Nov 05, 2014
The Frontenac News dated Oct 23, 2014 has me seeing red! Not green, as in your article, "The sad the bad the ugly". What are you doing - making another movie? starring Ompah? First I'd like to tell you about gossip – oh, we all do it; it's part of life, but "Do not go about spreading slander among your people" (Lev. 19:16). "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless" (Jas. 1:26). Men will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. And for people who live in glass houses, they shouldn't throw rocks.
First, I am not sure who in my small town knew about Denis Bedard, and really who cares? No one needed to know about his past. It happened 20 years ago. Are you joking me? Besides, that Denis received a pardon. He never has to talk about it; that's why we get one.
But let's talk about the good that Denis does. He helps out in his community. Denis and Rose have helped out many families in Ompah. They run a big bass derby every year, and every kid that enters that derby walks away with a prize; everyone has a good time. Also twice a year they do the ATV ride for Dad, the Santa clause parade, the kids' party, and the presents for the kids. Denis and Rose are always there doing something for our community. When you walk into the store there is always a pot of coffee on, and a good morning from Denis and Rose. Denis and Rose do lots for us, and who cares about his past. No one really knew except the bus drivers and firefighters. But now everyone knows, thanks to you, Jeff Green! Gossip is so damaging. More damage can be done with the tongue than by any other means. Like our mothers used to say, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" Thank you.
Janet Duffy
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