May 09, 2013
For the second summer in a row, the North Frontenac Telephone Company (NFTC) will be providing free WIFI service to visitors at Sharbot Lake beach. Once again the company will be broadcasting a high speed signal from their central office, which will provide WIFI service to beach goers and boaters who want to stay connected while enjoying the fun and sun at the beach. Added to the service this year will be a new “splash page”, where local businesses will have an opportunity to sponsor the service by advertising on it. Beach goers connecting to the WIFI at the beach will first see the splash page come up with the advertisements for the local businesses and links to their websites.
Dave Smith, Manager of NFTC, was the speaker at the Central Frontenac Economic Development Committee’s Business over Breakfast gathering at The Maples restaurant in Sharbot Lake on May 2. He announced to the numerous business owners in attendance how the service presents a new opportunity for them. “It's a great way for new people to the area to be made aware of local businesses, their services and the products that they offer,” he said.
The idea of the splash page originated with Billy Young Jr., an employee with NFTC, and Duncan McGregor, who works with the Westport Telephone Company (WTC). The two designed the program to allow local businesses to advertise through the NFTC's free WIFI signal.
Smith said the free WIFI service, which did not offer a splash page last year, was used extensively while it was up and running and he imagines the service will continue running in years to come. He also expects the service to expand. “McGregor and Young are also looking into creating another idea where businesses can offer their own personalized hotspot through the free WIFI service or else by connecting right into the NFTC site, which would allow users to connect right into their business page.”
Smith is encouraging local businesses to take advantage of this special opportunity to advertise. Not-for-profit organizations are invited to advertise at no charge and for-profit businesses can advertise for a nominal fee of $100, which would enable them to advertise from April 1 to November 1 and also during special events held throughout the winter months, like the Frontenac Heritage Festival that takes place in February.
Those who missed the meeting can contact the NFTC at 613-279-2193 or emailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
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