Jun 21, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
We attended the first Community dinner at Circle Square Ranch and met the new staff that will be working with the children this year. The new folks were informative and extremely friendly and introduced themselves to everyone who attended. The meal was absolutely fabulous!! Can’t wait for the next one!
Please don’t forget the “Arden Cleanup” this morning. Meeting at the Hall at 9am. Lunch will be provided. See you there.
Here is all the News from the Arden United Church. Coffee hour at 10am Thursday, in the social room. Bible study, Wednesday at 7pm. There will be a “Second Time Around” yard sale, Saturday June 24, 8am to 12noon. Please contact Sheila at 613-336-2467 or Ardith at 613-336-9234 if you have any gently used items. There will be a Christian Education meeting June 19, at 9am.
The Kennebec and District Historical Society has been notified that the Strawberry season will run a little later this year, so they have postponed their annual strawberry social to Sunday July 9, 11am to 3pm. If you can help, in any way, ie. pick strawberries, work in the kitchen or donate some baking, please contact Sarah Hale at 613-335-2073 or Reg Peterson at 613-336-2388.
After all this rain, hope we get some warmer weather. Our gardens need sun!!
by Amanda Pantrey
Why do dogs float in water? Because they’re very good buoys.
You’re invited to the next Leopard Frog Barn Concert featuring Lynn Miles at 7 pm on Sunday, June 25. Tickets are $30 each and can be reserved at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Juno-award winning Lynn Miles is one of Canada's greatest songwriters and her new album Tumbleweedy has garnered international acclaim. She'll be accompanied by multi-instrumentalist and multi-award winner Keith Glass, of Prairie Oyster fame. Leopard Frog is an intimate venue to see award-winning musicians in a historic barn near Battersea.
Music in the Park is back in South Frontenac this summer! Be sure to pack your lawn chair and join in on the fun. Shows are on June 24th at McMullen Beach in Verona with Mellow Lily, July 29th at Gilmour’s Point in Battersea with Dewy Roadkill, and August 19th at The Point in Sydenham with Tyler Brett Forkes. All shows are from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, they are free, and everyone is welcome!
Celebrate Canada Day in South Frontenac! There will be so much to do on July 1st, including activities at Glendower Hall, Centennial Park, Storrington Lions Club, and Sydenham Point Park. This year, South Frontenac will host one spectacular firework show at The Point Park in Sydenham at 9:45 pm to cap off the day’s celebrations (rain date of July 2nd). To help everyone get to the show, there will be shuttle buses taking residents to and from the fireworks show from 10 different locations across the township. Check out www.southfrontenac.net/canadaday for shuttle locations, times, and the full itinerary of events for Canada Day.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Lions Club of LOL next Farmers Market will be on Saturday June 24th and will have lots of vendors. We will be collecting non-perishable items for the Food Bank all season. Please remember to bring a donation.
Lots going on Saturday July 1st, Canada Day, at the Lions Club; the Toll Road which runs from June 29th - July 2nd from 9am - 5pm....all proceeds go back to our community. On Canada Day at the Hall, a Bike Rodeo runs from 9:30am - 10:30am for Kids K-4 to show off their decorated bikes, and the Lions will be serving Strawberry Shortcake between 11am – 1pm. Come join in the fun and celebrations.
Angela Bright
We hope all the fathers in our community had a wonderful Father’s Day.
Congratulations to the Denbigh Griffith Lions Club for 25 years of service to the community. It was a great celebration.
A Denbigh Library Summer Reading Club will run this summer, starting Wednesday June 28 from 6pm to 7pm for 8 weeks Registration will be from June 12 to 26. Please call 613-333-1426 to register.
This weekend there will be live music in the Denbigh Hall. Don’t forget to get your tickets in advance as there will be limited tickets at the door. The Denbigh Recreation Committee looks forward to seeing you on Saturday June 24th at 8pm. The Backwoods Brothers will be performing. Tickets for this 19+ event are $15 and available from Glaeser’s, Rosie’s and from recreation committee members. Come out and enjoy a great evening of music.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will be having a Memorial Service on Sunday June 25 at 2:30pm. There will be a guest pastor, Leena Jansen. Refreshments to follow the service outside if weather permits. Bring a Lawn chair.
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Service and Picnic (potluck) is on Sunday June 25 at the 4 Seasons Park at 11am.
Kelli McRobert
June 24th Music in the Park -McMullen Park in Verona! 1-3 PM. Family-friendly event with live local music. Free.
Learn to play pickleball - Introduction, Beginner, and Intermediate sessions will continue through the month of June. The 2-hour session will have you on the courts in no time! Contact White Lake Pickleball at 613-374-5662 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information. Private and group sessions are available both days and evenings to suit your schedule.
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
Friday, June 30, the Grace Center in Sydenham is closed. Not sure if all businesses are observing Friday as Canada Day, so you might want to check before planning an outing.
Saturday, July 1 is the Canada Day Celebration in Centennial Park. The event is sponsored by the S&A Club, South Frontenac township and local businesses. The event will run from 11am until 5pm with live entertainment, a vendors' village, canteen, inflatables, children's games, raffles, dog shows and new this year, a beer garden
Jean Brown
This Sat June 24 is the second and final Henderson United Church yard sale at the hall from 8am to 12noon and we’ve received several more truck loads and items so this will be a bargain hunters paradise! Thanks folks!
This Sunday June 25 the Rev. Elaine Kellogg of Grace United Church in Napanee will guest lead at Land O’Lakes Emmanuel United Church at 1pm and all are welcome.
Our own Tammy Whitelock of the Cloyne Big Chair project is over the moon in excitement and appreciation because Paul from Nos Tree Service donated all the required wood. The milling, drying and planing is also covered, and also Ryan from Ron Nowell Construction is donating the gravel for under the chair. Our area has so many big-hearted folks who we truly appreciate.
The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes are hosting a bike rodeo for Sat. July 1 to celebrate Canada Day. K-4 are welcome to attend at 9:30am with their decorated bikes for judging at 10am. In preparation, folks are placing Canadian flags in gardens and flower beds here at home.
Henderson United Church Cemetery service did us proud and was a true tribute to God with thanks to all who attended, led, participated with a special shout out to the cemetery maintenance folks and grass cutters for their super-duper efforts. Special thanks to officiant the Rev. Kaitlyn Ostrander along with appreciation to all who refreshed flowers and removed winter worn wreaths, shrubs. We done good!
by Judy Borovskis
A Level One fire ban remains in effect.
Mellow Lily! Music in the Park on Saturday June 24 from 1 to 3 pm. at McMullen Beach, Verona. Whatever your taste in music she will find your favourite song!
Swim Lesson Registration is now open for swim lessons at The Point in Sydenham and Gilmour’s Point in Battersea. Lessons run Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) in two-week sessions. Times vary based on the location and swim level. Register early. Session One: July 4-14 - Session Two: July 17-28 - Session Three - July 31 - August 11 - Session Four: August 14-25
Music with Chris Murphy! June 25th at 2pm. at Inverary United Church. Free will offering. Enjoy a summer afternoon of great music. Definitely a good time!
Leopard Frog Barn Concert featuring Lynn Miles at 7pm. on Sunday, June 25. Tickets $30 each and can be reserved at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Lynn will be joined by multi-instrumentalist and multi-award winner Keith Glass, of Prairie Oyster fame.
Celebrate Canada Day in South Frontenac! July 1st activities are happening at Glendower Hall, Centennial Park, Storrington Lions Club, and Sydenham Point Park. This year, South Frontenac will host one spectacular firework show at The Point Park in Sydenham at 9:45 pm. (rain date of July 2nd). 10 shuttle buses will depart from 10 different locations across South Frontenac at 8:45 pm. to get you to and from the fireworks show. Ken Garrett Memorial Park, Inverary, shuttle bus pick up at 8:45 pm. Check out www.southfrontenac.net/canadaday for shuttle locations, times, and the full itinerary of events for Canada Day.
Canada Day in Sunbury! Come One! Come All! and enjoy the party at the Storrington Lions Club Hall in Sunbury from noon to 4 pm on Saturday, July 1. This family event is packed with fun for the whole family. Music, food, games and great fun for all ages.
Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8 pm. at the Storrington Lions Club until August 31. Enjoy a barbecued burger or hot dog, salad and dessert for $10. All proceeds are in support of Nankind and Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs.
LCBO Bottle Drive – Light Up Our Diamonds! Trailer at 3950 Round Lake Road ends on June 30th for a summer break! We still owe $6000 for our new LED lights at Ken Garrett Park. Your support by donating LCBO returnables to the trailer or Mrs. Garrett’s Bake Shop has been steady and we thank you. Also big thanks to all who donate cash or slips to our Jar on the counter at the Inverary Beer Store. Both the drop off at the bake shop and the jar on the counter will continue.
Karen Prytula
Maberly Fair will be holding its annual Pie in the Sky on July 1st beginning at 9:00 am until all pies are sold., at the Maberly Fair Grounds. 4875-4897 Bolingbroke Rd, Maberly. Come early because they sell out fast! It will be held at the Maberly Fairgrounds. We are asking for homemade pie donations as it is one of our major fundraisers for the fair. Contact Anne Thomlison to donate at 613-201-7095 or Rosetta McInnes 613-268-2548. If you drive past the Maberly fairgrounds you will notice a new fence line at the front of the grounds and we have done some major repairs to the Kennett building and fair office this year - thanks to all our volunteers!
ABC Hall - Join us for our Summer Fish Fry on Saturday, July 8 featuring Mike Mundell’s delicious fish deep fried on-site. Dinner is served at 6:30 pm and there are 3 take-out time options, too. For details, see https://abchall.ca/events/event/fish-fry-2/ Enjoy 2 pieces of fresh fish expertly deep fried on premise by Mike Mundell of Kingston, along with 2 salads, bun, and dessert. Dinner will be served in the hall at 6:30 pm plus there are 3 take-out time options to choose from: 4:45, 5:15 and 5:45 pm. Meal tickets are available at OnStage
Volunteers Needed for Tay Valley’s ReUse Centre - Join our volunteers at the Tay Valley Township ReUse Centre, To learn more and apply, visit our website at https://www.tayvalleytwp.ca/ReUseCentre/
by Pearl Killingbeck
I hope all the fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, etc. etc. had a wonderful Father’s Day.
Last Thursday, some of our Forget-Me-Not group (Alice, Harriet, Valerie and Erma) went to Northbrook for a mocktail party hosted by my daughter Pam and her Golden Girls. It was a lovely time with music by Albert and Patti St. Pierre and Sam Jarvis of Sharbot Lake. The Mayor of North Frontenac, Gerry Lichty, stopped in at the party too. I was not feeling well enough to go but they brought back some lovely appetizers and treats for me.
Rick and Darla Cuomo have sold their home on the island and will be leaving the community. Some of their friends and neighbours had a chance to say farewell at Friday’s coffee gathering. We all wish them well in their new home.
Last Thursday, our little Forget-Me-Not group (Alice, Harriet, Valerie and Erma) went to Northbrook for a mocktail party hosted by my daughter Pam and her Golden Girls. It was a lovely time with music by Albert and Patti St. Pierre and Sam Jarvis of Sharbot Lake. The Mayor of North Frontenac, Gerry Lichty, stopped in at the party too. I was not feeling well enough to go but they brought back some lovely appetizers and treats for me.
Bev Ladurantaye and June Kerr came and spent Saturday afternoon with me. We had such a wonderful day of visiting and eating. Thanks for your time and the pizza, KFC, cold drinks, coffee and homemade lemon pie. I enjoyed it so much – the whole day, your company and of course, the food.
Thank you Alice for taking me to my bone scan on Monday and I am praying so hard that they find out what is going on with my body that keeps me home and in so much pain.
Congratulations to Dale and Taylor Cooper on the birth of their beautiful daughter. Dale – please stop in someday as I have a baby gift for you.
Olive – have a wonderful day on your 94th birthday on June 21st. I hope your Chinese food and chocolate cake are delicious. So nice that Andrew at the Sharbot Lake Retirement Centre lets the residents choose their favourite menu for their birthday.
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
Our Firefighters and Emergency First Responders are amazing. They train 4 times a month, take extra courses, are on duty 24/7, responding to fire and emergency calls at all hours of the day and night putting themselves in harms way to help keep us safe. During the recent Centennial Lake fire, several of our firefighters went to give assist while the others stayed on duty here to respond to local emergencies. Thank you to our firefighters for all you do.
Wednesday June 28: RFCS Community Café, Ompah Community Hall, 10200 Road 509. Join us for cognitive health & awareness: Dr. Doneisha Dodd (naturopathic doctor), Kingston-Frontenac public library, Frontenac Paramedics, and Alzheimer Society. Snacks and social to follow, free for seniors 60+. For more information, call/e-mail Juana 613-279-3151 ext 106, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internationally renowned blues guitarist and singer songwriter Lloyd Spiegel will be playing at the Snow Road Community Centre on Wed. June 28 at 7:30. Tickets are $15 or $7 for children and tickets are going quickly. Go to www.snowroadcommunitycentre.com or call Mike at 613-278-1853 to reserve your tickets.
The Ompah Community Library, attached to the Ompah Community Centre, is run by volunteers and donations. Recently a box of well know mystery authors 'books on CD's' has been donated. There is no fee to join the library which is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10amto 12noon.
by Elijah Abrams
Hope all dads (and moms doing double duty) enjoyed their special day
Sincere sympathy to the family of the late Bill Bush also to Charlotte Brown on the loss of her brother Carl. Glad to hear Charlotte is feeling better after her fall.
Thinking of you to Bill Lowery.
Many graduations have happened or will soon be happening. All the best to all graduates as they continue on their journey of learning or are entering the work force. Believe in Yourself, Follow Your hears...Make a difference.
Today is the last day for the Open Mic at the Legion, from 1 to 4. Thanks to those who supported by participating or donating.
Don't forget to join Parham United Church in their reunion on Sunday June 25. If you attended Parham United Church, Sunday school, youth group, explorers please plan to join us for a Parham United Church Reunion. This church service will take place on Sunday June 25th at 11:30am at Parham Fairgrounds and the service will be led by Rev. Shelley Roberts with special music by Stanley Stinchcombe, David McCullough, Kathy Lowery-King and Katie, and Jordan Lowery and Collin Hamilton. There will be a BBQ Lunch to follow, after the church service. In case of rain, it will be held at Parham United Church and CE Centre. Please bring your lawn chair.
Next week in baseball in Parham: Monday June 26 at 6:30pm the U9 team play, then Tuesday June 27th at 6:30pm the Grasshoppers play and Thursday June 29th the U11 team plays at 6:30pm. Come on out to cheer them on!
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
Events at Perth Rd. Sunday School Hall: Tuesday Lunches are closed until October 3rd.
Watch out for the Ottawa to Kingston Bike race on Sat. 29 July and return on Sun. 30 July
Upcoming Pie Sale, Sat. Jul. 22. 9am until all pies are sold.
Perth Road VILLAGE Crafters will continue through summer and meet every Wednesday: 9:30am - 11:30am at Harris Park Hall, 5612 Perth Road Cres. If you’re a first-timer, get in touch with Cheryl Bird at 613-353-7303
Jam Sessions at Storrington Centre: Friday nights: 5pm – 10pm. Until Fri. June 30. It will continue through July and August as an open–mic / music circle evening (no back-up band). Admission for both events is $2. No charge for refreshments.
by Rhonda Watkins
It's that time of year again! If you are looking for some goodies to help celebrate Canada Day, look no further! St. Kilian's Church ( 5984 Ardoch Road) is having their first bake sale of the season on Saturday July 1st from 10am-1pm. Call 613-479-0070 or FB message St. Kilian’s Church (by June 25th) for more information.
Speaking of Sales on Sat July 1st, There will be a Car Boot Sale at 7417 Road 506 in Plevna beside the LCBO and across from the Bakery from 9-3pm. The owner will be hosting for a friend in the garage and anyone interested in setting up a spot in the "parking lot" aka. driveway to sell their goods from the back of their cars are invited to join in the fun! The cost will be $20 per car and you can bring your own tables and set them up too. You can email by Thursday June 29th This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or facebook message Erica de Lion for more information.
On Wednesday June 28th, Snow Road Station Community Hall (14073 Road 509) will be the place you will find everybody enjoying the great musical talents of 14 x Australian Blues Award Winner Lloyd Spiegel! The music starts at 7:30pm and tickets are $15 to keep them affordable for all. This will be a show none of us will want to miss!! You can get tickets at the door or call Mike at 613 278-1853 or visit www.snowroadcommunitycentre.com
Euchre last Tuesday night was a blast at the Plevna Hall! 26 people came out and enjoyed the evening together with laughs, great conversation, delicious snacks and card playing! If you enjoy thrift store shopping, the little church in Northbrook is having their $1 sale on everything on Tuesday June 27 and Thursday June 29th!!
If you haven't seen the construction sign yet on Ardoch Road, keep in mind that the Coxvale Bridge will be getting some repairs done and traffic will be down to a single lane from Monday June 26th to Friday Sept 8th. Remember to give yourself extra time to get through or maybe find an alternate route.
And a little late, but better late than never, Tremendous Congratulations to my fellow Ompah Columnist Marily Seitz for being recognized as the Township of North Frontenac's 2023 Senior of the Year on June 9th!! Marily was given this well-deserved award for all of her outstanding contributions to our Community!! Well Done Marily!!
by Karen Brawley
Hope everyone who enjoys fishing or is new to fishing were able to get out last weekend for bass opener and wet a line. Let’s see some pics, maybe I can highlight in the column, shoot me some fish tails (tales) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yard and Bake Sale this coming Saturday the 24th, Support the Legion by donating to the yard sale or stopping in to see what is available for purchase. If looking for some baked goods, support the Ladies Auxiliary at the Bake Sale happening at the same time. Donations of items accepted on Thursday and Friday from 12pm-6pm (no large items please such as couches, fridges, stoves etc..) Sale is from 8am-2pm rain or shine.
Many Thanks to the hard working “beavers” who took it upon themselves to clean the many branches and such out of the dam down by the mill pond. It looks amazing…
Look for “Slither” the rock snake to make his appearance along the side of the trail by Foodland.. please add to it, with a painted rock or two. Let’s see how long he can become this summer. Please be mindful when adding to It that the trail is used by many, so share the enjoyment space of our local trail with everyone and keep it along the edge of trail so it doesn’t get in anyone’s way.
Debbie Lingen
The Verona Lions are having a food drive for SFCS food bank and our Day of Service on Saturday, June 24th at Revell's Used car lot from 10am tilpm. Free burgers, hot dogs and drinks in exchange for food items.
The township is VERY excited to announce their line-up for Music in the Park this summer. Their first concert is this Saturday, June 24 at McMullen Beach featuring Mellow Lily. Come enjoy local, live music in a relaxed, picturesque setting from 1 pm to 3 pm. It's all free, thanks to the generous sponsors, Ryan Rose - Re/Max Rise Executives, SFRC and Verona Community Association. Pack a picnic blanket or lawn chair and toe-tapping shoes and see you there!
Don and Linda's Garden Market will have salad greens, onions, radishes, rhubarb this Saturday June 24.. Many new Craft items added weekly.
The Free Methodist Church is holding their Drive-In Movie Night again this summer. Stay tuned for this summer's line up.
The Fourteen Island & Mink Lakes Watershed Association is holding its 2nd Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, July 29th at 1pm at the Rivendell Golf Club. Dinner and silent auction to follow at 6pm at the Verona Lions Hall. Non-golfers are welcome to come for dinner only. All proceeds will be donated to the Fourteen Island Dam Restoration Fund. To register, go to: https://fimla.ca/golf.
More Stories
- Two Way Race Shaping Up in Lanark-Frontenac Riding
- Line Spike, A Two Day Concert, Set For Canada Day Weekend In South Frontenac
- Driving Compassion: Community Champions Deliver More Than Meals
- Frontenac County inches towards Doctor Recruitment
- Addington Highlands Sets 2025 Budget – Tax Rate Up By 5.83%
- Official Plan Back Before South Frontenac Council
- Three King Charles III Coronation Award Winners from Frontenac County
- “Pickleball Lives in Piccadilly” – Frances Smith
- North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
- Refuseniks Voice Opposition to Ongoing Israeli Attacks on Gaza