Jun 14, 2023

These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.

Table of Contents

by Wanda Harrison

There will be a roast beef dinner tonight at Circle Square Ranch. Your free will donation will enable you to indulge in an excellent dinner along with dessert. The proceeds for this dinner will enhance Camper Scholarships. Email arden@csranch.ca to RSVP.

There will be a Toonie Drive at the Arden United Church Sunday, June 18, 2023. Save those toonies!!

The Henderson United Church will hold its annual Cemetery Service Sunday, June 18 at 2pm, on site. Morning worship is suspended that morning but will resume, as normal, the following Sunday.

Please keep Saturday, June 17 open for the Sharbot Lake and District’s All You Can Eat Breakfast, 8am to 11am at the Oso Hall. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $6.00 for kids 6-10 years. This breakfast is in support for GREG Bursaries.

The village tidying is on for June 22 with a rain date of June 23.  Your help is needed for a few hours in the morning to go through the village and weed the Hall flower beds and the Arden hwy sign. We will also trim brush at intersections to help with visibility for vehicles. In the park we will check the Matson Mile and Pike's Peek for branches and cut long grass.

Please see the poster on the hall board and in the post office.

Lunch will be provided.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

So, on Saturday, June 24th, the Henderson United Church will host their second time around yard sale at the Henderson Hall, 8am to noon. If you missed the first call for gently used items, you can still donate by calling Sheila at 613-336-2467 or Ardith at 613-336-9234.

The Pickleball courts in Arden have been completed and just awaiting folks that are interested in playing. Please get in touch with Rose Cavanaugh at Kennebec.Pickleball@gmail.com for more information.

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by Amanda Pantrey

Never go fishing with a DJ. They keep dropping the bass.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and dad-like figures out there!

A customary, yet warm happy birthday to my twin Michelle. Another one down.

Happening tomorrow! The Youth Dance by/at Storrington Lions Club from 7 to 10pm on Friday, June 16. This event is open to Grades 5 to 8 AND Grade 4 graduates. Admission is $5 pp.

Frontenac Society of Model Engineers will be operating club and members' miniature trains at its track behind the ball diamond in Battersea Park from 11am to 3pm on Saturday, June 17. Members of the local community are invited to visit and experience a train ride and talk to club members about their trains. There is no admission charge or charge for riding the trains. Donations are however always welcomed.

You’re invited to the next Leopard Frog Barn Concert featuring Lynn Miles at 7pm on Sunday, June 25. Tickets are $30 each and can be reserved at leopardfrogfarm@gmail.com. Juno-award winning Lynn Miles is one of Canada's greatest songwriters and her new album Tumbleweedy has garnered international acclaim. She'll be accompanied by multi-instrumentalist and multi-award winner Keith Glass, of Prairie Oyster fame. Leopard Frog is an intimate venue to see award-winning musicians in a historic barn near Battersea.

Celebrate Canada Day in South Frontenac! There will be so much to do on July 1st, including activities at Glendower Hall, Centennial Park, Storrington Lions Club, and Sydenham Point Park. This year, South Frontenac will host one spectacular firework show at The Point Park in Sydenham at 9:45pm to cap off the day’s celebrations (rain date of July 2nd). To help everyone get to the show, there will be shuttle buses taking residents to and from the fireworks show from 10 different locations across the township. Check out www.southfrontenac.net/canadaday for shuttle locations, times, and the full itinerary of events for Canada Day.

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Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper

Come join in the fun at the next Farmers Market on Saturday, June 17th where the Lions will be selling Turkey Pot Pies for $12. The numbers are limited so reserve yours by calling 613-336-9426. Many vendors will be offering their products and of course the Lions Canteen will be in full swing.

LOL Lions have Euchre every Tuesday and Bingo on Thursdays.  Doors open at 6... Always a fun time.

The Lions Annual Toll Road will be Thursday, June 29th through to and including July 2nd between 9-5. All proceeds go back to helping our community.

Lots going on Saturday, July 1st, Canada Day, at the Lions Club; the Toll Road, a Bike Rodeo for kids K-4  to show off their decorated bikes, and the Lions will be serving Strawberry Shortcake between 11-1. Come join in the celebrations.

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Angela Bright

A special thanks to everyone involved in helping with the effort to suppress the recent wildfire in our neighboring Township at Centennial Lake.   The dedication and support of the MNRF, volunteer Firefighters from many municipalities, Municipal Staff, Paramedics, local service groups, community individuals and others is sincerely appreciated by our community.   A heartfelt thanks to everyone for helping to protect our community.

A Denbigh Library Summer Reading Club will run this summer starting Wednesday, June 28 from 6 to 7pm for 8 weeks   Registration will be from June 12 to 26.  Please watch for more details.   Also, there will be a Craft and Story Night on Wednesday, June 14 from 6 to 7pm.  Please call 613 333 1426 to register as space is limited.

Mark your calendar as the Denbigh Griffith Lions Club is celebrating 25 years of service to the community.  They invite you to join them on Saturday, June 17 from 3 to 7pm at the Lions Hall in Griffith.    There will be a free BBQ for everyone to enjoy.   See you there.

The Denbigh Recreation Committee will be having live music at the Denbigh Hall on Saturday, June 24th at 7:30pm.    The Backwoods Brothers will be performing.   Tickets for this 19+ event are $15.00 and available from Glaeser’s, Rosie’s and Recreation Committee members. Buy a ticket and enjoy a great evening out.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will be having a Memorial Service on Sunday, June 25 at 2:30pm.  There will be a Guest Pastor.   Refreshments to follow the service outside if weather permits.

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Kelli McRobert

No column; check back next week!

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Marie White

No column; check back next week!

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Marilyn Goodberry

The Sydenham High School 150th Reunion vendor market at the Point Park in Sydenham was amazing.  The vendors ringed the entire football field and offered everything from Tupperware to jewelry to handmade crafts and wood products.  A great day and lots of fun.

Friday, June 16, 2023 the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all Southern Frontenac Community Services Supporters will be held at the Storrington Centre, 3910 Battersea Road.  Scheduled for the morning (details to follow).  For more information, contact Executive Director, Ken Foster, at 613-376-6477 ext 301 or ken.foster@sfcsc.ca.  

Sunday, June 18, 2023 is Father's Day.  Happy Father's Day to all fathers.  

Saturday, July 1, 2023 is the Canada Day Celebration in Centennial Park.  The event is sponsored by the S&A Club, South Frontenac township and local businesses.  The event will run from 11 until 5 with live entertainment, a vendors' village, canteen, inflatables, children's games, raffles, dog shows and new this year, a beer garden!

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Jean Brown

Last Sunday, Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church in Northbrook hosted a pot-luck lunch to honour and thank Licensed Lay Worship Leader (LLWL) Sheila Anthony for her commitment to the faith community.

This Sunday, June 18 Henderson United Church Cemetery hosts their annual service of Remembrance and hope on site at 2, led by the Rev. Kaitlyn Ostrander and all are welcome. Morning worship for that Sunday is suspended in favour of the afternoon cemetery service. Chairs are provided and the rain location is Henderson United.

Henderson United thanks folks for all their support and fun times at the recent yard sale. Our second and final “wind up” yard sale happens on Sat. June 24- from 8- 12 noon at the Henderson Hall.  Donations of gently used items are welcomed from June 12th to June 21st by contacting the organizers Sheila at 613-336-2467 or Ardith 613-336-9234 to arrange a drop-off time. Come and have a rootin tootin time!

Many attended the memorial service in Plevna last Sat to honour the late Ed Schlievert that included a light lunch, entertainment, prayers and many tributes. Ed even volunteered in Henderson making pancakes along with the late George White and Marie.

Many facilities opened up to offer breathing relief from the smoke with their air conditioning, including the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes and the local libraries.

Land O’Lakes petting farm is rocking on in repairs to the front of their farm (front entrance yard work, planting gardens, building garden boxes, replacing fence boards) thanks to a grant from North Frontenac Township and volunteer help is needed from June 10- 18 to get this project completed. Muscle power and enthusiasm is required as all materials are provided. Please bring shovels, rakes, drills, hammers, whatever you have. All volunteers will receive a family pass of 4, to visit the farm in July or August. Please contact Donna by phone, message or email to let her know you're joining. (1200 Road 506, Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0 Land O'Lakes Rescue Petting Farm 613-336-0330 landolakespettingfarm@gmail.com

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by Judy Borovskis

Total fire ban in effect!!!

Swim Lesson Registration is now open for swim Lessons  at The Point in Sydenham and Gilmour’s Point in Battersea.  Lessons run Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) in two-week sessions. Times vary based on the location and swim level. Register early!

Session One: July 4-14 Session Two: July 17-28   Session Three: July 31 - August 11

Session Four: August 14-25 

Youth Dance at Storrington Lions Club from 7 to 10 pm on Friday, June 16th . This event is open to Grades 5 to 8 AND Grade 4 graduates. Admission is $5 per person.

Frontenac Society of Model Engineers will be operating club and members' miniature trains at its track behind the ball diamond in Battersea Park from 11am to 3pm on Saturday, June 17.  Open to everyone. Experience a train ride and learn about these trains. Free admission! Free train rides! Fun for all!  Donations always welcomed.

Music with Chris Murphy! June 25th at 2pm at Inverary United Church. Free will offering. Enjoy a summer afternoon of great music. Definitely a good time!

Leopard Frog Barn Concert featuring Lynn Miles at 7pm on Sunday, June 25. Tickets $30 each and can be reserved at leopardfrogfarm@gmail.com.   Lynn will be joined by multi-instrumentalist and multi-award winner Keith Glass, of Prairie Oyster fame.

Celebrate Canada Day in South Frontenac! July 1st activities are happening at Glendower Hall, Centennial Park, Storrington Lions Club, and Sydenham Point Park. This year, South Frontenac will host one spectacular firework show at The Point Park in Sydenham at 9:45pm (rain date of July 2nd). 10 shuttle buses will depart from 10 different locations across South Frontenac at 8:45pm to get you to and from the fireworks show. Ken Garrett Memorial Park, Inverary, shuttle bus pick up at 8:45pm. Check out www.southfrontenac.net/canadaday for shuttle locations, times, and the full itinerary of events for Canada Day.

Canada Day in Sunbury! Come one! Come all! And enjoy the party at the Storrington Lions Club Hall in Sunbury from noon to 4pm on Saturday, July 1. This family event is packed with fun for the whole family. Music, food, games and great fun for all ages.

LCBO Bottle Drive – Light Up Our Diamonds! Our last month for the trailer at 3950 Round Lake Road! The balance owing on our new LED lights at Ken Garrett Park is now $6000! Thank you to all for the great support! Can we reach our final target? Please continue to drop LCBO returnables either in the trailer, at Mrs. Garrett’s Bakery or donate in our jar on the counter at the Inverary Beer Store. We are in the final stretch – cannot do it with out you!

Storrington Retirees Luncheon at the Storrington Centre the second Wednesday of each month. Enjoy a home cooked meal. Everyone welcome!

Fall Prevention Program by the VON at the Storrington Centre on Tuesdays 9 to 10:30. Register by email danielle.mctaggart@von.ca or call Danielle at 613-634-0130 ext 3414.

Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8pm at the Storrington Lions Club. Enjoy a barbecued burger or hot dog, salad and dessert for $10.

Soulful Singing! Join us the fourth Tuesday of the month (May – August) at 7pm. Info and directions call Donna 613-353-2889.

Mark the Date! Plowing Match September 10th at the farm of Charles & Norma Barr, 4382 Latimer Road, Inverary.

Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.

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Karen Prytula

Perth & District Historical Society Meeting June 15, 2023 at 7:30pm. This month, we borrow a thought from the song “The Band Played On” written by John Palmer in 1895 to look into the past of the Perth Citizen’s Band. In the early days of European settlements in Canada, every community, whether large or small looked to itself for sources of entertainment. Perth was no exception.  Our band goes back to 1852, when British North America was still a collection of colonies.  It has stayed in existence throughout the years and is the oldest continuously operating band in Canada.  A book “Sound the Trumpet” by Daphne Overhill and published in 2002 details the band’s story. Past performances included playing for notable events such as sending off the Mammoth Cheese to the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893, or playing at celebrations in Toronto or at a garden party at Rideau Hall. We will follow the band through a slide show supported by some of the artefacts stored in the band room at the Town Hall. The Perth and District Historical Society is dedicated to learning about and popularizing our history and is a forum for discussion and celebration of our area’s rich culture and heritage.  The meetings are held the third Thursday of the month and are open to the public, at 7:30 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion, Perth-Upon-Tay, Branch 244, home of the Hall of Remembrance, 26 Beckwith St. E. in Perth.  The usual “Toonie Fee” applies for each meeting.  For information, contact Ellen Dean at 613-264-8362.  Our website at www.perthhs.org has additional information about us and items of interest related to Perth and District. Article submitted by the volunteers of the Perth and District Historical Society. 

Archives Lanark is busy creating another Dig Into History workshop. It will focus on how to create a family history book. How to begin? What family tree software would work best for you? What information would you like to include? The cost for this workshop is $10.00. It will be held on June 23rd, 2023 at the Drummond Township Hall. If you have any questions you might like answered regarding this topic, or would like to register to attend, please email us at info@archiveslanark.ca. Having trouble finding information on your female ancestors? Consider looking at our collection of Tweedsmuir Histories. We can help you find out what she and her Women’s Institute group were involved in, by examining these books. We have information detailing farm histories, newspaper clippings relating to each WI group, minute books detailing group activities, and so much more. Women weren’t just raising children… they were integral members of their communities. Learning about their activities allows for a more robust understanding of your ancestors’ lives. Volunteers are essential and so appreciated! Right now, our volunteers are working on making our Lanark Era Newspaper Collection digitized and searchable, as well as creating indexes to a new Scrapbook Collection of 7 books all dedicated to Perth events, buildings and people. We are also creating a “Friends of the Archives” mailing list! When we have news or events we would like to share with like-minded individuals, we certainly don’t want anyone to miss out. If you would like to join this group, please email info@archiveslanark.ca and we will make sure your email is included so you are always “up to date.” By the way … preserving our unique collections is a costly activity. We are open every Friday from 10am - 3pm no appointment necessary. We have volunteers ready to assist you with your research goals. Or feel free to let us know when you are visiting by emailing us at info@archiveslanark.ca because if we know what you are looking for, we can prepare documents for viewing prior to your arrival. Archives Lanark is located at 1920 Drummond Conc. 7 Road, Drummond Centre (off Highway 7). For more information visit archiveslanark.ca

If you are interested in supporting this vital work, please consider donating to Archives Lanark - we now accept e-transfers at arclan1920@gmail.com. Archives Lanark is a registered charity dedicated to preserving Lanark County’s documentary heritage.

The Zealand United Church cemetery service will be held Sunday, June18th at 2 pm with rain location at Sharbot Lake United Church.  I believe Rev. Shelley Roberts is conducting the service.  Bring a lawn chair     (this cemetery is just up past the dump on the Zealand road).

Maberly Fair will be holding its annual Pie in the Sky on July 1st beginning at 9am until all pies are sold, at the Maberly Fair Grounds.  4875-4897 Bolingbroke Rd, Maberly. Come early because they sell out fast! It will be held at the Maberly Fairgrounds.  We are asking for homemade pie donations as it is one of our major fundraisers for the fair.  Contact Anne Thomlison to donate at 613-201-7095 or Rosetta McInnes 613-268-2548.  If you drive past the Maberly fairgrounds you will notice a new fence line at the front of the grounds and we have done some major repairs to the Kennett building and fair office this year - thanks to all our volunteers!

ABC Hall - Join us for our Summer Fish Fry on Saturday, July 8 featuring Mike Mundell’s delicious fish deep fried on-site. Dinner is served at 6:30pm and there are 3 take-out time options, too. For details, see https://abchall.ca/events/event/fish-fry-2/ Enjoy 2 pieces of fresh fish expertly deep fried on premise by Mike Mundell of Kingston, along with 2 salads, bun, and dessert. Dinner will be served in the hall at 6:30 pm plus there are 3 take-out time options to choose from:  4:45, 5:15 and 5:45pm. Meal tickets are available at OnStage Direct onstagedirect.com/buy/performer-info.action?performerId=488 Adults $20 per person; Children under 12, $15 (1 piece of fish). For those dining in, doors will open at 6:15 pm. Please wait until 6 pm to enter the parking lot to ensure that those picking up orders have safely exited. 50/50 draw prize tickets are available, too! Purchase your tickets at https://abchall.ca/events/event/fish-fry-2/ and pay Margaret by e-transfer at treasurer@abchall.ca.

2023 Fall Choir Session - Registration Now Open - Register for the 2023 Fall Choir Session! Registration forms are available online at www.tayvalleytwp.ca/Choir and at the Municipal Office.

Tay Valley’s 2023 Fall Session: September 13 – November 29, Wednesdays from 2:30 – 4pm


2023-2024 Tay Valley Hockey - Registration Now Open! Register for the 2023-2024 Tay Valley Hockey Season. Registration forms are available online at www.tayvalleytwp.ca/Hockey and at the Municipal Office. 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! contact 613-267-5353 ext. 110

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by Pearl Killingbeck

Congratulations to Cole and Jessica Gemmill on the arrival of their sweet baby daughter Charlotte Elizabeth. I bet Scott is happy and proud of his first grandchild.

Happy birthday wishes to my friend, neighbour and favourite hairdresser Donna Virgin celebrating another year on 18th June. Thank you so much Donna for picking me up, taking me to your place to get my hair done and then bringing me home again.

I enjoyed a wonderful visit from Erma Millar last week. My daughter Sharon came for a visit and ordered a copy of the book “Spare” about Prince Harry for me and it came in the mail already. Thank you, Sharon for the thoughtful gift. Harriet and Shirley visited with me on Sunday after church. It is so lovely to see friends and neighbours.

Thank you, Alice for doing my grocery shopping and delivering them to my kitchen again.

I hope everyone has stayed indoors to avoid that awful air quality in the area with the various wildfires. Kudos to all the firefighters who work to keep us safe. We need more rain – a nice gentle all day rainfall for our gardens and our trees. We still have a total fire ban so please, please obey the rules.

The Annual General Meeting for the Snow Road Community Centre Association has been postponed to July 10th, 2023 at 7pm.

Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Lloyd Spiegel concert coming up on Wednesday, June 28th at the Community Centre.

I truly appreciate all the kind deeds that everyone does for me. I live in such a great community and have lots of great and helpful friends.

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by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz

Last Friday was an amazing day for me (Marily).  I received the Senior of the Year award at the North Frontenac Township council meeting.  Many of my friends and members of the 'pitch in' crew (who pitch in when ever anything needs to be done) were in attendance and helped eat the great cake.  That was followed by a brunch celebration at a friend’s home. Even more of the 'pitch in' crew were there and they said lovely things about me.  However, as I said, I have done nothing by myself but together we have worked hard to make this the wonderful community that it is.  It was a lovely day with memories to hold in my heart for a very long time. Thank you all.

Wishing all the fathers a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday.

The June Birthday Bash will be held on Wednesday the 21st. Everyone is welcome to take part in the community pot luck and we will sing to the June birthday folks.  We will sit down to eat whatever is provided - usually a feast - at 6.  Just bring a toonie for the hall and a pot luck dish to share with your neighbours.

The Community Cafe will take place on Wednesday, June 28th from 11 to 1:30.  Speakers will begin at 11, followed by a snack and social time. This month the Frontenac Paramedics will speak about the program 'Neighbours Saving Neighbours" volunteer program. Then the Kingston - Frontenac Public Library will be there.  If you request a book, audio book or reminiscing kit you can pick it up at the event.  Dr. Doneisha Dodd, Naturopathic Doctor will speak about how to preserve your cognitive health.  It sounds like a full and interesting day.  The event is free for seniors ages 60+.

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by Elijah Abrams

Sincere condolences to the family of the late Doug Porter.  Doug's mother was a former resident of Parham and helped with the news. On June 1 there will be a celebration for the late Doug Fox at the Picadilly Cemetary at 12pm.

The Lions All You Can Eat Breakfast will be on Saturday, June 17 at the OSO Hall in Sharbot Lake from 8 to 11am in support of the GREC Bursaries.

Folks sure are thankful for the rain on the weekend to hopefully help the fires.  Remember, the burn ban is on and ALWAYS check with the Fire Chief to see if it has been lifted and be respectful of neighbours.  Thanks to all firefighters and frontline workers for all you do.

Remember, folks, only 2 more Thursdays are left to enjoy the Open Mic at the Sharbot Lake Legion (June 15 and 22) from 1 to 4.  Come out bring your singing voice, your musical talents or your love for some really good music.  One of the musical performers is the amazing 91 year old Dave Dawson, who not only plays, sings, yodels but is an author and song writer.  He loves to play the Old Railroad songs  Wilf Carter tunes.  Incidentally, Dave will be featured on 101.3 CJAI radio station on Amherst Island on July 29, so show your support by streaming this on your phone or YouTube etc!!

Did you know you could skate free every Wednesday from 9 to 1030 am at the Frontenac Arena?

Euchres are still at the Mountain Grove Hall every Monday starting at 7pm and are every Wednesday at the Sharbot Lake Legion at 1pm, and Bellrock on every other Thursday at noon.

What a great job the attendant is doing at the Hinchinbrooke dump.

The Parham United Church is looking for interesting stories about earlier days involving the church family.  If you have some about your time spent at the United Church, youth groups please contact the minister ASAP at Shelleyblue1@outlook.com as she will try to include all or most of them into her service.  She would like them by June 18 for the reunion at the Parham Fair Grounds on June 25

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Perth Road
by Peter Bird

No column; check back next week!

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by Rhonda Watkins

There was a wonderful turnout at Ed's Memorial last Saturday at the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna. Family and friends gathered to listen to music and enjoy a great luncheon. We will miss you Ed, but the lovely plaque on the wall by the kitchen keeps you in our hearts. Rest in Peace, friend.

One of our Community Volunteer Firefighters, Geoff Culp, who is also one of our  waste site attendants in the area, shared how nice it felt last week to hear all the positive comments from the Community. Many were sharing positive thoughts about our Volunteer Firefighters going to help with the treacherous Centennial Lake Situation.

Thank you to Geoff and all of our other Volunteer Firefighters in the area for risking your lives to help the Centennial Lake Community! It was a treacherous fire that could have been so much worse. Many hands make light work and it feels good to know that people in our Community were there to give a helping hand!

28 people came out last Tuesday night to the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna for great company and fun playing euchre! Congratulations to Colleen R. and Paul R. for both earning the high score prize of 81! Phil F won the most lone hands prize with 6 that night and John M. earned the low score consolation prize and walked out with a new salted can of peanuts to ease his sorrows. Of course, the best part of the night was that we raised $259.75 for our Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Plevna!! If you are not busy on Tuesday nights and would like to get out and mingle with people, play some cards and enjoy a light meal, come on out! We start playing at 7pm, donations are accepted at the door.

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by Karen Brawley

No column; check back next week!

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Debbie Lingen

Last Wednesday, we were shocked as a devastating fire destroyed Toppers, the convenience store. We are all grateful for the outstanding work of the firefighters who managed to contain the fire in the store and away from the propane tanks and fuel pumps. Thankfully no injuries.

Enjoy Euchre at the Bellrock Community Hall every second Thursday. The next euchre will be held Thursday, June 22. Pot Luck lunch at 12 and euchre at 1 pm. It costs $2 to play and $1 for 3 tickets for the 50/50 draw. There is also prizes for door prizes,high score, most lone hands and lowest score.

The next Music in the Park will be held at McMullen Park Beach on Saturday, June 24 from 1 pm to 3 pm. Remember to pack your picnic blanket or lawn chair and your toe-tapping shoes!

Verona Lions are having a food drive for SFCS food bank and our Day of Service on Saturday, June 24th at Revell's Used car lot from 10 am till 2 pm. Free burgers, hot dogs and drinks in exchange for food items.

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