Jeff Green | Aug 19, 2022
(This article will updated as new information becomes available)
As the municipal election nomination period wound down to 2pm this afternoon, the few remaining districts in the region where it looked like there would be acclamations began to fill up with last minute candidates, as township staff posted the names of candidates who arrived at township offices late on Thursday (August 18) and into the morning of August 19.
As a result, all four of the South Frontenac and all four Central Frontenac Districts, all three North Frontenac Districts and both Addington Highlands Districts will be contested in voting that will run from October 15 to October 24 via telephone and internet. The results being tallied and posted shortly after 8pm on Monday, October 24.
Subject to change by the official nomination certification deadline on Monday, August 22, there is only one acclaimed position among the municipal councils in the region, Frances Smith will serve third term as Central Frontenac Mayor.
Henry Hogg was on the verge of acclamation for a 6th term as Addington Highlands Reeve, until Marleen Mclean stepped forward on the final day of nominations.
The situation for school board trustees is different, however. The Limestone School Board trustee in South Frontenac, Suzanne Ruttan, has been acclaimed, as has Karen McGregor in Central and North Frontenac and Addington Highlands. The Algonquin Lakeshore Catholic District School Board Trustee, Wendy Procter, has also been acclaimed, as has Michel Charron (French Language Separate) and Rachel Laforest (French Language Public).
Here are the unofficial list of candidates, by township, as of 2pm on August 19 (listed by the date they submitted nomination papers. * refers to incumbents
Addington Highlands (1 Reeve and 2 members of Council per ward)
Reeve – Henry Hogg*, Marlean Mclean
Ward 1 (Denbigh) Royce Rosenblath, Kirby Thompson*, Tony Fritsch*
Ward 2 (Kaladar) Kenneth Hook, David Miles*, Bill Cox, Helen Yanch*
North Frontenac (1 Mayor and 2 members of Council per ward)
Mayor – Ron Higgins*, Gerry Lichty
Ward 1 (Barrie) Mike Hage, Stephanie Regent, Jeff Hewitt, Wayne Good*
Ward 2 (Clarendon Miller) Rou Huetl, Gerry Martin*, Vernon Hermer*
Ward 3 (Palmerston Canonto) John Inglis*, Fred Fowler*, Kevin Mcann.
Central Frontenac (1 Mayor and 2 members of Council per district)
Mayor France Smith* - acclaimed
Kennebec – C. Lynne Klages, Cindy Kelsey*, Isaac Hale, Jordan Chatwin, Logan Murray
Olden – Victor Heese*, Bill Everett, Danny Meeks
Oso – Bill MacDonald*, Susan Irwin, Duncan McGregor, Craig Middleton
Hinchinbrooke – Nicki Gowdy*, Phillip Smith, Brent Cameron*, Robert (Bob) Brooks
South Frontenac (1 Mayor and 2 members of Council per district)
Mayor - Alan Revill, Ron Vandewal*, Mark Schjerning
Bedford - Steve Pegrum, Adam Turcotte, Nathan Hannah, Charlene Godfrey
Loughborough - Randy Ruttan*, Mark Segsworth, Scott Trueman
Portland - Ray Leonard*, Doug Morey*, Shane Peters, Garry McColman
Storrington - Norm Roberts*, Phil Archambault, Ron Sleeth*, Mark Erdman, Suzanne Quenneville
Councils keep meeting to conduct township business throughout the election period. There are rules restricting the financial powers of council’s that are in what is called a lame duck period, when less than ¾ of the sitting members could potentially remain on council after the election.
Based on a preliminary look at the nominations, it appears that North Frontenac and Addington Highlands will not be in a lame duck situation during the election, South Frontenac and Central Frontenac will likely be in a lame duck scenario.
(Note – The Frontenac News will be organising all candidates meetings in 13 locations across Frontenac County and Addington Highlands in September and early October. See our print edition and this website for times and locations. We will also publish a municipal election primer in early October (likely in the October 6 and October 13 editions)
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