Jun 12, 2014
Some remember the many Liberal blunders in the last ten years, but most remember the worst of the worst: the billion dollar gas plant cancellation. A billion dollars of wasted taxpayers’ money to get two members voted into the liberal government. Remember the solar panel waste of our tax dollars: paying 80 cents per kilowatt to producers and selling it to consumers for eight cents a kilowatt. Remember the Liberal attempt at justification: "That's the cost of going green", and it's also the cost of Ontario going bankrupt.
Since the Liberals took office, Ontario's debt has doubled. We are now $300 billion in debt. That is $23,000 of debt for every man, woman, and child making up our population of 13 million. High electricity costs and taxes have forced many companies, employing thousands to move out of Ontario, further reducing our tax base. This debt is unconscionable. Our debt is so high, it will be passed on to our children and grandchildren. What a legacy the Ontario Liberals will pass on to our children, and if returned to power, have proposed to increase our debt even more.
To reduce this monetary bleeding, we must cut spending. The bloated civil service is the natural place to start. In Ontario, most civil service departments have an average of one supervisor for every five workers. A private sector company could not exist with such high management costs. Of course, civil servants with cushy jobs with high salaries, excessive benefits and pensions do not like this proposed cutting, but we must do what is best for the majority of taxpayers, not for the privileged few. Of course, the Liberal attack ads won't tell you that these proposed cuts will come over four years, nor do they tell you the benefits these cuts will bring to over-taxed taxpayers. Under the Liberals, civil servants become our masters and we, the taxpayers, become their servants.
The Conservative plan of a balanced budget, cutting taxes and promoting a million new jobs will put Ontario back on its feet. Ontario voters do not want more of the Liberal policy of high taxes, high unemployment, high deficits and high electrical costs, so when we go to vote, let’s show them that we remember the last ten years of Liberal mismanagement.
John Wallace
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