| Nov 22, 2012

Since they received the go ahead to commmence construction after labour day, crews have been racing against the clock trying to get as much work completed on the new Sharbot Lake Comprehensive School before the snow flies. By the time the ceremonial shovel went into the partly frozen ground on November 15 in front of a drawing of the building, the actual building was already rising up in the background. As school board, Ministry of Education, and municipal officials took turns being  photographed, trucks kept rolling and machinery kept humming along.

"That's what we want to see", said Brenda Hunter, the Director of Education for the Limestone District School Board as the $14 million school rises up from the ground.

Students and administrators from the three schools that will be merged with Sharbot Lake High School to form the new school community were on hand to turn the sod. Melissa Sproule, Student Council president, represented Sharbot Lake High School (SLHS) students, and Evan Steel (a grade 8 student) represented Sharbot Lake Intermediate School. Students Finn Limber and Brianna Steel represented Sharbot Lake Public School (SLPS), and Tanjie Howes and Cameron Anderson represented the students from Hinchinbrooke Public School (HPS). Allison, and Emily Yanch, the principals of SLHS, SLPS, and HPS respectively.The new school is slated to open next September

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