Jul 23, 2014

Letter to Mayor Clayton, North Frontenac Township

I have never written to you before as I have never the need to as I do right now. I would just like to ask what is going to happen to the River Road, how many more patch jobs is it going to take to make it a good, useful road, as it isn't right now. Yes I know that some work is being done now, but I am talking about paving the road from the 509 right out to the Ardoch Road. Today it has cost me over $500 to fix my truck, due to the pot holes and bumps and everything else on that road. I am sure that I am not the only one getting a new axle or ball joints or bearings put on their car due to this road, and yes I need this road to go to work. I think the township's money could have went to better use. Instead of a star pad, it should have gone on road repairs. Just my two cents worth, the patch jobs don't work; something else does though.

Janet Brooks

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