May 31, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
No doubt you have heard that the Kennebec Recreation Committee is in the process of rebuilding the old Rink Shack. The old structure has been demolished and everyone will soon see new construction begin. With that being said, funding is still necessary to complete this process. The Recreation Committee, along with Jeff Matson and friends, will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner, complete with all of the fixings, Saturday June 3, 5pm, at the Community Centre. Along with the dinner there will be a “Quarter Auction”, so bring some extra funds and have some fun.
From the Arden Legion: Blind draw doubles dart tournament June 3/23 payout top 4 teams, register 10-10:45am darts fly at 11am, food available. Breakfast & lunch is available for anyone that wants to come to Legion that day.
Are you from this surrounding area, interested in Pickleball or would just like to know more about the “rage” sport and maybe learn how to play? This is your opportunity to achieve all of the above. The Kennebec Rec Committee is in the process of setting up pickleball courts for new and seasoned players. If you would like more information and get on the distribution list, please get in touch with Rose Cavanagh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
If you are a community volunteer, please save Thursday June 22, (rain date Friday June 23) for the Annual Village Cleanup. Watch for posters and more advertising in this column as the date approaches.
by Amanda Pantrey
• Why do cows wear bells? Because their horns don’t work.
• The South Frontenac Museum Society presents “Treasures in the Attic” on Sat. June 3 from 10-3 at the Verona Lions Hall. Bring your treasures to be assessed by our team. Entry by donation.
• The Sydenham High School 150th reunion committee is hosting a vendor market on June 10th at The Point Park in support of the reunion happening in August. They will also have over 50 vendors and will be accepting alcohol bottles and cans for a bottle return drive at the vendor market.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Land O’ Lakes Garden Club will be holding their next meeting on Wednesday, June 10th at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne at 7pm. The speaker will be Mary Shearman Reid from the Green Thumb Nursery in Nepean. Mary will be demonstrating how best to put an outdoor plant container together, she says “no space is too small”. Come and see what the garden club is all about.
Cloyne Rec Club presents Meet the Machine June 10/23 from 10am to 12pm located at the school parking lot in Cloyne. Come over to the Hall to enjoy some treats and the concession stand. The Cloyne Big Chair Project will be hosting a BBQ fundraiser to help towards the project costs. The hall will also be hosting a few vendors. Come out and enjoy the morning in Cloyne!
The LOL Lions Club of Northbrook welcome you the their 3rd Annual Farmers Market. The Grand Opening will be Saturday June 3rd from 10-1. Come join in the fun and see some past and new vendors. Our famous Eggers will be available and free cupcakes will start up the new season.
Angela Bright
No column; check back next week!
Kelli McRobert
A graveside service will be held for Doug Fox on June 17th at 11 am at the Piccadilly Cemetery, followed by a celebration of life at Verona Lions Hall.
Come enjoy some fun activities and a free BBQ in the new outdoor classroom at Frontenac Park, on June 3rd!
All Friends of Frontenac members and their families are invited to attend this free BBQ. There will be fun activities, refreshments, and lunch put on by the Friends of Frontenac. Bring a friend and/or family! Plan on attending? Remember to reserve your parking spot in advance on the Ontario Parks Reservation website and RSVP on the Friends of Frontenac website.
June 24th, Music in the Park returns to McMullen Park in Verona from 1-3 PM. Live music, family-friendly event.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
Saturday, June 3, 2023 the South Frontenac Museum Society presents "Treasures in the Attic" from 10am to 3pm at the Verona Lions Hall. Bring your treasures to be assessed by our onsite team. Entry is by donation to the museum.
Tuesday, June 06, 2023 the final Luncheon of the Women's Ministries will be held at the MOM Restaurant in verona. New women are welcome. Please call 613-374-2703 by June 03 to register. At this luncheon an evaluation will be completed. Participants will be asked to give feedback on the format, location and time, including when Fall Luncheons should start up again and if additional components should be added.
Friday, June 16, 2023 the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all Southern Frontenac Community Services Supporters will be held at the Storrington Centre, 3910 Battersea Road. Scheduled for the morning (details to follow). For more information contact Executive Director, Ken Foster, at 613-376-6477 ext 301 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Jean Brown
Tammy Whitelock of the Cloyne Big Chair project is truly pleased with the response to date and invites folks to their June 10 BBQ fundraiser barbeque to aid the project at the Cloyne Hall parking lot from 11:30- 1:00 and all are welcome. Also keep your eye balls pealed for donation jars around the area- no doubt the chair will be up very soon.
Here in Henderson we thank Councillor Cindy Kelsey for reviving our yellow carriage for photo ops at the Henderson Hall. Check it out when you come to our church yard sale there on Sat. June 10 from 8am - noon.
Our Pine Meadow people had dandy weather and a great turn out for their recent on site yard sale featuring kitchenware, tools, clothing, Christmas decor, books and everything in between! Thanks to all workers and attendees.
Thanks to all who are refreshing flowers at the Henderson cemetery and to the grass cutters who are keeping it all spiffed up and ready for the up-coming annual Cemetery service of remembrance and hope held on site Sun. June 18 @ 2. Chairs are provided and the rain location is the Henderson United Church.
This past weekend, Springwood Cottages on Henderson Road and the Lions club hosted The Blind Anglers International Tournament (BAIT) on site providing an opportunity, at no cost for legally blind people to enjoy a weekend of fishing. Organized and developed by the Lions Clubs of District A4 (Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec) this event offers optimism, energy, hope and improvements in those who attend.
by Judy Borovskis
Congratulations to Addie Ormsbee of Kingston Secondary School. Her high school rowing team attended a regatta in Welland winning Gold in the women's 8 boat and Silver in the 4x women's boat. They are off to CSSRA (Canadian Secondary School Rowing Association) June 1-4 in St. Catharines, Ontario.
Next Community Food Bank Drive will be Friday June 2nd from 1-5 at the Lion’s Hall. Needed – hygiene products, cereal, crackers, bread, dairy products, meat, fruit & vegetables (canned, frozen or fresh).
“Treasurer in the Attic” presented by The South Frontenac Museum on Saturday, June 3rd from 10 - 3pm at the Verona Lion’s Hall. Bring your treasures to be assessed by our team. Entry by donation.
Puppet Making youth event for youth 10 and older from 10am to noon on June 3 at Battersea United Church. Contact Rev. Heather by May 27 to RSVP: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SHS Football Field – Vendor Market on June 10th in support of the SHS 150th Reunion. Over 50 vendors present. Also will be a bottle drive at The Point at the same time.
Neil Dick Memorial Breakfast at Rideau Acres Campground on June 10th from 8am to 11:30am hosted by Rotary Club of Kingston and the Dick Family. Cost $10.00 adults and $5.00 kids 6 to 12 years.
Self-Defence Class with Sensei Hamid Nam at Inverary United Church Hall, one class every three months. Next class is June 10th at 12 noon to 3pm. If interested or for more info, call 613-328-6742 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
LCBO Bottle Drive – Light Up Our Diamonds! Trailer is at 3950 Round Lake Road and continues until June 30th Drop off as well at Mrs. Garrett’s Bakery.
Storrington Retirees Luncheon at the Storrington Centre the second Wednesday of each month. Enjoy a home cooked meal. Everyone welcome!
Fall Prevention Program! by the VON at the Storrington Centre on Tuesdays 9 to 10:30. To register contact Danielle McTaggart at 613-634-0130 ext 3414 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 20 spots available!
Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8pm. at the Storrington Lions Club. Barbecue dinner available and enjoy fellowship time games and prizes. Cost is $10
Soulful Singing! Join us the fourth Tuesday of the month (May – August) at 7pm. Info and directions call Donna 613-353-2889.
Mark the Date! Plowing Match September 10th at the farm of Charles & Norma Barr, 4382 Latimer Road, Inverary.
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
Saturday, June 3 – LOBSTERFEST – The ABC Hall’s biggest and most popular fundraiser of the year! Advance tickets are $65 per person; dine in or take out. There will be a cash bar and 50/50 raffle tickets too. For more details go to the ABC hall website;
Algonquins of Bedford, Oso and South Sherbrooke - Plaque Dedication – Organized by The Table Community Food Centre on June 11 at 11 am to 2 pm. at the ABC Hall, 3166 Bolingbroke Rd. It is my understanding that one has to register first, yet I’m sorry to report, I don’t know how one is to do that.
by Pearl Killingbeck
I had a great 2-1/2 hour visit with Elaine and Harriet last Sunday. I really enjoyed it because I was feeling really down that day and they brought me back up. I felt so much better after they left.
Get well wishes to Bev Ladurantaye who has been in Perth Hospital. Hope you soon find out what is wrong and can get back to being yourself.
Sympathy to the family of another sister-in-law – Daphne (Killingbeck) Gardiner - from Smiths Falls. My thoughts and prayers are with the whole Killingbeck and Gardiner families.
Also, sympathy to the families of Keith Conboy and Blair Bingley.
Thank you Alice for taking me for my CT scan on Thursday.
Sympathy to Harriet on the passing of her beautiful and beloved dog Bella. Sorry for you Harriet, but Bella had a wonderful life.
I see the people who bought the McEwen house are moving in this weekend. Hope to meet them soon and welcome them to the village.
A good crowd enjoyed the music of The Tritones on Thursday night at the Community Centre. Next month, the award-winning Australian singer/songwriter/guitarist Lloyd Spiegel will be appearing on Wednesday, June 28th.
The family of the late Don Bova are hosting a Celebration of Life for family, friends and neighbours on Saturday, June 3rd from noon until 3pm at the Community Centre.
A fermentation workshop will be held on Tuesday, June 6th. Contact the Community Centre or Hanne Quigley to book your spot.
The June Social Dinner on Wednesday, June 14th will have an Asian theme. Try an Asian recipe or bring a favourite dish or dessert. Serving at 6pm.
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
Last week the RFCS Community Cafe was held at the Ompah Hall. It was a jam packed program. First up, we learned some of the ins and outs of pickleball. Katie and Sue tried their hand at a smaller court laid out in the hall. Then Dr. Doneisha Dodd, naturopath, spoke about the Mediteranean diet and healthy foods. Then folks could transplant some herbs to take home. A lunch was served and all went home full of information and good food.
Music Night at Snow Road featured the jazz group, the Tri-Tones. The three amazing guitarists played their own compositions, and a few covers. Toes were tapping and the evening was delightful. The next Music Night, June 28, will feature the multi-award winning Australian blues and folk singer/guitarist Lloyd Spiegel. He is on tour around North America and is fitting in a concert in Snow Road following an appearance at Ottawa Bluesfest. This is a concert not to miss. Get your tickets early.
Just a reminder that a Pickleball group is playing Monday and Thursday mornings from 10 -11:30. Text Liz (613-806-4745) to add your name on the 'pickle list' to find out who is playing when. Don't worry if you've never played before, folks are helpful and usually have extra paddles.
by Elijah Abrams
Please support the Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides, sponsored by the Sharbot Lake Lions. It will be held on Sunday, June 4th at Sharbot Lake beach – registration at 9:30. The walk is 5km long – or a comfortable distance for you. Registration forms available. Some contests will be held – will your dog have the shortest tail? Help us provide support for those who need a canine assist pal. For more details, email Lion Linda at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The South Frontenac Museum Society presents “Treasures in the Attic” on Sat. June 3 from 10-3 at the Verona Lions Hall. Bring your treasures to be assessed by our team. Entry by donation.
Please join family and friends as Open Mics continue every Thursday from 1-4 pm at Sharbot Lake Legion till June 22. Drop in for some local live music, bring your instrument or just your dancing shoes. Everyone is welcome. A great way to spend an afternoon. Last week, Dave Dawson - a 91 year old author, song writer and great singer and yodeller participated. Keep up the great work, keep on belting those Wilf Carter tunes and old railway songs.
Thinking about you to William Lowery and Micheline Montreal's sister Suzette.
Thank you to all for supporting GRECs Grade 8 class ball tournament on the weekend. What a great turnout!! Thank you to Tiffany Thompson Redmonds team and Liam Melkmans team for such an exciting final game and for donating their winnings back to the Grade 8s!!! Also with the tie breaking being determined by a leg wrestling competition!!!! So many laughs!!! What a great day!!
Congratulations to Daniel Fox and Nicole Monk on their marriage as well as Melissa Sproule & Andrew Easton and Jason and Lynn Riddell!!!
50th anniversary celebrations on the weekend for Lyn and Brian Hannah and Merrillee & Dale Gray. Congrats and many more!
Please remember to contact the township office for your Property clean up ticket (amnesty load). Dates are July 14 to 20 and August 25 to 31 Olden site only.
Next week in baseball we have Monday the U9 team at 6:30pm in Parham, Tuesday night we have grasshoppers in Parham at 6:30pm and Thursday the U11 team at 6:30pm in Parham. Hope to see you there.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services Continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. We are still searching for a permanent minister, meanwhile, we will continue using our Worship Committee supported by the Rev. Dr. Stephen McAllister (part time) and Mike Mundell (first Sunday of the month)
EVENTS AT Perth Rd. Sunday School Hall: Tuesday Lunches are closed until October 3rd.
Perth Road VILLAGE Crafters will continue through summer and meet every Wednesday: 9:30am – 11:30am at Harris Park Hall, 5612 Perth Road Cres. If you’re a first-timer, get in touch with Cheryl Bird at 613-353-7303.
YOGA classes on Opinicon Rd., Pilates and foam rolling classes, go to:, for full schedule: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 613-453-4195.
Jam Sessions continue at Storrington Centre: Friday nights: 5pm – 10pm. Until Fri, June 30. It will continue through July and August as an open–mic evening (no back-up band)
Admission for both events is $2:00. No charge for refreshments.
Vendors Wanted: Limestone County Pet Treats presents Summer Shopping in L & A. 30+ vendors, July 9th 2023, 9 am – 2 pm. $30 registration fee. Conservation Park Pavilion, Napanee, Ont. Registration/Questions – email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
June 10th at Sydenham High School (SHS) Football Field we are holding a Vendor market with 50+ vendors in support of the SHS 150th reunion. We are also accepting alcohol bottles/cans at the point for a bottle drive on June 10th as well.
by Rhonda Watkins
If you like to play Euchre and would like to visit with some neighbours, come on out to the Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road) on Tuesday nights at 7pm! There are prizes for high score, low score and most lone hands. Tea and coffee with snacks are available after the games when we award the prizes. Donations for Plevna's Holy Trinity Anglican Church are accepted at the door.
Have you had a chance to visit the MEGA Yard Sale at 1142 Overton Road yet? It's located off Buckshot Lake Road between Plevna and Vennachar. Every Saturday and Sunday from 9-4pm you can visit them for great deals on everything from electronics to garden art! if you are looking for a vacuum, this is the place to go. I heard they have great deals available right now!
Don't forget that we will begin our Plevna Community Column fish of the week in July and August, so remember to get a good picture of you and your great catch and send them to me! I can't wait to see what luck everybody has this summer in North Frontenac!!
Summerfest is back!! Circle your calendar for Saturday, July 22 to enjoy great food, live music and more at the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna! The Township welcomes the participation of the business community and would love to see you offer an activity or have a booth or maybe something different you have in mind. Feel free to reach out to Matt Walker with any participation ideas at 613 479-2231 Ext 236 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of Lillian White, who passed away on Friday, May 19th in her 91st year. There was a visitation, funeral and burial last Sunday. Anyone wishing to make a donation in Lillian's memory are invited to donate to the Arthritis Society or the Cancer Society.
Pat Crampton lost her prescription sunglasses at the Plevna cemetery on Sunday. If you find them, could you please contact Jerry White at 613 479-2548? Thanks in advance!
by Karen Brawley
We did it, survived May.. welcome June…
Wishing all those celebrating a birthday during the month of June a Happy Birthday. On June 2, a special birthday wish to my mother in law… and myself as well (there now she can’t get mad at me).
Looking for something to do on Friday night (June 2nd)? Come on down to the downstairs of the Legion, Scott Palmeter will be entertaining from 6-9pm, sure to impress. After a long hot week, wind down with some good times, good friends and a cold beverage.
JUNE 10th - annual yard sale day. Let’s make it an epic one. If yard sales aren’t your thing or you’re just wanting to be out and about exploring, check out the vendors down at the Point as well, for the fundraiser for the SHS reunion.
A HUGE SHOUT OUT to each and every establishment who scoops up ice cream in our village, we’re super lucky to have so many amazing local businesses. It’s ice cream season… beat the heat at one of the many locations, be it scoops on cones, tubs or novelties. I’d say you’re covered.
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the dance at the legion on June 16th, tickets are $10 and available at the One Stop or Legion during their hours of operation. The Bon Evans band will be performing. Check them out on social media. Better yet, make it a night out with friends.
Debbie Lingen
South Frontenac Museums presents Treasures in the Attic on Saturday, June 3 from 10am to 5pm. Location: the Verona Lion Club. Entry by donation. Bring your treasures, one of a kind finds and family heirlooms. Assessors will be there to shine new light on our antiques.
Don and Linda's Garden Market will have fresh rhubarb, onions, garlic, kale, herbs, and more this Saturday, June 3. They will be collecting food items for the SFCSC Food Bank. Especially needed are pasta sauce, canned fruit & brown beans. Come out and fill the bushel baskets at 4309 Maple Drive, Verona, Saturday 9-1. Many new Craft items added weekly. or 613 374 1307
This session's final Women's Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, June 6 at 12:30pm at MOM Restaurant. New women are always welcome. Please call 613-374-2703 by June 3 to register. At this luncheon an evaluation will be completed. Participants will be asked to give feedback about the format, location, and time including when should Fall Luncheons start up again and if additional components should be added.
Enjoy Euchre at the Bellrock Community Hall every second Thursday. The next euchre will be held June 8. Pot Luck lunch at 12 and euchre at 1pm. It costs $2 to play and $1 for 3 tickets for the 50/50 draw. There is also prizes for door prizes,high score, most lone hands and lowest score.
Visit the Annual Artisan Sale on Saturday, June 10, beginning at 9:30am. Located at 6522 Rd 38, Verona. There will be garden art, birdbaths, woodworking, solar lights. pebble art and much more.
New Leaf Link (NeLL) is holding their 50/50 fundraiser. Tickets on sale now. For more information New Leaf Link (NeLL) is a non-profit charitable organization that supports adults with developmental disabilities. NeLL provides programming in Arts, Healthy Living and Community participation. They focus on activities that develop independent life skills, communication, exercise, social interaction and community involvement. NeLL is a place for everyone to learn together and build friendships.
Bellrock Hall is open Wednesdays for Community Drop in. Lots of activities available, canteen and light lunch available. 10 to 4pm.
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