What we do:
We use Google Analytics to collect basic information on our site's performance. This includes how many hits our pages gets, and basic information like internet browser and country. None of the information collected can be used to personally identify you. This process uses cookies.
If you're against Google Analytics, we recommend installing the uBlock Origin extension. It will not only block Google Analytics on all websites, but also tracking scripts in ads across the web. It's available on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Opera.
What we sometimes do:
We used to never display third-party ads on our website, however the government of Ontario has been placing online ads relating to COVID-19, and they use google ad tags. What this means is that if we're running one of these ads, you may be tracked and data on you will be collected.
Now this is a sometimes situation, because most of the time our site doesn't display any third-party ads. We deal directly with our advertisers, and it makes the most sense to embed banner ads ourselves. They load faster, don't get caught by ad-blockers, our users don't get tracked, and we're not supporting our competition. It's in our best interests and yours.
But as of writing, this is the second COVID-19 ad campaign we've run, which means that even if we don't display third-party ads the majority of the time, we can't include it in the "What we don't do" section anymore.
If you're against third-party ads, we'll again recommend uBlock Origin.
What we don't do:
- We don't embed social media widgets that track your movements across the web.
- We don't collect demographic data like gender or age. Our google analytics tracking is set as low as it goes.
We've tried to set ourselves apart from the rest of the Internet when it comes to privacy. We hope that you appreciate the effort.