Feb 18, 2015

I had to write in to you after reading the letter (Euthanasia) sent last week by Jule Koch Brison.

I have to say that my views on this are completely opposite. Anyone who has watched a loved one dying a slow and painful death can only be relieved to see that Canada has finally evolved enough to allow for a quick release from the painful last days of someone who has no hope of recovery. I watched my Dad die slowly of cancer and cried when he asked my brother to shoot him with the gun he kept in the closet. I watched my mother choke for two days, not being able to even drink anything when her heart was failing. She couldn’t sit up or lie down without choking. I would have given anything to have a pill she could take or a shot to let her go painlessly.

I have had many pets in my life, and when they are suffering in their final days, the vet gives them a shot, and they go to sleep peacefully. It’s about time that we can legally provide this option to the ones we love. I sure hope that I will have this option when it’s my time to go. I urge all Canadians to support the Supreme Court decision to treat Canadians at least as well as we treat our pets. I am sure that each Canadian can decide for themselves if they prefer to suffer for their last days, or go peacefully. I have already made my d

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