May 24, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
With Saturday’s all-day rain, the Annual Victoria Day Fireworks were postponed to Sunday at Dusk. The crowd was boisterous and the display was fabulous. The Kennebec Recreation Committee would like to thank all who attended and those who volunteered to make the evening possible.
The Friends of Arden are looking for volunteers to water the flowers at the Arden Sign, once per week. If you have some spare time and want to help, please contact Judy Kennedy at 613-335-3606. I know she would appreciate the help!
The Arden Legion is holding a Blind Draw dart tournament, Saturday, June 3. Registration is 10am to 10:45am and the tournament begins at 11am. Breakfast and Lunch is available to all, players and observers.
The Henderson Hall will host a yard sale Saturday, June 10, and Saturday, June 24 8am to 12 noon. If you would like to donate any gently used items, please get in touch with Sheila at 613-336-2467.
The Kennebec Recreation Committee will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner and Quarter Auction Saturday June 3, 5pm at the Kennebec Community Centre. All of the proceeds of your free will enable the continuation of the building of the new Kennebec Sports Centre.
Nice to see all those gardens being planted and the arrival of the dragonflies!!
by Amanda Pantrey
• Why do flowers always drive so fast? They put the petal to the metal.
• Volunteers are wanted for the South Frontenac Summer Kickoff Music Festival taking place on May 27th from 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith. There are lots of opportunities to help out. These events simply cannot happen without a team of volunteers. Consider lending a hand! Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information and to get involved.
• Battersea United Church is hosting a children’s thrift sale this Saturday, May 27th from 10am – 2pm. Admission is $2 and a donation to the foodbank. Volunteers and vendors, please contact Emily at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
• Back to Health Massage & Wellness is hosting their Grand Re-Opening Event at their new location at 3810 Perth Road in Inverary! Check them out on Sunday, May 28th from 10am – 3pm for homemade cupcakes, giveaways and draws, and a photo op with mascot and mini horse Thunder. Congrats to Allison and the team for getting into their new location – You don’t have to go to town for quality wellness and care! Check them out for your health and wellness needs.
• Catch the Good Lovelies at Leopard Frog Barn Concerts at 7 pm on May 28. Tickets are $35 pp and can be purchased at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• The South Frontenac Museum Society presents “Treasures in the Attic” on Sat. June 3 from 10-3 at the Verona Lions Hall. Bring your treasures to be assessed by our team. Entry by donation.
• The Four Rivers Cluster Youth Group is partnering with K’s Kottage to host a free Puppet Making event for youth 10 and older (parental assistance required for those under 10 years old) from 10 am to noon on June 3rd at Battersea United Church. RSVP to Reverend Heather by May 27th at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
• Soulful Singing is hosted at Donna Wood’s house on the fourth Tuesday of every month from May – August at 7pm. If its raining or the bugs are outrageous, the event will happen inside, otherwise enjoy an outdoor singing experience complete with fires, fireflies, and the whippoorwills. Cost to participate is $10 and free for your first time. Please connect with Donna to RSVP, ask questions, or get directions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-353-2889.
• The Sydenham High School 150th reunion committee is hosting a vendor market on June 10th at The Point Park in support of the reunion happening in August. They will also have over 50 vendors and will be accepting alcohol bottles and cans for a bottle return drive at the vendor market.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Land O’ Lakes Garden Club will be holding its Annual Plant Sale on Saturday, May 27th at Janis St Johns garden, 1444 #506, starting at 9am. They will have lots of perennials locally grown by their members, hostas are their speciality. They will also have 4 varieties of tomato plants for sale and some other vegetables and herbs. Please come and support the Garden Club to help them maintain the many projects they take care of in our community.
The Lions Club of LOL hope you have had a chance to see their fence decorated with over 250 hand painted cut out puppies. These were all done by the NAEC students in preparation for the Dog Guide Walk this Sunday May 28th. Registration starts at 9am. Lots of activities including bouncy castle, treat bags, prizes for best dressed, and best trick. The Lions canteen tent will be open with lots of yummy treats. The event goes until 1pm.
Six days later, Saturday June 3rd, marks the Grand Opening of the Northbrook Lions Farmers Market 10-1pm. Opening day celebrations include lots of vendors, live music, kids activities, canteen tent and free cupcakes! We are excited for our third season. Come check us out!
Angela Bright
A Plant Sale and Market will be held at the Matawatchan Hall on Saturday May 27 from 10am to 1pm.
There will be bedding plants, perennials, honey, preserves and baked goods. You can also have coffee, tea and lunch (soup and bun). New vendors are always welcome. Please contact Gitte to book a $5.00 table 613-318-8308, 343-988-8308 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Denbigh Diners: Land O’ Lands Community Services will be hosting Diners at the Denbigh Hall on Monday, June 5 at Noon. Lunch will be a BBQ, salads and dessert. Everyone is welcome. Betty will be calling everyone by Tuesday the week before.
Mark your calendar as the Denbigh Griffith Lions Club is celebrating 25 years of service to the community. They invite you to join them on Saturday, June 17 from 3 to 7pm at the Lions Hall in Griffith. There will be a free BBQ for everyone to enjoy. See you there.
Kelli McRobert
Frontenac Farmers Market is now open from 3-7pm Fridays at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith.
June 10th, 10-3pm, SHS 150th Reunion is holding a vendor sale at the Sydenham High football field.
South Frontenac is still looking for voulunteers for the Music Festival event at 4500 Centennial Park Road, Harrowsmith on May 27. There are two shifts 3pm – 7pm and 7pm – 11pm. We need help with: Parking (adults preferred for safety), welcome crew (gates), fire pit monitors, kids zone helpers. Contact Amanda Pantrey at SF Township 613-376-3027 ext. 4447.
This session’s final Women’s Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, June 6 at 12:30pm at MOM Restaurant, Verona. New women are always welcome. Please call 613-374-2703 by June 3 to register.
At this luncheon, an evaluation will be completed. Participants will be asked to give feedback about the format, location, and time including when Fall Luncheons should start up again and if additional components should be added. We hope you will join us!
Two pickleball sessions remain for this month: May 29th, 10am-12pm, Skill Improvement for those looking to improve their game, and May 29th, 5:30-7:30pm for Introduction to Pickleball -all equipment provided. Call 613-374-5662 to register, spaces are limited.
Hartington Car Wash now has Tap (credit cards & debit) and Wash options for the car wash bays on Hwy 38.
The Township of Central Frontenac has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2023 Swim Program due to a lack of swim instructors.
Central Frontenac has offered the popular Swim Program for over 20 years. The program has been running annually and has become a tradition for many Central Frontenac families.
Programs like this support local youth by providing summer employment opportunities, however due to little interest in the summer swim instructor positions a decision was made to cancel the program for 2023.
Refunds will be issued for 2023 Swim Program Registrations.
Condolences to the friends and family of Mel Martin from Holleford, he was a member of the Cole Lake congregation, and his service this past week was well attended by those who knew and loved him.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
The Harrowsmith Beautification Committee places five (5) by three foot high planters out in the village each year. One at each end and three (3) in the middle of town. These were stored by the Township over the winter and were placed in their assigned locations by May 10. On Saturday, May 13, the Committee went to plant flowers in each and found that two (2) of them in the centre of town are missing. Each planter has a plaque on it indicating it was donated by Gilmour's on Hwy 38. If you know of anyone who picked these up or have seen them on other than the main street in Harrowsmith please contact the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) at 888-310-1122.
Saturday, May 27, 2023 TAKE OUT Mud Cat Fish Fry, Golden Links Hall Harrowsmith, Advance tickets only with a purchase CUT OFF date of Wednesday, May 24. Cost is $20.00. Tickets are available at the gas stations in Sydenham, Harrowsmith, Hartington and Asselstine Hardware in Verona. For information call 613-372-2410.
Saturday, May 27, 2023 the South Frontenac Summer Kickoff Music Festival at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith will be held from 4 to 10pm. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. PLEASE NOTE THAT VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS ---> use the same email.
Saturday, June 03, 2023 the South Frontenac Museum Society presents "Treasures in the Attic" from 10am to 3pm at the Verona Lions Hall. Bring your treasures to be assessed by our onsite team. Entry is by donation to the museum.
Tuesday, June 06, 2023 the final Luncheon of the Women's Ministries will be held at the MOM Restaurant in verona. New women are welcome. Please call 613-374-2703 by June 03 to register. At this luncheon an evaluation will be completed. Participants will be asked to give feedback on the format, location and time, including when Fall Luncheons should start up again and if additional components should be added.
Friday, June 16, 2023 the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all Southern Frontenac Community Services Supporters will be held at the Storrington Centre, 3910 Battersea Road. Scheduled for the morning (details to follow). For more information contact Executive Director, Ken Foster, at 613-376-6477 ext 301 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Jean Brown
Our Pine Meadow people celebrated Mother’s Day with a Sunday afternoon tea party complete with girl guide cookies donated by the Hole family along with a beautiful homemade crocheted flower from Michelle Hannay! Everyone had a blast. This past week they revived “Ruby’s Diner” with a throw back menu to the good old days that included some of root beer float, banana split, orange crush, cheeseburg, hot dog, ice cream cone, french fries/poutine. They rocked on.
Check out the 60 wooden coloured guide dogs on the fence at the Lions Hall in Northbrook that were coloured by students of NAEC. Thanks to our Lions Club of Land O’Lakes for promoting guide dogs with their up-coming walk on May 28. This is super duper exciting.
Harlowe rocked with the Ol Tyme Fiddlers and now are gearing up for open mic on Sat. May 27 at the Harlowe Hall from 1- 5. Come and have a rootin tootin time. Entertainers $2.00; Public $5.00. Yummy food available to purchase.
Henderson United yard sale is gearing up for June 10 and June 24 from 8-12 noon. Special thanks to all who are responding with gently used items and contacting organizers @613-336-2467 and 336-9234 to arrange a drop off time. We are receiving items until June 7- with super duper thanks.
This Sunday, May 28 Henderson United worship is post poned in favour of a union service at the Arden site at 10am with guest leader the Rev. Warren Vollmer of Frankford United Church. Rev. Kaitlyn Ostrander will lead in Frankford in this pulpit swap/exchange. Rev. Vollmer is also an honourary police chaplain who participated in the recent funeral of the late OPP Sergeant Eric Mueller in Ottawa. All welcome.
by Judy Borovskis
Welcome Danielle & Dylan and new puppy Winston who have just moved to Inverary! Met them on my morning run. Further down the road, I was introduced to Scarlett, another wee newcomer who was 3 days old at the time!
Children’s Thrift Sale May 27th from 10 – 2 at Battersea United Church. Half price bargain sale from 1:30-2. Admission is $2 plus a donation for the Food Bank.
Summer Music Festival in South Frontenac kicks off on May 27th in Centennial Park, Harrowsmith. Enjoy a line-up of talented musicians from 4 to 10pm. Also on site will be Harrowsmith Brewing Co., K&P Brewery, The Local Brewery and Auralis Botanical Brewing Co. (non-alcoholic refreshments), plus local foods to enjoy. Future concerts are June 24, July 29 and August 19 at various locations.
The Good Lovelies in concert at Leopard Frog Barn on May 28th at 7pm. Cost is $35.00. To reserve, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Located at 4587 Kauffmann Lane, Battersea.
Grand-Opening ! Back to Health Massage & Wellness invites the community to drop in on May 28th from 10am to 3pm. to meet the team and see the facility. (next door to the Cookery). It has grown with a Chiropractor, Personal Trainer and Holistic Health Coach AND meet Thunder, their new Mascot! Enjoy cupcakes, free giveaways and enter the draw for one of 3 gift baskets. Thunder will be available for photo-ops!
Next Community Food Bank Drive will be Friday, June 2nd from 1-5 at the Lion’s Hall. Needed – hygiene products, cereal, crackers, bread, dairy products, meat, fruit & vegetables (canned, frozen or fresh).
“Treasurer in the Attic” presented by The South Frontenac Museum on Saturday, June 3rd from 10 -3:00 pm. at the Verona Lion’s Hall. Bring your treasures to be assessed by our team. Entry by donation.
Puppet Making youth event for youth 10 and older from 10 am to noon on June 3 at Battersea United Church. Contact Rev. Heather by May 27 to RSVP: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Neil Dick Memorial Breakfast at Rideau Acres Campground on June 10th from 8am. To 11:30am hosted by Rotary Club of Kingston and the Dick family. Cost $10.00 adults and $5.00 kids 6 to 12 years.
Self-Defence Class with Sensei Hamid Nam at Inverary United Church Hall, one class every three months. Next class is June 10th at 12 noon to 3pm. If interested or for more info, call 613-328-6742 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
LCBO Bottle Drive – Light Up Our Diamonds! Trailer is at 3950 Round Lake Road and continues until June 30th Drop off as well at Mrs. Garrett’s Bakery.
Storrington Retirees Luncheon at the Storrington Centre the second Wednesday of each month. Enjoy a home cooked meal. Everyone welcome!
Fall Prevention Program! by the VON at the Storrington Centre on Tuesdays 9 to 10:30 To register contact Danielle McTaggart at 613-634-0130 ext 3414 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 20 spots available!
Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8pm at the Storrington Lions Club. Barbecue dinner available and enjoy fellowship time games and prizes. Cost is $10.
Soulful Singing! Join us the fourth Tuesday of the month (May – August) at 7pm. Info and directions, call Donna 613-353-2889.
Mark the date! Plowing Match September 10th at the farm of Charles & Norma Barr, 4382 Latimer Road, Inverary.
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
At The ABC Hall – Country Music Dance, featuring music by “Real Country” (formerly Red Rose Express) Saturday, May 27 – Doors Open at 6:30pm. Music starts at 7pm. Advance tickets $20 pp. Cash Bar. More info:
Saturday, June 3 – LOBSTERFEST The ABC Hall’s biggest, most popular fundraiser of the year!
Advance tickets $65 pp. Take-out or Dine-In. Cash bar. 50/50 Raffle tickets, too.
For details:
Tay Valley Soccer VOLUNTEERS – A great number of local citizens have turned out to VOLUNTEER for the Tay Valley Soccer Program. It is nice to know there are so many people willing to give their time to our community. Thank you to: Jason Adams · Nickolas Besserer-LeBouthillier · Yesly Bonte · Laticia Card · Steven Card · Tenzin Chu · Brandon Cinkant · Austen Cinkant · Dayna Clark · Shana Cook · Joel Doupe · Damon Ferrier · Mark Furlong · Chris George · Andrew Graham · Kyla Harry · Richard Hutton · Alexandra Jordan · Kaitlin Mitchell · Sean Mitchell · Kerrsten Norwood · Melissa Pickering · Allison Pierman · Nicholas Playfair · Rick Potoma · Danielle Prophet · Dennis Riggs · Bryan Scott · Simon Van Wingerden · Mitchell Waugh · Hannah Williamson · Aaron Williamson.
Let’s Communicate … Archives Lanark is creating a “Friends of the Archives” mailing list! When we have news or events we would like to share with like-minded individuals, we certainly don’t want anyone to miss out. If you would like to join this group, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will make sure your email is included so you are always “up to date.”
by Pearl Killingbeck
No column; check back next week!
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
Dominic, Lorie and Rick blew out their candles at the May Birthday Bash. A wonderful feast filled the serving table and no one went home hungry. Dominic sang and played several tunes, including one that he wrote, and two other songs that folks sang and clapped along with. The next Bash will be held on June 21.
We hope everyone enjoyed the May long weekend. My garden was grateful for the rain on Saturday, then I got quite a bit done in the garden during the rest of the weekend but I'm not planting my tomatoes, melon or peppers yet. Maybe next week. The bug jacket got a workout too. A few dragonflies were sighted but many more need to hatch out to make a difference to the blackfly numbers.
by Elijah Abrams
Another branch has fallen from our family tree with the passing of Irene Dusharme. Also thinking of the family of Keith Conboy and Aileen Peters and offering our sincere condolences.
Thinking of you to Gary Drew.
As of May 1st, the Library is open on Thursday 5 - 7 instead of 6 - 8 other two days remain the same.
Parham United Church had Special Music during the service by Kathy Lowery-King. Rev. Shelly Roberts was off this week.
Sunday, June 25, the Parham United Church will be holding a Reunion at the Parham Fair Grounds. Watch for more info closer to the date.
The Parham Seniors club Happy Travellers celebrated Mother's Day by wearing beautiful hats to their May meeting.
Hope everyone had a great long weekend.
Lion Dave Hansen presented Villages Beautiful with a cheque from the profit from their All You Can Eat Breakfast. Doris Campsall accepted this on behalf of the organization.
Lilacs are really beautifying our area. Bright array of perfumy spring, also the flowering crabs are looking wonderful.
This weekend, don't forget to come out to support the Grade 8's from GREC at their fundraising ball tournament in Parham.
Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Bryan and Lin Hannah!!! Their family is having a gathering for them at Piccadilly Hall on May 27 from 1-3. All are welcome to come help us celebrate with them.
Next week at the Parham Ball field we have a game for the U13 team on Sunday May 28th at 5 pm. Then on Tuesday, May 30, we have the grasshoppers playing at 630 and then the Junior Men at 830 - come out and cheer loudly!!!
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
No column; check back next week!
by Rhonda Watkins
Clarendon Central Public School would like to send out a huge thank you to everyone who came out to support their amazing school last Saturday! Community members, shoppers, volunteers, vendors, staff & students; together raised over $3,700.00. WOW!!
They are overwhelmed and appreciate everyone for supporting their first annual vendor /barbq /bake /plant / yard sale!!
Last Tuesday's first Euchre night at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall was a great time for all 21 people that came out to play! The light luncheon with coffee and tea afterwards was fun and $108.90 was raised for the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Plevna! Awesome!! Big Congratulations to Rodney W. for winning the high score prize with a score of 107!! WOW!! 6 lone hands won the most lone hands prize, and it was awarded to Sheila D. The booby prize went to Paul T. who won a nice brand new bottle of Heinz Ketchup! I heard this weeks booby prize is a box of salt so someone can rub it in their wound, heehee!! Don't forget the fun starts at 7pm on Tuesday nights!!
The Summer dump hours started on Sunday May 14th. This also means that the reuse center opens back up again at the hwy 506 dump site. If you haven't been yet, it is such a great idea!! People can drop off acceptable items in good condition that can still be treasured by someone else or stop in and find new treasures to enjoy all completely FREE!! Woohoo!! It is open on Wednesdays from 9-1pm and Saturdays from 12-5pm. For more info. you can call the Township office at 613 479-2231 or visit
Are you a new resident of North Frontenac? Did you know you can visit the Municipal Office (6648 Road 506, just west of Plevna) during regular business hours for a FREE Welcome Package? It is filled with valuable information about the area and local businesses, maps and other useful items!
Shamrock Bakery in Plevna is up and running and ready to take your order! Stop in and see all of the Awesome updates inside!! This Friday May 26th Nuala is serving Beef Lasagna, Caesar Salad with a Herbed Bun. It's $18 and you can text 416 834-0988 to place your order. You can also ask the lovely and talented Nuala about the Maple Syrup and Honey now available for purchase!
If Beers and wings are your things, heading to North of 7 Restaurant Friday nights will be right up your alley! Great service, delicious food and a break from these black flies!
The Clar-Mill Hall will be the hotspot this Sat May 27th at 1pm, The North Frontenac Historical Society & Archives will host a FUN, FREE community event, sharing info about their 2022 and 2023 preservation projects with Musical entertainment provided by The White Family, Ron Lemke, Neville Wells and the Land O'Lakes Cloggers.
If the Clogging looks fun and like something you might be interested in enjoying, I was speaking to Joyce and she said that she was thinking about starting a new beginner class in the Fall, How exciting! A great fun exercise! Stay tuned for more details at the end of Summer!
The Township of North Frontenac has recently installed a new 3-way stop at the intersection of Myers Cave and Harlowe Road. The new configuration will improve traffic operations at this location! Wonderful news!!
Did you hear yet that Polished Spa is relocating? After June 5th, Clients can book with Holly at 1729 Bathurst 5th Concession anytime after June 5th. She will be operating on Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri 9:30-4:30pm! you can contact her at 905 375-4558 to book an appointment or visit her facebook page Polished Spa Services.
If you are looking for Fun, Drinks, Dancing, Games and Raffles? Look no further!! Emma Tooley and Zach Matson invite you to come and join them at their stag and doe this Sat May 27th at 7pm at the Clar-Mill Hall. Tickets are $10 each at the door or are available ahead of time by contacting the bride, groom, their wedding party or their parents. Congratulations Emma and Zack!!
by Karen Brawley
No column; check back next week!
Debbie Lingen
Bellrock Hall is open Wednesdays for Community Drop in. Lots of activities available, canteen and light lunch available. 10 to 4pm.
Don and Linda's Garden Market is on Saturdays all summer from 9am to 1pm, 4309 Maple Dr. Providing local produce, pick and pull garden. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Before you head out for your busy summer, join South Frontenac Township for the Summer Kickoff Music Festival! The music festival will be at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith on Saturday, May 27th from 4pm to 10pm. The event will be a true celebration of local talent and artistry, bringing together masters of their craft in the music, food, and drink industries here in our region. Admission is FREE thanks to generous local sponsors.
South Frontenac Community Services are holding their 13th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Friday, June 2 at 12:30pm. Location the Rivendell Golf Club. New Golfers welcome. Contact Chelsea Thomas at SFCSC for info or to register 613-376-6477 ext 308 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This event will support seniors programs serving South Frontenac and rural Kingston.
South Frontenac Museums presents Treasures in the Attic on Saturday, June 3 from 10am to 5pm. Location: the Verona Lion Club, entry by donation. Bring your treasures, one of a kind finds and family heirlooms. Assessors will be there to shine new light on our antiques.
This session's final Women's Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, June 6 at 12:30pm at MOM Restaurant. New women are always welcome. Please call 613-374-2703 by June 3 to register. At this luncheon an evaluation will be completed. Participants will be asked to give feedback about the format, location, and time including when should Fall Luncheons start up again and if additional components should be added.
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