Nov 12, 2014
As a practising Christian I feel compelled to respond to Marie White’s recent vicious attack (Letters, The Frontenac News, Nov 6/14) on Reverend Judith Evenden, and by association the whole congregation of the Land O’ Lakes Emmanuel United Church. It is a reality that traditional Christian congregations are decreasing in size across Canada with scores of small rural churches being sold leaving many congregants without a place to meet and worship. Under Reverend Evenden’s leadership, the LOL Emmanuel United Church undertook democratic votes (each with a two-thirds majority – I know because I helped count them) first to amalgamate the congregations of Harlowe, Flinton and Cloyne into one congregation. Secondly to sell the three churches and the Flinton manse and thirdly, to purchase a house which has subsequently been renovated into a lovely new church. The journey has been a difficult and often times emotional but it resulted in a critical mass of Christians with a place to meet and worship. We are now truly united and stronger than before. And we are truly grateful that Reverend Evenden has stood by us with love, sensitivity and significant encouragement throughout the process. She will be sorely missed by the church and the community as a whole for her vision, her bravery and her outreach beyond the church. Don’t believe Marie White’s misinformation and hateful attack!
Alex Chisholm
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