Jan 22, 2025
Council is looking at a safe property bylaw being voted on Jan. 28, 2025
First I heard of it was today.
People should read this proposal as it will affect everyone and not in a good way.
Township wishes to control our private lands, but they cannot maintain their own properties as this township has some of the worst roads in eastern ONTARIO.
This is a rural community and there are wild animals everywhere. Is the township prepared to fence off all our roads to protect drivers from animals jumping out in front of them and injuring themselves. Who is going to determine the value of individual persons property.
What is garbage to some is treasures to others.
Its time to stand up and stop this infringement on our personal privacy.
This is supposed to be a free country.
There are farmers with different values than councillors, there are lumber jacks with different values than councillors, there are people that live in the country just to get Privacy, there are hunters that need their dogs to run free.
Do we have to barricade ourselves in our houses and on our private property to get privacy from our councillors.
Can someone not own personal property that the councillors don’t approve of, like antique cars that are not licensed or registered, Fixer up trailers or even trailers being used to store personal property, Piles of wood there just to air dry, old scrap wood that may be used to build a fence or even burn in an outdoor furnace.
Who is going to be the judge on this. Do individual values not matter anymore.
Garbage bins in the community that may attract wild animals are a direct cause by previous interference and poorly planned bylaws by the township. Example there recycling program. This program was way to complicated, and it did not offer residents of the community without transport any resolution for garbage disposal to this policy as we do not have trash pickup. It did not offer businesses a viable way to comply with this program as they are dealing with the public’s garbage that is helping to keep our community clean or even forcing recycling of items that were not recyclable. This bylaw did not offer residents an effective way to dispose of our trash in a community full of wild animals. I am one of those individuals
If there is a RAT problem, take a better look at your garbage disposal bylaw and fix it instead of interfering in everyone’s private lives.
We are worried about carbon taxes, but the township does not offer recycling or garbage disposal within walking distance to the towns like Sharbot lake.
There are resident using the garbage at Deans grocery, Petro Canada and Esso to get rid of there garbage because they have no other solution.
Fix some of these issues before trying to add more.
If the councillors do not like the way the country people live, then maybe they should move back to the city and leave us poor people alone.
We lack housing, we lack transportation, we lack good roads, we lack a good garbage system that all have access to and now privacy. Let’s fix some of these before adding more. Example there is property downtown Sharbot lake where recycling bins could be place and garbage. Maybe look at how some of the provincial parks deal with it. They recycle and dispose of garbage very effectively. Bonnechere provincial has one of the best. Excellent solution.
Like most residents, this is the first I have heard of this bylaw, and you are voting on it on January 28. Ram it down out throats
By fixing some of the existing bylaws would probably solve some of the issues without further infringement on people’s rights and privacy.
Peter May
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