Jun 26, 2014

John Wallace ("Remember liberal mismanagement when you vote" 12/06/2014 Frontenac News) should have saved his breath. When you have an electorate who placed into office a chronic promise breaker for three consecutive terms, you have to understand that "untarions", especially in the Toronto area, are out to lunch. Really, there is no big problem though; we only owe a per capita debt amount four and a half times higher than California, the insolvent democrat sewer of the USA.

I would reassure there are many more liberal buddies and pork barrelers waiting in the wings to be fed by Wynne, and perhaps a few more stragglers from the McGuinty reign and the local ones will be encouraged their own pork barrels will not run out of taxpayer monies.

Chin up though, John, they already have a McGuinty era past deputy minister of education who I am sure would be happy to take a big pay cut, presupposed on his being arrested for child pornography.

Edward Kennedy

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