Feb 02, 2022
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Mountain Grove
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
Friends of Jocelyn and Nick Whalen are preparing a community “thank you”. As many of you know, Jocelyn has been ill for some time and it was felt that the time was right for the Whalens to know just how much they have meant to you and your family. If you would like to contribute your thoughts, please call 613-329-9446 for more information.
Have you ever been in a battle with the plastic bags in the produce department which will not open, no matter what you do? I have the solution. Grab the sticker on the banana bunch that you are going to purchase, and use it as a grabber on one side of the opening. I’m telling you, it’s magic!! I suppose post it notes would accomplish the same result, but when in the produce department, utilize its resources.
The Federation of Cottagers Association (FOCA) will be holding Annual meeting virtually, again, this year. Topics on the agenda will be electricity rates, septic systems in Ontario, keeping Ontario’s drinking water safe, snowmobile safety and so much more. If you would like to join the webinar, please log into foca.on.ca/2022_ag_spring_seminar.
The hardest thing about business is minding your own.
by Amanda Pantrey
After nearly 30 years on bus route 921, Henny Sands finished her final run last Friday afternoon. Henny drove my entire family to high school, always with a “g’mornin” and “have a good night” when getting on and off the bus. One June afternoon (many moons ago), she offered my twin and I a job on the farm picking strawberries, which we gratefully accepted. That was one of our first jobs and we got to work with Kerrie, one of our best friends, all summer, which was awesome. We learned a lot, earned lunch, blisters, and cash all summer long – It was a great experience. Congratulations on your retirement, Henny! It is well deserved, indeed!
Phone From Home - Story Sharing – Tuesdays, February 8, 15, and 22, 2:00 to 3:00pm. Join in the conversation as published local author, Dalia Gesser, reads stories about family, animals, and people in the community, and be inspired to share your own memories and anecdotes. To register for this FREE program, call 613.548.7810 ext 238. Phone From Home is provided by the Seniors Association Kingston Region and supported by YourTV. More topics at SeniorsKingston.ca/ProgramsAtHome
There will be an Inverary Spring Vendors Market at Ken Garrett Memorial Park on Saturday, April 30th from 9:00am – 5:00pm. Vendors are wanted! If you’re interested in hosting a booth, contact Marie Wilkins at 613-449-4744 (text or call), or you can email Marie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Storrington Lions Club is hosting food drive in support of the Battersea United Church Food Bank. Drop off is at the Lions Club in Sunbury on February 4th from 1:00pm – 5:00pm. That’s tomorrow if you’re reading this on Frontenac News day!
Have you got your tickets for the February 12th ham supper hosted by the Storrington Lions Club yet? Fear not! They can be reserved by calling 613-353-2086. Each meal is $20, you can it pick up at the Club from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. All proceeds from the supper go towards projects and initiatives in our community.
South Frontenac’s Music in the Park – This three-part series will invite local families to a day in our parks for free, live local music. They will be from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm on February 12th at Centennial Park featuring Lucas Pell, February 26th at The Point Park featuring Chris Murphy, and March 12th at Gilmour Point Park featuring Jordy Jackson. There will be a few other family-oriented activities and hot beverages for sale. Families are encouraged to bundle-up, bring their lawn chairs, and enjoy the winter weather in our parks! COVID-19 pending/ safety protocols in place. Volunteers are wanted! For more information and to get involved visit www.SouthFrontenac.net/music or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
South Frontenac Family Day – Hosted once again at the Frontenac Community Arena on February 21st from 11:00am – 3:00pm, this modified event will be a comeback of some favourites and introduce some new activities. There will not be a free BBQ as done in the past, but we are looking forward to snowtubing and other snow activities, free skating and more. COVID-19 pending/ safety protocols in place. Volunteers are wanted! For more information and to get involved visit www.southfrontenac.net/familyday/ or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
What did the groundhog’s trainer tell him before the Winter Olympics? Gopher gold.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
Flinton Library is having a Valentine’s Day curb-side pick-up craft. Stop by during the week of February 7th to February 12, 2022 while the library is open to pick up and take home a Valentine’s craft which comes complete with materials and instructions along with a special treat! Please send in a picture of your completed craft. Happy crafting!
Land O’Lakes Community Services is looking for homemakers. If you think you might be interested in helping seniors in our community, please call Shelby for more details at 613-336-8934 x229. A clean criminal background check and proof of COVID vaccination is required.
Fire Chief Cuddy sent out a tweet expressing the gratitude for their UTV’s new tracks; “Two calls in two days requiring the UTV with its new tracks. Thanks @lionsclub Northbrook for your donation towards the tracks.”
Lots going on at Finnegan’s General Store: “With the way shortages seem to be creeping in; if you need something that is food or non-food related, let us know. One of our suppliers may have it. We order Wednesday for Thursday.” Finnegan’s is pleased to support another local business by buying their dish soap from Harlowe Green. “Not only has Ange worked tirelessly to go from her home-based business to a storefront in Kingston, but she lives locally and her products are environmentally friendly and perfect for treating our septic systems correctly. And her packaging is reusable and great looking to boot!” And coming soon to Finnegan’s is Lavecque Custom Creations with their beautiful stove top covers. They are also working on something else you will love!
Even though restrictions are lifting and more and more businesses are opening up, let’s remember to do as much locally as possible, including take-out foods. North of 7 Cod Father is ready to serve you with a number of different take-out dinners. Finnegan’s has their Greco Works menu to tantalize your taste buds. Both the Cod Father and Finnegan’s has gluten free pizza crusts. Hunter’s Creek Golf Course restaurant has a different menu for Friday through Sunday.
The Lions Community Hall is also opening to more people and events now that restrictions are lifting. The Lions welcome back all their Euchre players on Tuesday, their Bingo players on Thursday, and their regular Lions meetings. As well, there are exercise and yoga classes resuming and our local chiropractor doctor seeing clients at the Hall.
Angela Bright
Sending our condolences to Shirley Keller and family on the passing of Davy. Praying for comfort and peace in the midst of your loss.
Have a look at what Meals on Wheels is serving up! Thursday, February 10th is soup & a roll, Salmon, rice and New England vegetables, with banana cake for dessert. Thursday, February 17th is soup & roll, beef pot roast, mashed potatoes, fall medley vegetables and bread pudding for dessert. To place your order, contact Shelby at 613-336-8934 ext.229.
Land O' Lakes Community Services is looking for individuals to help seniors with snow removal. There is also a need for homemakers to assist seniors at home. If you are interested in helping with either of these or require more information, please contact Shelby at 613-336-8934 x229.
Great news! As of February 1st, the Denbigh library is again open for in person browsing. The library also has some new E-Resources for kids. Visit the AH library Facebook page to check out World Book for Activity Corner, Early Learning, World Book Kids, and World Book Student.
Kelli McRobert
No column; check back next week!
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
No column; check back next week!
Jean Brown
Our Henderson Harriett ground hog brought us good news: an early spring is forecast, so we are thrilled and dreaming of getting into our bathing suits soon. Fitting into our swim suits may be a nightmare after all this Covid isolation - let’s hope not.
Our own Jill Weese has the bathing suit solution with her Burn Baby Burn weight loss classes at the Northbrook Lions Hall Tues & Thurs. 4:30pm, from Feb1st-Feb 17, and March 10-April 7. Registration and info at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Yoga mat, hand weights, and proof of vaccination required.
Cupid is coming to Henderson for Valentine’s Day and we’re all excited. Be sure to get something special for your loved ones, and there are plenty of local area vendors with great Valentine products to choose from. Rising gas prices increase our incentives to shop local and, my word, the products are super duper.
Restaurants and many other indoor venues opened up this week with reduced capacity, so please show your local hospitality right in our area- but remember, indoor gatherings are still at half capacity.
Deepest sympathy to Marion and all the family of the late Bob Downes who died this past week. Bob will be remembered for his creativity in teaching, love of sports, and support to the volunteer firefighters over the years he served.
Special thinking of you to Jocelyn Whalen who founded the Sharbot lake Pharmacy with her husband Nick many years ago. Jocelyn is gravely ill and in palliative care- so let’s keep her in our prayers.
by Judy Borovskis
Food drive on Friday February 4th - Cereals, canned goods (meats & pasta), pasta and sauces, rice, freezable foods and snacks for school lunch bags. Also household necessities such as toilet paper. Anything you can give is very much appreciated. Drop off at the Storrington Lion’s Hall in Sunbury between 1:00 and 5:00pm.
Baked ham dinner! Reserve your dinner(s) NOW. Storrington Lions Club is offering a take-out ham dinner on February 12th. A delicious Valentine treat for yourself or someone else. $20 per dinner! Deadline to order is February 9th. Call Teresa at 353-2086.
Pilates on Mondays at 6:15pm & Yoga on Wednesdays at 6:00pm at Inverary United Church Hall beginning January 31.
Martial Arts classes at Inverary United Church hall on Thursday evenings will resume on Thursday, February 17th. For more info, call or text Hamid Nam at 613-328-6742 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Fishing Tapping Feeding - it is that time of year! Freezing temperatures means good ice fishing. I had a chat with Reta at Inverary Home Hardware and it seems ice fishing is having a slow start. Good news! The big one is still out there! Maple syrup time is just around the corner and the supplies are in, and if you are looking for chickens, now is the time to order as some types are in short supply. Pamphlets describing different breeds are available at the store.
Mother Nature has been reminding us these past couple of weeks that it is still winter… But then just when you think “enough” she drops a hint of spring with a “heat wave” of plus 1 or 2 and you can feel the warmth of the sun on your skin! Last week on my Tuesday morning run I actually heard birds singing! That is a first in a long time! Just 44 days till spring – plus – the week before we spring forward with our clocks and snow plows will soon be on summer break.
Photo: Jamie Janzen – my son’s high school buddy from years ago. they love to get out together fishing. They caught this on Saturday. Took them 31 minutes to get it up and out of the hole! Fed it back into the hole for someone else to have the fun! Muskie 15 pounds.
Karen Prytula
No column; check back next week!
by Pearl Killingbeck
No column; check back next week!
Mountain Grove
Marilyn Meeks
No column; check back next week!
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
Covid restrictions have changed. The halls are now open at 50% capacity. Masks are still required and you must present your vaccine documents with QR code upon entry. In Ompah the exercise groups are starting up again. Coffee Morning is Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:30. The Community Library at the hall is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10:00 to noon.
Save Sat., March 5 for a re-imagined Ompah Stomp. An outdoor dance is planned for the Community Centtre parking lot from 4:00 to 5:30. Come to boogie and stomp your boots off! Even if you don't dance, come and hang out with your neighbours. Everyone is welcome. Watch for more details but be sure to save the date: March 5, or back-up date, March 6.
by Elijah Abrams
No column; check back next week!
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
Perth Road United Church Announcements:
In-person services are continuing in 2022: Sundays at 10am, 5614 Perth Road Crescent. All COVID restrictions/protocols remain in place.
At present, we are going through the search process to hire a new minister but will continue with Supply/Lay Ministers or personnel until a suitable candidate is found.
A reminder to all members of the Perth Road United Church congregation: Please complete and mail the questionnaire from the Search Committee as soon as possible. This will greatly help with our search. Thank you.
Birthday wishes to those who have birthdays this week.
by Rhonda Watkins
Here are some great suggestions for parents with little ones: Do you ever think about the Seniors in Retirement Homes? I read a couple of great ideas online that I wanted to share! Phone up the Retirement home in your area and ask if you could bring in some Valentines for the residents. Then, help your children create them and drop them up to brighten someone’s day! Another superb idea was to go and make a snowman outside a retirement home, so the residents inside could look out and enjoy your masterpiece! Probably a good idea to confirm with the retirement home that you can do this ahead of time, though.
I saw this post on the Snow Road Snowmobile Club Facebook page and wanted to share: “A big thank you from Kirk Cannon to all the Snow Road Groomer Operators who work all day at their jobs and then work so hard through the evenings tightening up the trails in this cold spell to make it better for all the riders!!”
A message from our Ontario Fire Marshal, John Pegg: Make sure your fire alarms work, have escape roots planned and talk to your kids about what to do if a fire should happen. Feel free to reach out to your local fire department for guidance. Fire is ruthless! Be safe!
The Back Forty Artisan Cheese Shop at 1406 Gully Road off HWY 509 will be opening back up again on Saturdays from 10am -4pm, starting February 5th! While the shop has been closed the last couple years, they have been working hard to create an exciting new experience for our community. In addition to their Cheese Shop, when you stop for a visit, you will now be able to venture through their farm fields and forests with over 5 kms of snow trails to enjoy! Afterwards, you can warm up at their bonfire with delicious hot food and drinks from their new outdoor wood-fired kitchen. They will also have toboggan runs on the rolling hills and snowshoe rentals available. You can contact them at 613 287-7011 with any questions.
Community Living North Frontenac would like to invite everyone in the community to participate in a snow sculpture contest. They will have 1st prize $75 2nd prize $50 and 3rd prize $25 for the best snow sculptures! If you would like to register, phone 613 547-4711 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. When you are registered and have your sculpture done, take and picture and email it in. If you cannot email a picture, contact them and they will try to send someone out to take your sculpture’s picture. The deadline to get your entry in is February 25th, 2022 at 1pm and they will announce the big winners on March 1st!! Good luck!!
The night sky of January 29th was exceptionally beautiful! Gary Colwell, our local eye in the sky, shared some gloriously captivating photos he took on Little Mink Lake on HWY 506 about 6 kms from the Dark Sky Preserve. Thank you, Gary, for sharing your talents with our community!
Another local talent, Penny Hawley, shared a lovely pic she took and some wise words with our community this week, too!! Thank you, Penny!!
by Karen Brawley
Well, it’s o-fish-ally happening - the kids fishing event on the 20th of February. Thanks to all the community members and businesses for your support, as well as the folks organizing. As far as I know, the spots are all full. But if you have any questions, contact Megan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or myself at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or if you wish to donate to help make the kids’ day for prizes, please reach out. It’s going to be a day to remember for them. Also, for anglers, it’s family fishing weekend - no license required, so maybe try to get out and wet a line. Lots of ice fishermen and women around our area.
The exciting “Spin2Win New Leaf Link” virtual fundraiser is back! Join NeLL February 1st to the 12th for multiple daily draws with a combined prize pool of $9000! Check it out: www.facebook.com/groups/Spin2WinNewLeafLink and invite your friends! Lottery Licence # M635222 many thanks to Anita Alton for hosting the first one. Look for your new host to join in her next round.
Inspired by other communities, South Frontenac is inviting residents to help come up with awesome names for our big orange snow plows! Submissions will be accepted until Sunday, February 6, 2022, after which the list will be reviewed and narrowed down to 25 names that the public will have the opportunity to vote on! Of the top 25, six (6) will selected and displayed on the side of South Frontenac Snow Plows.
Make sure to check out the colouring sheets for some extra fun when coming up with your snow plow name ideas.
Check out the engagesouthfrontenac web site as well
Stay safe, everyone, and stay kind.
Debbie Lingen
Verona Lions are hosting a Takeout Valentine Chicken Dinner on Saturday, February 12 from 4:30pm to 6pm. Dinner includes chicken, fries, coleslaw, dessert and ginger ale for $15 each. Advanced tickets can be purchased at the following places: Asselstine Hardware and Verona Hardware. Or online at https://www.veronalions.ca/
February 20 - TAKE OUT turkey dinner, Golden Links Hall Harrowsmith, PICK UP between 4:30 and 6pm. Advance tickets only with a cut off date of February 16. Cost is $15.00. Tickets available at Sydenham One Stop, Harrowsmith gas station, Hartington gas station and Asselstine Hardware in Verona. For info, call 613-372-2410.
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- Official Plan Back Before South Frontenac Council
- Three King Charles III Coronation Award Winners from Frontenac County
- “Pickleball Lives in Piccadilly” – Frances Smith
- North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
- Refuseniks Voice Opposition to Ongoing Israeli Attacks on Gaza