Apr 26, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
The Kennebec Rec Committee would like to thank all of those that participated in Arden’s annual Trash Bash. Thanks to Kaitlin Ostrander for organizing the youth. Special thanks to Jennifer Matson. It’s wonderful to see the Hamlet at its best!
What a spectacular concert at the United Church. Thanks to Sylvia Goodeve and her fellow musicians for a wonderful performance.
Hope to see you at the fundraising Spaghetti Dinner tonight for the Kids Klub program. Great food and a silent auction. A free will donation will be gratefully accepted at the door.
On Saturday, April 29, 11am the Arden Legion will hold their 2023/2024 elections. As a Legion member it is your responsibility to attend and vote.
I hope you have your tickets for the Canadian Premier of Clara’s Coming Home performed at Oso Hall in Sharbot Lake, Thursday, April 27 to Saturday, April 29, with the last performance Sunday, April 30, which is a matinée. You can get tickets at C4 Convenience, the Treasure Trunk and the Cardinal Café. Come out and support Arden’s local performers. Thank you, Glenys O’Connell for sharing your play with us all.
The Arden Legion’s very popular Thursday night Bingo is offering a $4000.00 Jackpot, Thursday, May 4. Every Thursday thereafter will feature a $4000.00 payout if cards are filled out with 52 numbers called or less. Seems like a real reason to try out Bingo at the Legion. Thursday 6pm sharp to 7pm.
There will be a Vendor Sale, Saturday, May 7, 10am to 2pm, hosted by Angela Deline, at 14569 Road 38 in Sharbot Lake. This event will aid the Food Bank and Henderson United Church. There will be various vendors and prizes. Something for everyone!
by Amanda Pantrey
A very Happy Birthday to Megan over in Harrowsmith!
New! In-person Fall Prevention Program in Storrington hosted by the VON. The program will be held at the Storrington Centre (3910 Battersea Road) on Tuesdays from 9 -11am starting on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, for orientation. The program runs for 12 weeks and includes health talks and a low to moderate intensity exercise session using an exercise band (available to purchase at the first class). There are 20 spots available. Call 613-634-0130 ext. 3414 to reserve.
There will be a spring vendors market at Ken Garrett Memorial Park in Inverary this Saturday, April 29th from 10am – 3pm. For more info, call Marie at 613-449-4744 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Bob Burtch Bluegrass Concert this Sunday, April 30th, 2-4pm Battersea United Church. Tickets $25 from Shirley 613-353-7337 and/or by e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We’re hosting the Battersea Pumpkin Festival spring start up meeting on Monday, May 1st starting at 7pm. If you’re interested in joining us, please email me for more info and directions. All welcome!
Dog and Cranberry Lake Association is hosting their annual tree sale. They have 9 different species of native trees for sale. Trees are $3 for members and $4 for non-members. Order deadline is Wednesday May 3rd. Trees will be available for pick up at Ormsbee's Mercantile on Saturday May 6th from 10am – 12. For more info, people can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit dogandcranberrylakes.ca.
Touch the Truck is back on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, from 4-7 pm at the South Frontenac Public Services yard at 2490 Keeley Road. Bring the whole family to this fun, free event featuring a BBQ, kid’s activities and lots of big trucks and equipment from South Frontenac Fire & Rescue, the Public Services Department, Frontenac OPP, and Frontenac Paramedic Services! Donations of food items or cash for the BBQ will be collected to help stuff-the-truck in support of the Southern Frontenac Community Services food bank. For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-376-3027 ext. 4447.
Kari Galasso is hosting a Nordic walking clinic on Thursday May 4th from 5 - 6:30. We'll meet at the trail head of the Cataraqui Trail in Harrowsmith. Cost is $15 with all fees going to the SFCS. Poles are provided. For more info or to register, contact Master Trainer, Kari Galasso at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-328-9079
Battersea’s own Walt Freeman takes the stage at the Royal Theater in Gananoque on May 18th, 19th, and 20th for a performance of ‘… And Then There Were None’ by Agatha Christie. Show starts at 7:30 or enjoy a matinee at 2pm on the 20th. Tickets are $15 and available at the door or through RoyalTheater.ca.
Did you hear about the cheese truck that crashed? The road was littered with de brie.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church in Flinton is hosting a garage and bake sale on Saturday, May 20th from 10am to 3pm. 3529 Flinton Rd., Flinton. Note - Please drop off your unwanted Treasures on Friday, May 12th from 2pm to 4pm. Thank you for your support!
Happy 4 year Anniversary May 1st to Holden’s Hearth at Home.
LOL Lions Club would like you to to mark your calendars for a few upcoming events: Spring Extravaganza Craft Sale Saturday, May 6th 10-2; Speakers Forum with Geologist Garry Smith Wednesday May 10th 7-8pm; Yard Sale Saturday May 13th 9-1, rain or shine as it will be indoors; The Guide Dog Walk Sunday May 28th registration starts at 9am.
The Little Church Thrift Store, formerly the Clothing Boutique in Northbrook, will be opening on May 2nd for the season. $ 1 sale opener for the first week. Hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 2.
Angela Bright
The Vennachar Free Methodist Church invites everyone to an Open Mic Night on Friday, April 28 at 7pm. Come bring your instruments and friends and enjoy a night of great music.
The Denbigh Recreation Committee is hosting a Euchre Night at the Denbigh Hall for $2.00 on Friday, April 28 at 7pm. The plan is for them to be every second Friday night.
Land O’ Lakes Community Services will be hosting Denbigh Diners on Monday May 1 at the Denbigh Hall. Lunch is serviced at Noon. Menu is Casseroles, Salad and Dessert for $10. RSVP to Betty the week before.
Land O’Lakes Community Services is looking into offering their Foot Care Program in Denbigh. They need a minimum number of clients to run the program in this area. If you would like more information please contact Land O’Lakes Community Services at 613-336-8934 or 1-877-679-6636.
The Denbigh Recreation Committee is having a Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea on Saturday May 13 from 1 to 3pm. at the Denbigh Hall. There will be prizes for the best dressed and best hat or fascinator. You can purchase a ticket by making a donation at Rosie’s or Glaeser’s or make a donation the day of the event.
Please let me know if you have any news or events you would like to share.
Kelli McRobert
Thank you for all the birthday wishes, they were appreciated. I had a lovely birthday week, and I took advantage of the cake as often as I could.
Special mention on the anniversary of the passing of my father Barry Gemmell, he is still loved, missed dearly, and in our hearts. As time passes, the pain lessens, somewhat, but he is with us forever until we meet again... Say Hi to MOM!
Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church will host a Community Fun Day on May 27th from 9-2:30pm with a free food share by Love your Neighbour POP UP Lionhearts drive-through from 10am -12pm. Everyone welcome. BBQ, Door Prizes, Kids Zone, Garage and Bake Sale, all proceeds to the Community Assistance Program. Call 613-372-1238 for more details.
1010 Lawn & Garden Centre at 1010 Cement Road is opening for the season on April 29th at 0900 am. 613-279-1118. Their hours of operation will be Mon-Sat 9-5 & Sunday 10-2 pm.
Is an Alaskan Cruise on your Bucket List? It is for some area residents and they are making it a reality in June of 2024 and would love it if others joined them. An information session is being held at Verona Free Methodist Church on Saturday, May 6 at 2:30 to hear about accommodations, side trips, flights, and costs. Just to let you know, everyone is welcome and there is no obligation when attending. For more information, contact Carrie at 613 305-3151.
Are you passionate about the environment and regenerative practices? Do you have a degree in Teacher Education and experience working with a wide variety of age groups? If this sounds like you, you could be the ideal candidate! For more information, head over to the “Employment” tab on their website.
Building a Sweat Lodge, May 13, 2023. 8:30am–4pm. Join Métis Knowledge Keeper, Lorrie Potvin, and others in her community to take part in building a sweat lodge at Wintergreen Studios. Lorrie will share teachings about the sweat lodge and ceremonies, as well as the building and use of the sweat lodge.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
Friday, April 28th, 2023 is the semi annual Chinese dinner and auction at the Harrowsmith S and A Club at 4041 Colebrook Rd, Harrowsmith. Starts at 6:30. Members $22 and non members $25. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via Facebook for tickets.
Thursday, May 04, 2023 Diners Lunch Club. Verona Free Methodist Church, 6804 Hwy 38, Verona, Ontario. Shepherd’s pie, mixed vegetables, salad, pie, and tea, coffee, and juice served at noon followed by the music of Wayne and Mary Abrams. Cost is $8. Seats are limited, so please pre-register by calling 613-376-6477 ext 303 or email Joanne .
Saturday, May 06 - Is an Alaskan Cruise on your bucket list? It is for some residents and they are making it a reality in June 2024 and would love it if others in the area could join them. An information session is being held at the Verona Free Methodist Church starting at 2:30 to hear about accommodations, side trips, flights and costs. Everyone is welcome and there is no obligation from attending. For more information, contact Carrie at 613-305-3151.
Saturday, May 06, 2023 at 7:30pm join the Frontenac Women's Chorus and guest soloist Patty Smith for an evening of beautiful music celebrating the Ways of Water! Admission by donation, plus an item for the Food Bank. Verona Free Methodist Church, 6804 Main Street, Verona.
Saturday, May 06, 2023 there is a Youth Dance at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith. From 7 - 9:30 for public school children. Cost is $6.00. For information, call 613-372-2410.
Sunday, May 14, 2023 the Ole Tyme Fiddlers and Open Mike will be at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith. From 1 to 5 followed by dinner. Cost is $12.00 and please bring a dessert to share. For information, call 613-372-2410.
Sunday, May 21, 2023 there will be a TAKE OUT beef dinner at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith. Advance tickets only with a purchase CUT OFF date of Wednesday, May 17. Cost is $20.00. Tickets are available at the gas stations in Sydenham, Harrowsmith, Hartington and at Asselstine Hardware in Verona. For information, call 613-372-2410.
Thursday, May 04, 2023. Kari Galasso is conducting a fund raiser for South Frontenac Community Services by giving a Nordic Walking Clinic from 5 to 6:30. Meet at the trail head of the Cataraqui Trail in Harrowsmith. Poles are provided. Cost is $15 with all fees going to SFCS. For more information or to register contact Master Trainer, Kari Galasso at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-328-9079.
Jean Brown
It was wonderful to have our own Angie Deline home to refresh cemetery flowers and fill us in on her pop up vendor sales event supporting Henderson United Church and the local food bank at her home in Sharbot Lake (14569 Rd. 38) from 10- 2 on Sunday, May 7. Drop in after church and check out the many vendors, and if you are able, please bring non-perishable food items for the food bank. An amazing prize table will be offered in aid of Henderson United Church with super duper items.
Our amazing neighbours in Harlowe are rocking on in success after two recent fantastic open mics- an ol tyme fiddlers-third Sat. of month) and an open mic singing bash (fourth Sat of month). Time stops when one enters that hall and kicks up their heels, and the food is yummy yummy yummy. Be sure to set aside these Saturdays in May for a repeat happening (May 20- ol tyme fiddlers; May 27- open mic for singing) from 1 – 5. General public $5.00; entertainers $2.00, from 1:00- 5:00. Food available for purchase.
Visitors to Bon Echo Provincial Park can enjoy canoe, kayak and stand-up paddleboard (SUP) rentals, operated by Ontario Parks. The Bon Echo Paddle Centre Office is located near Main Beach.
Our neighbours in Cloyne and area continue to work on their big chair project and are seeking cedar trees as follows to make it happen: 2 trees 14'-16' length x 34"-36" width ; 2 trees 14'-16' length x 24"-26" width; 2 trees 10' length x 24"-26" width. Fallen trees are fine as long as they meet the size needs. Please give Tammy Whitelock a call at 613-242-8387 to offer your trees. This big chair provides a great photo op for tourists and locals and puts our area on the map.
Special thanks to all who searched diligently for lost dog Gracie- a smallish yellowish short haired charming dog lost on Veley Rd and Henderson Rd.
by Judy Borovskis
LCBO Bottle Drive – Light Up Our Diamonds! Trailer is at 3950 Round Lake Road and continues until June 30th Will give a report in my first column in May as to how the trailer is doing. Business signs are up on the diamond fence line in the park. If you are at the Spring Market event or just visiting the park, please take time to read the signs. These are the businesses who have chosen to support the park, to support and be visible in Inverary and to advertise in South Frontenac and we are grateful to them.
Storrington Retirees Luncheon at the “new” Storrington Centre the second Wednesday of each month. Enjoy a hot home cooked meal. Meet your neighbours, make new friends and enjoy the entertainment.
Fall Prevention Program! The VON invites you to the Storrington Centre on Wednesdays 1:30 to 3:30pm. For more info or to register, contact Danielle McTaggart at 613-634-0130 ext 3414 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 20 spots available!
Inverary Spring Market! This Saturday from 10am to 3pm at Ken Garrett Memorial Park. Over 200 vendors and artisans. Free admission. Drop in, see the displays, meet the craftsmen and enjoy the park! Fun for the whole family! Canteen will be open!
Four Rivers Youth Group: Lookout & Lunch. Join us for a hike at Foleys Mountain and lunch at the Cove Restaurant in Westport on April 29th 10:30am to 1:30pm. Ages 10 and up. Free event. RSVP Rev. Heather at 613-353-2453 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bob Burtch Blue Grass Concert at Battersea United Church Sunday, April 30th at 2 pm. Tickets $25. Call Shirley at 613-353-7337 to order pay by e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Definitely a good time. Proceeds to support Battersea United Church.
Trees for Sale! Dog & Cranberry Lake Association is selling native trees. Cost for members is $3 and non-members $4. Order by Wednesday May 3rd. Pick up will be at Ormsbee’s Mercantile on Saturday May 6th from 10am to 12noon. For info or to order dogandcranberrylakes.ca
Nordic Walking Clinic on May 4th from 5 – 6:30. Fundraiser for South Frontenac Community Services. Meet Kari Galasso, Master Trainer at the trail head of the Cataraqui Trail in Harrowsmith. Poles will be provided. Cost is $15. All funds raised to South Frontenac Community Services. For more info, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-328-9079.
Chris Murphy in Concert Sunday, May 7th at Inverary United Church. Free will offering. Musical theme is the songs of Great Big Sea in recognition of their 30th anniversary as a band.
Annual High Tea! Saturday, May 13th at 1pm. at the Storrington Lion’s Hall. Cost is $25. Cash only bar available. Come in your finest tea attire! Five spots left! Call Shirley O’Neil at 613-353-2257 for your spot. Proceeds for the Child Life Specialists at our local hospitals.
Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8pm starting May 18th at the Storrington Lions Club. Barbecue dinner available and enjoy fellowship time games and prizes. Cost is $10
Hearing Aids, Can Tabs, Eye Glasses can now be dropped off at the Lion’s Hall in Sunbury anytime. Just put in the bucket provided. NO eye glass cases please.
Next Community Food Bank Drive will be Friday, June 2nd.
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
William Amell - A Lanark County Treasure - It is with profound sadness that we learned of the passing of William D. Amell (1931-2023). Bill’s family was originally from Dalhousie Township. Although Bill didn’t live in Lanark County as an adult, he did spend many years researching and documenting his Lanark County heritage. He was a member of the Lanark County Genealogical Society since 1987 and was a very active member of the Kingston Genealogical Society. Bill amassed quite a large amount of data and documents while carrying out his extensive research. Archives Lanark has been a grateful beneficiary of his kindness and generosity over the years. In 2008, he contributed a collection of items which related to S. S. #8 Dalhousie - Gemmill School. In this donation are daily school registers from 1959 - 1964; general school registers from 1934 - 1950 as well as Trustee Minutes from 1899-1938. For those of you who have read Archives Lanark’s published Rural School Book Series, you will understand how helpful his donation of school records was. Also included were regional and topical histories of Ottawa, Almonte, Colonel By and the Rideau Canal, as well as Voter’s Lists for Dalhousie Township and North Burgess Township and School Fair Prize Lists from 1938 and 1939. Between 2011 and 2015 he donated three books which he authored, to Archives Lanark: one detailing the Joseph Legare/Legary Family (Lanark County and Leeds County), one on the Amell Family of Lanark Highlands and the final pertaining to the Amell Descendants of Dalhousie. It was his final donation that really went above and beyond; after opening and reviewing 5 boxes and 2 suitcases full of documents, we discovered an extensive collection of familial correspondence. These communications present a social commentary on daily life between the years 1914 to 1975, representing an extended family from Lanark County. In addition, there are cemetery listings and family charts for numerous families from Lanark County and elsewhere. Because of Bill’s hard work and generosity, visitors to Archives Lanark will benefit from his research and writings for years, no, generations to come. If you are interested in learning more about Archives Lanark collections, please contact Archives Lanark at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit us every Friday from 10 am to 3pm. In 2013 Bill hosted a ceremony for one of his War of 1812 ancestors at a cemetery in Perth. Bill passed away at the Kingston General Hospital on March 27, 2023. His funeral service was held on April 4 in Peterborough. Interment was at St. Mary’s Cemetery, Lindsay, Ont. Good-bye Bill.
by Pearl Killingbeck
Thank you, Alice, for taking me for an x-ray last Sunday and for helping me get some groceries and trying to get some new parts for my body at Canadian Tire. I am falling apart fast but they were all out of body parts so I guess there are more people than me falling apart. Thanks a million, Alice.
On Thursday, April 20th, what a treat it was to go with some of my favourite people – Harriet, Valerie and driver Alice – to Northbrook to an Alzheimer’s Tea Party at the Emmanuel United Church. The tables were all set up with tablecloths, fancy china cups and saucers, plates full of scrumptious desserts of all kinds and all kinds of tea. The Golden Girls were the servers and they looked lovely in their fancy hats and bright yellow scarves. The entertainment was The Land O’ Lakes Cloggers who we had not seen since before the pandemic. They did not disappoint. They danced tirelessly. How do they do it? The hand-clapping, toe-tapping music we loved. Cloggers – it was great to see you again. There were people from Pine Meadow Nursing Home, the Cloggers and the Golden Girls plus the Cloggers’ Fan Club was also there (which was us). You and the Golden Girls did a wonderful job, Pam. Can’t wait for your next party or whatever. There was Forget-Me-Not coffee for sale. Everyone got a chocolate squirrel that the Easter Bunny had left plus tickets for a chance to win a beautiful picture. I am just waiting for the call to tell me I won it. Great job everyone – it was a wonderful day at the Tea Party.
I had a great visit on Saturday with Barb and Olive Allan. So glad you stopped in. I love your visits.
I see my neighbour’s house (McEwen) has been sold. I hardly know anyone in the village now and I will miss you, Cory.
Elaine is taking me to get my feet done on Monday. Another lady is leaving from this area. We will not be taking our trips up north to see Holly to get our feet done, but she will not be too far away – just in the opposite direction.
To all the people in my life who make my life worth living: Thank you.
The breakfasts are done at the snowmobile club until next year.
Don’t forget the Music Night featuring the Retro Kings at the Snow Road Community Centre on Saturday, April 29th. Music starts at 7pm. Contact Mike at 613-278-1853. Ticket will also be available at the door.
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
The Community Cafe last week brought a speaker from Frailty Network looking for input on physical and nutrition activities that happen in our rural area. There were good ideas and discussion about what happens or could happen here to prevent frailty in older adults. Then following delicious soup and dessert, the Bingo game came out. Winners were Doreen, Pat, Katie and Marily. The next Community Cafe will be on Wed, May 24 starting at 11. The program for the day will be "A Day of Natural Wellness" featuring Dr. Doneisha Dodd, a naturopathic practitioner. Also presenting is Connections Adult Learning about growing your garden and your mind!
The April Birthday Bash was held last Wednesday. A lovely assortment of main dishes, salads and desserts were enjoyed by all. Happy Birthday was sung to Janice and Katie, and to Pat who missed his March birthday last month. The next Bash will be held on Wed, May 17 at 6. Local singer/songwriter Dominic will provide the entertainment.
If you like to play euchre or bridge, come out to the Community Centre on Friday afternoons from 1 to 4. Cost is a toonie. All levels of skill are welcome.
We had a request to include the following: The Parham Fair is accepting registrants for the Vendor Market for the Parham Fair on Aug. 18. For further information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Pickleball courts are all set up on the Clar-Mill Hall rink. This Friday, Apr., 28 at 10 anyone interested in pickleball are welcome to come and play. You do not need your own equipment as there are a few extra bats. Contact Liz for more information at 613-806-4745.
by Elijah Abrams
There seems to be an abundance of ticks again so please check yourself after you have been working outside! And your pets, too!
Sympathy to the family of the late Daisy Haw.
Happy belated birthday to Richard Benn!!
Last week was Volunteer Week as the Frontenac Flyers held their Awards ceremony at the Frontenac Arena. President Jeff Peck thanked all coaches, volunteers, board members, sponsors etc for another successful year. Congratulations to all who received an award, including my son/brother grandson/nephew Jim & Lucas Steele. They would still welcome any new person to their slate as "new" ideas are always looked into. Also last week Janice Anderson was gifted with a VON Bag filled with an array of beautiful things. Janice is the instructor at our exercise group and does an excellent job.
This friday night there is a BINGO at GREC!! Parent Council will be hosting this event with a $1000 jackpot!!! There will be a 50/50 and raffle prizes as well as a canteen on site. Doors open at 6 bingo starts at 7!! See you there!
Tis the season for Vendor events... There is a large one on April 29th at Inverary - lots and lots of great vendors so be sure to check it out!! Then mark May 7th on your calendar... There will be lots of local vendors on site as well as a hamper is being set out to receive non-perishable food items to support the local food bank! As well, there will be a prize table of items that have been donated to support Henderson Church - there are some amazing items available and supporting a wonderful small church. The address is 14569 Road 38 right beside the Dollar Store from 10 until 2. One stop shopping for all your needs!!
District #4 Recreation Committee is once again hosting their annual Giant Flea Market, Yard Sale and Vendor Event. We have a great list of vendors that will be on site Saturday, May 13th from 10am to 2pm at the Parham Ball Field. The Rec Committee will be operating the canteen, so get that poutine that you know you have been waiting all winter for!!! They will also have a bake sale table set up by the canteen so be sure to check out the goodies that will be available!!! If you are interested in having a table, there is no charge for this event, it is simply to give back to the community. You can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let me know you would like to set up and what items you will be bringing. But otherwise, bring your table, chair, tent and your items and set up inside the ball field in the grass. See you then!
Central Frontenac Minor Ball is working on finalizing their teams, once this has been completed you will be receiving a call from your coach so that we can get the season going. We are still looking for sponsors, coaches and umpires so if you are able to help us out please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services Continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0.
We are sad to bring the news of the passing of the Rev. Dr, Karen Bach of Perth Road United Church. Her voice will be missed in the pulpit and choir. A service and Celebration of Life will occur at Perth Road United Church on April 29 and will also be streamed on Zoom. For more information about attending or donating, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
EVENTS AT Perth Rd. Sunday School Hall: Tuesday Lunches continue. Charge is $8 per person. Great value for homemade soup, sandwiches and dessert. Euchre at 10am. Lunch at noon.
Perth Road VILLAGE Crafters continue to meet every Wednesday: 9:30am – 11:30am at Harris Park Hall, 5612 Perth Road Cres. If you’re a first-timer, get in touch with Cheryl Bird at 613-353-7303.
Perth Road VILLAGE Crafters and other Perth Road vendors will attend the Inverary Spring market on Sat. Apr. 29 – 10am to 3pm in the Ken Garret Memorial Park
YOGA classes on Opinicon Rd., Pilates and foam rolling classes, go to: nomadyogini.ca, for full schedule: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 613-453-4195.
Jam Sessions continue at Storrington Centre: Friday nights: 5pm – 10 pm. Admission is $2:00. No charge for refreshments.
Vendors Wanted: Limestone County Pet Treats presents Summer Shopping in L & A. 30+ vendors, July 9th 2023, 9am – 2pm. $30 registration fee. Conservation Park Pavilion, Napanee, Ont. Registration/Questions – email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
by Rhonda Watkins
This Friday, April 28, LOLPS and GREC invite you to their $1000 Jackpot Bingo at GREC 14432 Road 38 in Sharbot Lake. Doors open at 6pm and games start at 7pm. Bingo cash prizes, 50/50, raffle items and canteen is available.
Please be aware that except for cooking and warmth, there are no fires permitted outside in our Community between 7am and 7pm from April 1st to October 31st.
The little Church Thrift store in Northbrook opens May 2nd. It will be open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10am - 2pm and you won't want to miss the first week because everything will be $1 each!
If you are interested in cold beers, warm greetings and a hot golf course, you will be happy to hear that Hunters Creek Golf Club is officially opened for ball golf and disc golf this season! You can call 613 336-2587 for a tee time.
CCPS Parent Council is currently accepting donations for their yard sale and vendor spots are still available to book for this awesome event! There will be a plant sale, yard sale, vendor tables, bake sale and bbq!
This amazingly awesome event takes place Saturday, May 20 from 10-2 at 7356 Road 506 at Clarendon School! For more info, you can contact Jilene at 613 479-0174 or call Clarendon School at 613 479-2264.
by Karen Brawley
Looking for something to do? A reason to get out of the house and listen to some live music? Check out Music With Dave downstairs at the Sydenham legion this Friday from 6-8pm. The beer is cold, the company is welcoming, and the good times are plenty.
Canada Day is fast approaching... Sydenham is holding events from 11am-4pm. We will be having a parade starting at the fire hall and ending at the Point - this will begin at 10am. Encouraging children to decorate their bicycles and showcase them in the parade, there will be a bike display at the tennis courts after with prizes for participation. We will also be having a kids fishing derby, and lots of fun and games to be played. The fire dept will be hosting their water slide again this year. Also, we have invited some classic cars to the parade and to display at the field as well. Hope to see everyone out to celebrate this wonderful day.
A shout out to the 4-H crew and Trousdale’s Foodland, last Saturday the 4-H with help from our community gathered donations for the Food Bank, 717 Lbs of food and $780 was raised for our Food Bank. Awesome!!!
Trousdale’s Foodland is operating on Summer Hours now, Monday-Friday 8-8, Saturday 8-7 and Sunday 8-6.
Hope everyone is enjoying watching the buds come out on the trees, and spring snd summer come to life. Be careful of ticks, they are very active in our area right now.
Community wide yard sale date? What does everyone think? Drop me an email, we’re getting to that time of year where people want to get rid of things and bargain hunters want to go on roadies to see what people are getting rid of. It’s nice to have it all on one day, easier for those travelling with the price of gas these days.
Debbie Lingen
Style Revival will be open Saturday, April 29 from 10am to 1pm. It will also be open, as usual, Wednesdays from 10am to 1pm. Style Revival, which is located in the Verona Free Methodist Church at 6804 Hwy 38, offers free, gently used clothing and footwear for all ages.
The next Women's Luncheon will be held Tuesday, May 2 at 12:30pm at MOM’s Restaurant. While waiting for our food to arrive, Trish Green from Atkinson’s Garden Centre in Hartington will give a talk about year-round gardening, raised flower beds and timing for planting. If anyone would like to bring a package of seeds, it will be donated to the local food bank. Please register by April 30 at 613 374-2703. The April Women’s Luncheon was attended by around 20 women, most of whom wore Easter bonnets. Three received homemade Easter decorations made by the talented Connie Varrette.
The next Senior's Diner's Club (55+) will be held on Thursday, May 4th, at Verona Free Methodist Church. Refreshments, salad, Shepherd’s pie, and dessert will be served. $10.00 per person. Music from Wayne and Mary Abrams. Contact Joanne Silver
Coordinator of Meal Programs at 613-376-6477 ext. 303 to reserve a spot.
Join the Frontenac Women's Chorus and guest soloist Patty Smith for an evening of beautiful music celebrating the Ways of Water! Admission by donation, plus an item for the Food Bank. Saturday, May 6, 7:30pm at Verona Free Methodist Church.
Enjoy the Verona Lions Fish Fry on Friday, May 13 at the Verona Lions Hall. This is a sit down dinner $20.00 per person, Children 9 to 12 $10, under 8 free. Fish, fries, coleslaw, beans, Coffee, tea, water, juice and dessert included. Tickets can be purchased at the following places. Asselstine Hardware, Verona Hardware or on site Veronalions.ca. Don't delay, only 150 tickets available.
Is an Alaskan Cruise on your Bucket List? It is for some area residents and they are making it a reality in June of 2024 and would love it if others joined them. An information session is being held at Verona Free Methodist Church on Saturday, May 6 at 2:30 to hear about accommodations, side trips, flights, and costs. Everyone is welcome and there is no obligation from attending. For more information, contact Carrie at 613 305-3151.
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