “I can’t remember ever meeting a better guy.”

“Sue and I have lived across the province from Eastern to Northwestern Ontario,” Willis said. “But this is home.

“I was a policeman here for the last 17 years of my career (and) I’m so proud of the youth in this area.

“There were one or two who caused some trouble but the vast majority of them were good kids and that says a lot about their parents.”

Ward Three’s recipient is Ken Fisher. He was introduced by Coun. Bill MacDonald.

“Ken’s a relatively new member of this community, so I had to call his wife to get some information on him,” MacDonald said. “Most of it, I can’t say here. But he grew up in Ottawa and graduated from Queen’s.

“He’s been very involved in the business community and I think he lives on the internet. He’s constantly reminding people of events coming up in their email.”

“I’ve been here 11 years,” Fisher said. “I’ve lived all over the world and this is the happiest period of my life.”

Ward Four’s recipient is Heather Fox. She was introduced by Coun. Nicki Gowdy.

“Heather grew up and still lives here,” Gowdy said. “She’s been instrumental in the Godfrey Women’s Institute and helped with the Lions Club and Fire Department, among other things.”

“She’s been such a presence on both sides of the Council table,” said Coun. Brent Cameron, alluding to the fact that served as clerk in Hinchinbrooke Township before becoming Central Frontenac’s first clerk. She later spent a term as councilor for District Four.

“I just got out of hospital so I can’t talk,” Fox said. “Thanks everybody.”

Fire stats?

After the presentations and some refreshments, the regular Council meeting got underway.

Coun. Brent Cameron asked Fire Chief Greg Robinson for an update on statistics given the problem the department has had with software recently.

“From my standpoint, I have to rely on data to make decisions,” Cameron said. “It may not be entered into a computer but we should have a record of calls and training.”

“Unfortunately that’s one of the most frustrating things I’ve had to deal with,” Robinson said. “I don’t have a clear answer.”

Robinson said he would endeavor to have some statistics for Council soon.

Coun Sherry Whan asked about recruitment.

“It’s not been as successful as we’d hoped,” Robinson said.

Direction needed for OP revision

Council got an update on its Official Plan revision from County planner Megan Reuckwald. Reuckwald said she needed some direction on things like settlement areas, community wells and septic systems, garden suites, trailers and backyard chickens.

She said they’re looking at July 17 to put revisions up on the Township website and they scheduled Open Houses for July 31 (waterfront lots), Aug. 7 (settlement areas), and Aug. 14 (rural areas in general).

The open houses are scheduled from 6 to 8 p.m. at Oso Hall.

The current Central Frontenac Official Plan was approved 11 years ago, before there even was a County Official Plan and has to be updated to mesh with the County plan.

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