Jun 07, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
Jeff Matson and the Kennebec Recreation Committee would like to thank everyone, volunteers and those who attended, the Fundraising Spaghetti Dinner last Saturday. The dinner was great, with some wild game sauce for those who preferred that to beef. The quarter auction proved to be successful and a lot of fun. This writer won a Multifunctional Torch Lamp. In my future I see a new career looming, as an Aircraft Marshaller at Baker Valley airport or an extra in the next Star Wars movie. So many laughs!!
The Arden United Church is having a “Toonie Drive” at the Father’s Day service, so save the toonies.
Please do not forget the yard sales at the Henderson Church June10 and June 24, at the Henderson Hall, 8am to 12 Noon. Please get in touch with Sheila at 613-336-2467 if you wish to donate gently used items.
The Arden Legion will be hosting another Open Mic with Larry Dave and friends, June 10pm to 5pm. To participate please bring your own instrument. The Bar, BBQ and the kitchen will be open.
The Sharbot Lake and District Lions is sponsoring an “All you can Eat” breakfast at Oso Hall, June 17, 8am to 11am with proceeds to the GREG Bursaries fund’. Your support would be very welcome.
Regular happenings in Arden; Euchre Tuesday evening, Ta Chi Wednesday morning, Stretch and Strengthen Thursday morning all at the Kennebec Community Centre. Coffee Hours and Bible study continue at the United Church and Bingo and Euchre at the Legion, 6pm sharp and Euchre following.
by Amanda Pantrey
Why did the man love his barbecue? – Because it was the grill of his dreams.
The Kingston Field Naturalists invite you to join them for the 25th BioBlitz at Milburn Creek Nature Reserve on June 9th and 10th. Participants should register at the BioBlitz base site at the Battersea Ball Park between 2:30pm and 9pm on Friday, June 9, or between 8am and 2pm on Saturday, June 10. For more information, please email Anne at n8ture.anne@sympatico.ca.
The Sydenham High School 150th reunion committee is hosting a vendor market on June 10th at The Point Park in support of the reunion happening in August. They will also have over 50 vendors and will be accepting alcohol bottles and cans for a bottle return drive at the vendor market.
Roberta Smith is turning 80! In celebration, all are welcome to a birthday party at the Storrington Centre on Sunday, June 11th from 2pm - 4pm. Please bring best wishes only and help Roberta and her family mark this milestone birthday!
Save the date for the next Youth Dance by/at Storrington Lions Club from 7 to 10pm on Friday, June 16. This event is open to Grades 5 to 8 AND Grade 4 graduates. Admission is $5 pp.
Celebrate Canada Day in South Frontenac! There will be so much to do on July 1st, including activities at Glendower Hall, Centennial Park, Storrington Lions Club, and Sydenham Point Park. This year, South Frontenac will host one spectacular firework show at The Point Park in Sydenham at 9:45pm to cap off the day’s celebrations (rain date of July 2nd). To help everyone get to the show, there will be shuttle buses taking residents to and from the fireworks show from 10 different locations across the township. Check out www.southfrontenac.net/canadaday for shuttle locations, times, and the full itinerary of events for Canada Day.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Land O’ Lakes Garden Club will be holding their next meeting on Wednesday, June 14th at the Barrie Hall in Cloyne at 7pm. The speaker will be Mary Shearman Reid from the Green Thumb Nursery in Nepean. Mary will be demonstrating how best to put an outdoor plant container together, she says “no space is too small”. Come and see what the “garden club” is all about.
Come on out to the Lions 2nd Farmers Market on Saturday June 10th. Our Opening Day had perfect weather, lots of Vendors and yummy food at the Canteen . This will be a weekly function through to Saturday September 2nd. We will be collecting non perishable food items all summer for our community Food Bank so please be generous and bring something to place in the Lions blue box.
The Lions invite you to our 3rd Speakers Forum on Wednesday June 14th starting at 7 pm at our Hall in Northbrook. The guest Speakers will be two officers from the Royal Canadian Air Force Base in Trenton. LCol Dana Sliwinski and LCol Jean-Paul Landry who will give a presentation on International Cargo and Search and Rescue within Ontario. This event is free of charge just reserve your seat at lolspeakersforum.eventbrite.ca or by calling Nawar at 778-384-3381 or Ken at 613-336-3211.
Angela Bright
St Luke’s United Church will be having a musical Memorial Church Service on June 11 at 10:30am followed by a Pot Luck Lunch at the Denbigh Community Hall.
A Denbigh Library Summer Reading Club will run this summer, starting Wednesday June 28 from 6 to 7pm for 8 weeks. Registration will be from June 12 to 26. Please watch for more details. Also there will be a Craft and Story night on Wednesday, June 14 from 6 to 7pm. Please call 613 333 1426 to register as space is limited.
Mark your calendar as the Denbigh Griffith Lions Club is celebrating 25 years of service to the community. They invite you to join them on Saturday June 17 from 3 to 7pm at the Lions Hall in Griffith. There will be a free BBQ for everyone to enjoy. See you there.
Denbigh Recreation Committee will be having live music at the Denbigh Hall on Saturday, June 24th at 7:30pm. The Backwoods Brothers will be performing. Tickets for this 19+ Event are $15.00 and available from Glaeser’s, Rosie’s and Recreation Committee members. Buy a ticket and enjoy a great evening out.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will be having a Memorial Service on Sunday June 25 at 2:30pm. There will be a Guest Pastor. Refreshments to follow the service outside if weather permits.
Kelli McRobert
Happy birthday wishes this month: Lisa Calder, Michelle Cloutier-Hunt, Brenda Dundon, Christine Lavallee, Sue Peters Rath, Catherine Reynolds, Joanne Soucie, Mark Strachan, Ashley Van Luven Bates, Shery Shoniker, Eric Calder, and Shawna Finn.
Level 1 Burn Ban in effect -Friday, June 2, 2023, in South Frontenac, due to the high temperatures and current dry conditions, a level 1 burn ban has been placed into effect until further notice. This means a fire ban that restricts open-air burning including fireworks but does not include campfires or cooking fires.
Loughborough Public School is hosting its Family Fun Night on Friday, June 16th from 5-8pm...10.00 per child or 25.00 for a family of 3+ kids, cash only. Rain or shine. Lots to do with an inflatable obstacle course, OPP cruiser tour, craft station, Elements Fitness activity, balloon animals, cotton candy, BBQ, and more. Presented by the LPS Advisory Council and community partners.
The Parham Youth Group is accepting participants ages 10-18 to hang out, play games and learn new skills. Are you interested in joining? Call 613-279-3151 xt. 305 or email youth@rfcs.ca.
Kennebec Rec Committee is hosting a Lake Water Introductory Tandem Canoe Course for ages 12-17 at Springwood Cottage Resort -1018 Blue Heron Ridge Road on July 15th from 9am - 5pm, with a storm date of July 22nd. Registration and information: lynn Klages 613-305-0953 or cklages@centralfrontenac.com
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
Saturday, June 10, 2023 from 10 - 3 is the Sydenham High School 150th Reunion vendor market at the football field in the Point Park in Sydenham. Over fifty vendors are expected and a bottle drive for bottles and cans has been organized.
Friday, June 16, 2023 the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all Southern Frontenac Community Services Supporters will be held at the Storrington Centre, 3910 Battersea Road. Scheduled for the morning (details to follow). For more information contact Executive Director, Ken Foster, at 613-376-6477 ext 301 or ken.foster@sfcsc.ca.
Saturday, July 1, 2023 is the Canada Day Celebration in Centennial Park. The event is being organized and sponsored by the S&A Club, South frontenac township and local businesses. The event will run from 11 until 5 with live entertainment, a vendors' village, canteen, inflatables, children's games, raffles, dog shows and new this year, a beer garden!
Jean Brown
Bop on over to the Northbrook Foodland tomorrow- June 9th from 11am-3pm where sausages and hot dogs will be roasting on the bbq. A donation is the cost and all proceeds go to the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes for our community and area!
Then on Saturday June 10- all roads lead to beautiful downtown Henderson for the Church yard sale from 8am- noon. We’ve got everything but the kitchen sink and are right some excited to visit, sell and live it up, so come and have a rootin tootin time!! Your support enables the little white church on the corner to continue offering weekly worship, funerals, weddings, and to be a spiritual presence here at home and around the world.
Our NAEC (North Addington Educational Centre) rocked their recent Fun Fair that included an amazing auction, snow cones, inflatables, games, prize table, tarantula and snake display. Special thanks to the Fire Dept for the yummy burgers and dogs.
We’ve had a heat wave and also a power outage so are thankful to all who offered support and helped us all keep hydrated, while continuing to bring in gently used yard sale items. So far so good and Saturday's yard sale will be this week's hi light!
by Judy Borovskis
Thank you to the anonymous donor who left the mountain of can pull tabs at the door of the Storrington Lion’s Hall! Amazing! Estimated guess is that it is close to 50 lbs. It was a sight to behold!
SHS Football Field – Vendor Market on June 10th in support of the SHS 150th Reunion. Over 50 vendors present. Also will be a bottle drive at The Point at the same time.
Neil Dick Memorial Breakfast at Rideau Acres Campground on June 10th from 8am to 11:30am, hosted by Rotary Club of Kingston and the Dick Family. Cost $10.00 adults and $5.00 kids 6 to 12 years.
Self-Defence Class with Sensei Hamid Nam at Inverary United Church Hall, one class every three months. Next class is June 10th at 12 noon to 3pm. If interested or for more info, call 613-328-6742 or email hamidnam24@gmail.com
The Kingston Field Naturalists invite you to join them for their 25th BioBlitz at Milburn Creek Nature Reserve on June 9 and 10.
Happy Birthday Roberta! Enjoy cake and fellowship at Roberta Smiths’ 80th birthday party from 2 to 4pm on Sunday, June 11th at the Storrington Centre.
Youth Dance at Storrington Lions Club from 7 to 10pm on Friday, June 16th . This event is open to Grades 5 to 8 AND Grade 4 graduates. Admission is $5 per person.
Music with Chris Murphy! June 25th at 2pm at Inverary United Church. Free will offering. Enjoy a summer afternoon of great music!
Lynn Miles in concert June 25th at 7pm at Leopard Frog Barn.
Canada Day! Come One! Come All! and enjoy the party at the Storrington Lions Club Hall in Sunbury from noon to 4pm on Saturday, July 1. This family event is packed with fun for the whole family. Music, food, games and great fun for all ages.
LCBO Bottle Drive – Light Up Our Diamonds! June is here and the last month for the Trailer at 3950 Round Lake Road! We now owe $6000! Thank you to all for the great support. Can we reach our final target? Please continue to drop LCBO Returnables either in the trailer, at Mrs. Garrett’s Bakery or donate in our jar on the counter in the Inverary Beer Store. We are in the final stretch – we need your donations!
Storrington Retirees Luncheon at the Storrington Centre the second Wednesday of each month. Enjoy a home cooked meal. Everyone welcome!
Fall Prevention Program! by the VON at the Storrington Centre on Tuesdays 9 to 10:30 To register contact Danielle McTaggart at 613-634-0130 ext 3414 or email danielle.mctaggart@von.ca 20 spots available!
Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8pm at the Storrington Lions Club. Barbecue dinner available and enjoy fellowship time games and prizes. Cost is $10
Soulful Singing! Join us the fourth Tuesday of the month (May – August) at 7pm. Info and directions call Donna 613-353-2889.
Mark the Date! Plowing Match September 10th at the farm of Charles & Norma Barr, 4382 Latimer Road, Inverary.
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
Events at the ABC Hall - MAHJONNG. It’s a game like Rummy played with tiles instead of cards, typically with four players. Thursdays at noon. Cost is $5 at the door, which goes toward Hall maintenance. More info can be found at the ABC Hall website https://abchall.ca/fun-games/
Even More at the ABC Hall! – Musicians Circle – Play, sing, learn, and network with fellow musicians without an audience present. Thursdays at 7pm. Cost is $5 at the door which goes toward Hall maintenance. More info can be found at the ABC Hall website https://abchall.ca/music-for-education-enjoyment/
Algonquins of Bedford, Oso and South Sherbrooke - Plaque Dedication – Organized by The Table Community Food Centre on June 11 at 11am to 2pm. at the ABC Hall, 3166 Bolingbroke Rd. It is my understanding that one has to register first, and you have to bring that ticket with you. A light lunch will be provided by the Table Community Food Centre. To register: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-table-community-food-centre/events/honoring-chief-shawinipinessi-plaque-dedication/
The ABC Hall is located at 3166 Bolingbroke Road, County Road 36, Maberly, ON K0H 2B0. Email communications@abchall.ca if you can’t find what you are looking for at the above links.
Maberly Euchre Supporting Maberly Agricultural Society - Euchre games will be on the 2nd and 4rth Mondays of each month at 1pm. Price is still $5 and the proceeds still go towards the Maberly Fair.
by Pearl Killingbeck
Sympathy to the Middleton family on the passing of Patty and also the Gemmill families on the sudden passing of Meredith (Jason’s wife). Our thoughts and prayers are with both families.
Thank you Stephen Goodberry (aka Elvis) for your call – it was lovely hearing from you.
Happy birthday to my granddaughter Amber Armstrong – I see you have a new puppy and she looks exactly like Tyson.
Thank you Elaine for delivering the lovely goodies from the Snow Road Church anniversary luncheon.
On June 8th, Lorraine and Jim Dix are celebrating 55 years of marriage and I hear they are off to the casino to check whether Lorraine’s recent bingo luck will work on the slots. Congratulations.
Sandy Ryder will celebrate his birthday on Friday, June 3rd and also he and Lorie will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on the same date. Smart man – he never forgets his anniversary. Congratulations!
Best wishes to everyone having June anniversaries or birthdays including our Mayor Gerry Lichty on the 23rd and my dear friend Olive Allen who will be 94 on June 21st.
The Community Centre social dinner is on Wednesday June 14th and the meal is an Asian theme. Try out a new recipe or just bring your favourite dish or dessert. There is always a good variety at these dinners.
Alice, Lorie Ryder, Erma Millar and Jeannie Kelso went to see Menopause the Musical 2 in Ottawa on Sunday. They had a hilarious afternoon and enjoyed a great meal at the Gourmet in Carleton Place on the way home. I hear there were a number of people in the area who went to see this show and everyone really enjoyed it.
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
Palmerston and Canonto Lakes are happy! Over the weekend, members of the lake associations planted well over 200 trees and shrubs to restore the shoreline damage after last year’s derecho. Saturday’s cooler air was very much appreciated. No one likes tree planting in the heat and bugs! Thanks to Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority for providing the seedlings and for organizing the event.
Mark the following days on your calendar: Birthday Bash on Wed., June 21 at 6, Community Cafe on Wed., June 28 at 11.
The Ompah Community Library is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 to 12. No charge for joining.
by Elijah Abrams
Sincere condolences to the family of the late Patti Middleton. Patti was president of the Legion in Sharbot Lake for many years.
Thinking of you to Frank Goodfellow and Paddy O'Connor
Thank you to everyone for coming out to support the GREC Grade 8 class at their yard sale on the weekend. Lots of great bargains to be had!
Thank you to Rose LaPointe and family for a wonderful Joe LaPointe Memorial Ball Tournament this past weekend! Thank you to all the teams that participated, those who umped, those who donated to the raffle table and all those that came out to support and remember Joe. All the proceeds were donated to CFMSA - who thanks the family for doing this to support our local athletes. Congratulation to Riley Teal's team the Tichborne Termites for winning the tournament in a great game against Mike Thompson's team!! It truly was a nail biter! Thank you to both teams who donated their winnings back to CFMSA. What a great community we live in! It was so nice to catch up with everyone and see those we haven't seen in a long time! Lots of memories were made for sure!
Big Thank you to those who did an excellend job putting together the North & Central Frontenac Recreation Guide inserted in the news last week. Check it out for infor and events.
The property owners of Mountainview Estates Lane would like to recognize the retirement of Roger Huneault as Road Steward, after 20+ years of distinguished service. Thank you Roger, for your tireless attention to MVEL!
Next Lions all you can eat breakfast is on June 17 at the OSO Hall in Sharbot Lake, proceeds to go to the GREC Bursary.
Did you catch a glimpse of the Strawberry Moon on Saturday, Sunday or Monday?
Next week in Minor ball in Parham we have.....Tuesday 630 is the grasshoppers and then at 830 is the Junior Men and Thursday at 630 is the U15 team - Come on out and cheer!!!
Let's celebrate our June Birthdays! Tanya Thompson, Randy Vinkle, Tom Lowery, Brandon Morrow, Sharon MacDonald, Paityn Morrow, Landyn Whan, Dorothy Clow, Donna Longmire, Tobias Stencell, Janice Morrow, June St. Pierre, Christina Green, Judy Meeks, Sheri Hannah, Julia Goodfellow, Penny Cota, Patsy Quinn, John Morrow, Ben Lusk, Penny Ellsworth, Jason Lowery, Alicia Thompson, Donna Ducharme, Denise Neadow, Phillip Smith, Sherry and Cheryl Ferguson, Derek Melkman, Nicole Cole-Godfrey, David Goodfellow, Angie Mallette, Spencer LaFaso, Kale Dupuis, Jon Neadow, Kyleigh Teal, Melanie Fox-Wisteard, Carrie Woodcock, Will Laidlaw, Darryl Barker, Christie Jones, Kim Teal, Brent Kehoe, and Vicky Pollok
Happy Anniversary to Rick & Cathy Goodfellow and John & Janice Morrow
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services Continue at 10.00 am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. We are still searching for a permanent minister, meanwhile, we will continue using our Worship Committee supported with pulpit supply.
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE will be on Sun. Aug 15. At 10pm, followed by luncheon and social in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall.
EVENTS AT Perth Rd. Sunday School Hall: Tuesday Lunches are closed until October 3rd.
Watch out for the Ottawa to Kingston Bike race on Sat. Jun. 10 and return on Sun. 12.
Upcoming Pie Sale, Sat. Jul. 22. 9am until all pies are sold.
Perth Road VILLAGE Crafters will continue through summer and meet every Wednesday: 9:30 am – 11:30 am at Harris Park Hall, 5612 Perth Road Cres. If you’re a first-timer, get in touch with Cheryl Bird at 613-353-7303
YOGA classes on Opinicon Rd., Pilates and foam rolling classes, go to: nomadyogini.ca, for full schedule: info@nomadyogini.ca 613-453-4195.
Jam Sessions continue at Storrington Centre: Friday nights: 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm. Until Fri. June 30. It will continue through July and August as an open–mic evening (no back-up band)
Admission for both events is $2:00. No charge for refreshments.
by Rhonda Watkins
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Ross!! Nick Ross and Brooke Hawley tied the knot last Sat, June 3rd at the Fernleigh Lodge!
If you were wondering how Euchre was going at the Clar-Mill Hall on Tuesday nights, it is so much fun!! Week 2 (May 23) we had 19 people out and $95 was raised in donations for The Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Plevna. The Super Couple Lorne and Shelia D cleaned up that night! Shelia won high score prize with 84 and Lorne won most lone hands with 9! Wow! Celine T. went home with the new box of salt earning the low score prize that night. Last week (May 30) was a whopper of a week for prizes. 24 people gathered and 3 people tied with a high score of 75! Brooke H. , Rhonda W. and Colleen W. Ellie G and Lillian S. tied with 4 lone hands. We were blessed that night that there were extra prizes to give out that people donated, otherwise we would have been drawing cards to see who won the gifts. Luckily for Dennis B, he didn't have to share his bottle of barbque sauce he won for low score prize and the best news of all is $118.30 was raised for the church that night!! If you like to play cards and have fun, come on out to the Clar-Mill Hall on Tuesday nights for Euchre at 7pm!! You don't need a partner and donations can be made at the door.
Please don't forget this Saturday, June 10th is Ed Schlievert's Memorial Service at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road) from 1-3pm. There will be a light lunch and entertainment provided. Ed spent many years volunteering in our community. In memory of Ed, please consider stopping by or donating to a food bank or volunteer organization of your choice.
by Karen Brawley
Saturday, June 10th, our village will be full of deals and people. Village wide yard sale/vendor sale at The Point. Be sure to venture out and check out all the exciting things available.
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the dance at the legion on June 16th. Tickets are $10 and available at the One Stop or Legion during their hours of operation. The Bon Evans band will be performing. Check them out on social media. Better yet, make a night out with friends.
We sure are blessed to have not been affected by the wildfires but this is just a reminder how quickly a situation can go bad. Please respect burning outside and even cigarette butts out windows. Thoughts are with all those affected by the fires.
Debbie Lingen
Visit the Annual Artisan Sale on Saturday, June 10, beginning at 9:30am - located at 6522 Rd 38, Verona. There will be garden art, birdbaths, woodworking, solar lights. pebble art and much more.
Bellrock Hall is open Wednesdays for Community Drop in. Lots of activities available, canteen and light lunch available. 10 to 4pm.
The Viscounts Vocal Harmony Group will be playing at the Drive-In Concert at the Free Methodist Church on Sunday, June 11 at 10 am. Fellowship following.
The next Music in the Park will be held at McMullen Park Beach on Saturday, June 24 from 1pm to 3pm. More details to follow.
New Leaf Link (NeLL) is holding their 50/50 fundraiser. Tickets on sale now. For more information www.newleaflink.ca New Leaf Link (NeLL) is a non-profit charitable organization that supports adults with developmental disabilities. NeLL provides programming in Arts, Healthy Living and Community participation. They focus on activities that develop independent life skills, communication, exercise, social interaction and community involvement. NeLL is a place for everyone to learn together and build friendships.
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- Line Spike, A Two Day Concert, Set For Canada Day Weekend In South Frontenac
- Driving Compassion: Community Champions Deliver More Than Meals
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- Addington Highlands Sets 2025 Budget – Tax Rate Up By 5.83%
- Official Plan Back Before South Frontenac Council
- Three King Charles III Coronation Award Winners from Frontenac County
- “Pickleball Lives in Piccadilly” – Frances Smith
- North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
- Refuseniks Voice Opposition to Ongoing Israeli Attacks on Gaza