Jeff Green
Two Way Race Shaping Up in Lanark-Frontenac Riding
The new Lanark-Frontenac riding is shaping up as a two-way race, in this so called ‘snap election’ that has been widely anticipated since Justin Trudeau resigned as Prime Minister, last December. Scott Reid was named as the Conservative Party candidate, seeking to extend his 24-year run as an MP in… READ MORE
Line Spike, A Two Day Concert, Set For Canada Day Weekend In South Frontenac
Jeremy Campbell has a big vision, and he is bringing it to a location in the Sydenham/Harrowsmith/Verona triangle on the weekend of June 28 and 29. The idea for a major concert in South Frontenac, the community where Campbell is originally from, and is coming back to after a career… READ MORE
Frontenac County inches towards Doctor Recruitment
Rob Wood, of 80/20Info, brought his findings after completing an operational review of primary care in Frontenac County. Wood is a familiar face in the region, having worked as a consultant for the county, some of the townships and local for not-for profit organisations on a number of projects, over… READ MORE
Addington Highlands Sets 2025 Budget – Tax Rate Up By 5.83%
When Addington Highlands Coun cil met to look in detail at the 2025 township budget last Thursday (March 20) in Flinton, they were faced with an in crease of over $583,000 (15%) in the levy to ratepayers. After meeting all morning, and into an afternoon session, with help from senior… READ MORE
Three King Charles III Coronation Award Winners from Frontenac County
Three diverse Frontenac County residents were awarded King Charles III coronation awards on Saturday (March 15) in a ceremony and tea at a church in Carleton Place. The medals, which were submitted by the offices of MPP John Jordan and MP Scott Reid, went to Dr. Peter Bell (Sharbot Lake)… READ MORE
“Pickleball Lives in Piccadilly” – Frances Smith
It was not exactly a royal proclamation, but the highest elected official in Central Frontenac made the decree, after a vote by Council to reverse a previous decision to ban the popular sport from inside the hall, because of concerns over damages. The ban, which came into force after a… READ MORE
North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
Two presentations were features of last week's council meeting. The first was the work plan presentation from Frontenac County Director of Planning and Economic Development Joe Gallivan. The department provides county level planning services, and is also the contract planner for North Frontenac. Much of what Gallivan went over was… READ MORE
Conservation Authorities Issue Flood Watch for Lakes & Streams
The Cataraqui, Rideau, and Mississippi Valley Conservation Authorities have all issued statements due to snowmelt and rainfall runoff, resulting in elevated flows and water levels and increased likelihood of flooding in certain portions of the region. Above normal temperatures and heavy rains last weekend, followed by rain late this week… READ MORE
Notes from South Frontenac Council
(South Frontenac Council met on March 11. The recording of the meeting was not available this time, because of technical glitches. This report is base on the agenda and draft minutes from the meeting.) Mike Vilneff, of the Loomis Consulting group, made a presentation regarding the 2025 Fire Master Plan… READ MORE
Addington Highlands Council – Mar 4/25
When a snow plow driver puts his plow into a ditch while clearing snow, it usually does not lead to receiving heartfelt thanks from the Public Works Manager and Council, and local residents, but that is what happened at a meeting of Addington Highlands Council last week (March 4). During… READ MORE