Dr. Daniel Eustace | Feb 26, 2025
The oft-quoted saying “may you live in interesting times”, is commonly mistaken as a Chinese proverb, whereas research has shown that it is actually attributed to a 19thC British politician, Joseph Chamberlain.
His full statement was “I think that you will all agree that we are living in most interesting times", with the word ‘interesting’ a reflection of typical understated British irony.
All that said, we are indeed living in very interesting times, whether we consider what is happening in, and to, the United States; our Canadian political scene at both national and provincial levels and, of course, the ongoing wars and conflicts in Ukraine, Gaza, Congo and other places.
As a result, many of us are feeling bewildered, anxious, afraid and stressed, and while these are normal human reactions to perceived threats to our individual and collective wellbeing, it’s important to reflect as well on our individual and collective resilience.
What is resilience? Not surprisingly, there are several definitions, and here are three which I think are useful: 1) the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness 2) the ability to successfully adapt to stressors, maintaining psychological well-being in the face of adversity and 3) the ability to be happy and successful again after something difficult or bad has happened.
These definitions are all well and good at the theoretical level, but how can we as individuals and as a community achieve and maintain resilience in the face of so many global, local and personal calamities? Well, I have news for you, it’s already happening here in Sydenham and throughout South Frontenac, and here’s the evidence.
First, our community continues to support Southern Frontenac Community Services (aka the Grace Centre), in so many ways – as donors, volunteers, and caring for members of our community in countless small acts of kindness. Did you know that in the first three-quarters of this f iscal year, that 195 volunteers donated over 10,000 hours of their time? Did you know that volunteer drivers delivered close to 15,000 meals during that same period, while the foodbank served over 600 people, including over 200 children? These programs, and many others, are designed to help seniors and families maintain healthy and satisfying lives and stay in their homes for as long as pos sible. While the Grace Centre does re ceive some government funding for oper ating purposes, it would not be possible to serve and support that many people without the ongoing generosity of our community. Second, in the face of hard times the community knows how to rally round. If you weren’t part of the crowd that packed the Sydenham Legion on January 24 to raise funds for a well-known young mum, then you probably put some dollars in one of the many jars that were available in businesses across the village. If you were in the crowd, then you heard her daughter thank the entire community for supporting her mom as she battles her ill ness. There were no dry eyes that night. Third, let’s not forget about fun, which is fundamental to our mental and physi cal health. Why not let the kids slide down a snowy hill and crash into the next kids trying to crawl back up during the Snow Social? Or get caught in the traffic jam during our Santa Claus parade, but loving it anyways? Or taking the time to shovel your neighbour’s driveway, while pretending to complain about the snow this year (but actually very happy to help out).
All of these acts of kindness reflect a community that believes itself to be a common place of sharing and giving; a place that respects mutual obligations; understands the value of the dignity of work and volunteerism; recognizes and responds to the struggles of people, and wants to be a community known for pulling together to support each other in good times and bad. While we do live in one of those very interesting times, we are also resilient and tough, but have a big heart. Thank you for all you do. ■ [Dr. Daniel Eustace is Chair of Southern Frontenac Community Services]
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