Jul 26, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
Emergency meeting on Wednesday, July 26 at the Branch for all LA members.
The Annual pig roast at the Legion will be held August 5. More details to follow.
Are you disappointed with the condition of the Public Beach on Big Clear Lake? If so, now is the time to get in touch with your Council members. More action will be taken if your complaint is registered.
The Sip and Paint at the Legion is still looking for participants. Please get in touch with Laura at 416-575-7623 to register.
The Arden United Church is looking for some volunteers to help with a few landscaping clean-up jobs. Please contact Bill Wong at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can help.
There will be an Arden Pastoral Charge meeting at the Church, August 21 at 7pm.
Mark August 19 and 20th for Arden’s Open Studio event. More information to follow.
Rev. Kaitlyn Ostrander will be on holiday July 20 to August 13.
by Amanda Pantrey
No column; check back next week!
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
There is a low-cost rabies clinic at the KFLAPH office in Cloyne (14209 Hwy. 41 – same side of the road as the Barrie Hall, south across Little Pone Road) on Thursday, August 3 from 9am - 3pm. There are limited spots available, and the clinic is by appointment only. The fee is a $20 donation to Sandy Pines. To donate and book, go the www.kflaph.ca/rabiesClinic or call for information, 613-336-8989.
The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes invites you to come to their first Movie Night on Friday, July 28th. We will be showing “Lightyear” 2022. The doors will open at 6pm for those wanting hotdogs, popcorn, chocolate bars and soft drinks - the proceeds going towards buying a generator towards our Emergency Centre project. The movie will start at 7pm. The admission is free but we welcome donations to our local Food Bank. Come join in the fun.
The Lions would also thank everyone who came out to our Fish Fry on the 21st and those who helped support our volunteers who were putting on an awesome BBQ at the North Frontenac Summerfest Saturday the 22nd in Plevna.
Angela Bright
Denbigh Recreation Committee will be hosting a CORN BASH August 12 1-5pm at Heritage Park in Denbigh. Admission by donation. Family Fun games for all ages. Bring your favorite salad to share. Farmers Market featuring produce, beef, pork, crafts, local artisans and baked goods. Vendors wanted; please contact 613-633-9885 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information.
Kelli McRobert
Thanks to whoever is creating the straw cowboy out front of the Cole Lake FM Church, it is very creative!
Happy birthday to Barb Kerr, Kathy Robb, Kelly Allen, and Isabelle-Anne Mimeault (Zoomer).
Well done to the Ice Stock teams that played this past weekend at Centennial Park!
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
BC Knitters Inc. contributed $95 to the local Food Bank. Thanks to everyone who purchased products at our local pharmacies.
Come sing with us! The Frontenac Women's Chorus is welcoming new members for September. The ability to read music and previous choral singing experience is advised. Rehearsals are Monday evenings from 7pm at the Trinity United Church in Verona. Send an e-mail telling us all about yourself to: Stella at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, August 19, 2023 will be the South Frontenac Music Festival in The Point Park in Sydenham, featuring Tyler Brett Forkes. The Music Festival promotes local musicians and gives members of the surrounding communities the opportunity to listen to live music. Thanks to the generous support of local sponsors Ryan Rose Realty, SFRC and the Verona Community Association. For more information, visit the website or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Jean Brown
Congratulations to our own super star Cayleigh Matson who recently sang “Mommas Broken Heart” at a Nathan Phillips Square concert last weekend in Toronto. She really rocked the song and the venue and made us all proud. I know Cayleigh’s family, parents, grandparents, and departed great grandparents all of whom would be proud of her efforts. Be sure to congratulate Cayleigh and get some yummy food at C-4 in Arden where she works.
On Sat. Aug. 5 Arden Legion branch 334 are hosting a pig barbecue with all the fixings from 5-7 so set that date aside folks and round up $20 for a ticket. (Give them a dingle to check on tickets) I hear it’s yummy in the tummy!
Your old reporter attended an Elvis concert with ETA (Elvis Tribute Artist) Sylvain Leduc in Tweed and I’m proud to say I got all shook up and am right some proud of myself! Elvis never got old and I don’t plan to either, but will accept each day as a gift.
by Judy Borovskis
Thank you, Battersea United Church! Fish Fry was delicious and I really enjoyed the strawberry shortcake. The best thing is just seeing everyone! Good to see Bev, miss her in the post office but retirement seems to suit her. Rita was there as well but with a neck brace – retirement seems to be hard on her but maybe she is too enthusiastic? Said hello to the Mayor and Rev. Heather and saw Norm Roberts across the room. Met a new young lady heading to Carleton University in the fall. This is what a local church supper is all about. Hope to see you at the next one and be sure to say hi!
Music in the Park Saturday, July 29, 2023 - 1pm to 3pm, 1763 Wellington Street, Battersea. Join us for some live, local music on the wonderful beaches of South Frontenac. Each month we will be at a different beach featuring family friendly live acts. Remember to pack your picnic blanket or lawn chair and your toe-tapping shoes!
Worship Services - Inverary United and Battersea United will join in worship at Inverary United on July 30th and August 6th at 11:15am. August 13th Worship Service is 9:15 at Gilmour Beach in Battersea.
Can tabs - keep them coming! Shirley reported that another 10lbs were delivered to the Storrington Lions Club. She also mentioned that the next Food Bank Drive will be September 8th. A good time to give thought to school lunches, snacks and school supplies. As always, thanks for your continued support!
Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8pm at the Storrington Lions Club. Barbecued burger or hot dog, salad and dessert for $10. All proceeds are in support of Nankind and Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs. Burgers are really good!
Mark the date: Plowing Match September 10th at the farm of Charles & Norma Barr, 4382 Latimer Road, Inverary.
Please save the date for the next Battersea Pumpkin Festival from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, Oct. 14th. More info on what you will enjoy and how you can be involved coming soon.
Karen Prytula
July 29 & 30, 2023, 8am to 3pm each day - Well known Maberly resident Mark Burnham, whose wife Dawn passed away a few years ago, has had many health issues and consequently had to move to an assisted living facility. The local community has rallied to prepare his house and its contents for sale on July 29-30. Mark is a woodworker, and has a large collection of machine and hand tools, as well as kitchen appliances including range, microwave, food processor, coffee maker, blender, Le Creuset pots, furniture, hardcover art books, vintage collectibles, garden sculptures, and much more will be sold to support Mark in his new stage of life. The sale will be held at 261 Maberly-Elphin Road, Maberly, K0H 2B0. Assisted living facilities cost an awful lot of money. Please help us to help Mark.
Tay Valley Township is pleased to launch a Business Recognition Program as part of its 25th Anniversary celebrations. Businesses that have been operating in the Township for at least 25 years are eligible for this designation. Approved business owners will receive an official certificate recognizing the award and, optionally, a sign. Apply on-line. Hard copy forms are available at the Municipal Office. For more information visit https://www.tayvalleytwp.ca/BusinessRecognitionProgram/
NOTICE OF FILING - Bolingbroke Cemetery By-Law- The Corporation of Tay Valley Township owns and operates the Bolingbroke Cemetery under License #CM-01931. The Township will be submitting a proposed new Bolingbroke Cemetery By-Law to the Registrar of the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act, 2002. Any interested parties may view the proposed by-law at https://www.tayvalleytwp.ca/BolingbrokeCemeteryBoard/ or by contacting Maureen van Dreumel, Community Services Coordinator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-267-5353 ext. 137 to access a copy of the proposed by-law, or to make copies.
by Pearl Killingbeck
(Written by Alice Gilchrist on behalf of Pearl Killingbeck)
Greetings to all my family, friends and fans as I recuperate at Kingston General Hospital following surgery for a hip fracture. Thanks everyone for the prayers, flowers, and visits and get well wishes. Special thanks to the very caring paramedics who drove me to the hospital and took such good care of me along the way.
Community Centre News: The volunteers served a lovely lunch to the bus tour group organized by the North Frontenac Historical Society. They had another successful social dinner and games night. Check out the Facebook page and the website for information on all the activities at the community centre.
Snowmobile Club News: Tickets are now available on the sled package. Contact Ruth Wark or Karey Langille Crain to get your tickets. Don’t forget to reserve your tickets for a roast beef dinner being held at the clubhouse on Friday, 3 August by calling Ruth Wark at 613-278-0477. Tickets are limited and must be purchased in advance.
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
No column; check back next week!
by Elijah Abrams
There was a whole lot of shaking going on at the Sharbot Lake Retirement Home on Saturday. The Elvis impersonator did a great job in keeping his memory alive by his rendition of so many of Elvis' songs as well as others. The young and the young at heart thoroughly enjoyed this day by the smiles on their faces. Residents of the Home were allowed to invite their families to this BBQ.
Congratulations to the U11 players who had their year end tournament at Parham on the weekend. Thank you to the many people that make the season work, the players, the parents, the coaches, the volunteers, the family … thank you for all that you do!!!
This weekend we have the grasshoppers finishing up their season in Parham on Saturday - be sure to come out and cheer for these amazing ball players!!!
Thinking of you and keeping folks in our prayers go out to Pearl Killingbeck, Linda Lowery, Tanya Scott, Natalie Wotherspoon, Rachel Neadow, Tabitha Freeman as well as others.
We are asking for your prayers for Tanya Scott and if anyone would like to help out the family there is a GoFundMe set up to assist financially as well as a meal train and the family is extremely thankful for anything big or small.
Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Roy Campsall and our cousin Gordon Steele who passed away recently. Gordon's late parents Uncle Bert and Aunt Isobel lived on the Anderson Road in Tichborne. Gordon was such a great man; he was the photographer at Bob and my wedding - he will be missed.
Have you heard that EarlyOn is a free program for families and children aged 0 to 6 and it runs from 9:30 am to noon on Mondays at the Parham Fair Grounds?? Want to have your child join in? No worries, simply make an account at www.keyon.ca and pre register to join them! See you there next week!
Happy Travellers group in Parham gathered in Westport to enjoy a wonderful lunch.
Don't forget the Mayflower Lodge Bingo is this Friday at the Legion Hall in Sharbot Lake.
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
Thanks to all who donated to the giant pie sale.
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE will be on Sun. Aug 15 at 10pm, followed by luncheon and social in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall.
by Rhonda Watkins
Our Community Fish Pick Winner this week is Rosalie C for this double header! She landed 10 lbs of trout in one swoop on Palmerston Lake! Wow!! Congrats Rosalie!!
You are invited to enjoy Family Movie Night at the Lions Hall on hwy41 in Northbrook on Fri July 28 at 7pm where they will be playing "Lightyear" 2022 rated PG. Admission is FREE and proceeds from the canteen will be going towards buying a generator for the Emergency Centre Project. Donations will also be accepted to the Community Food Bank.
If you are looking for FREE wi-fi in Plevna, you can find it at the Plevna Library. No password is needed, just remember to accept the terms of agreement. You can also find it at the Clar-Mill Hall, the password is posted at the hall for access to it.
The Plevna Summer Craft and Vendor Show is this Sat July 29th from 10-2pm at 9268 Rd 506! There will be lots of amazing vendors selling pastel art, jewelry, soaps, jams, preserves, wood-etchings, games, clothes, Epicure, Sunset Gourmet and wood frames! For more information you can call 613 483-3297 or 613 479-8057. New vendors welcome!
If you would like to meet new people, have fun and make a difference, come on out to our first new local hall committee meeting on Thurs Aug 3 at 6:30pm. We all have talents and strengths and many hands make light work. Come on out and see what we are all about. There will be prizes!!
Don't forget St. Kilian's Church Bake Sale coming up this next long weekend. Sat Aug 5th from 10-1pm at 5984 Ardoch Road. You can pre-order a favorite treat by calling 613-479-0070 or FB message St. Kilian's Church (by July 29th) Thank you in advance!!
Sincere condolences to the family and friends of Ralph (Doc) Sutherland. Ralph passed away June 28th at the Perth Hospital at the age of 97, he would have turned 98 this Oct. A memorial will be held Sat. July 29 at 3pm at the Clar-Mill (6598 Buckshot Lake Road) in Plevna. The family requests that in lieu of flowers, buy chocolate and enjoy as Ralph often did.
by Karen Brawley
Well, July... you’ve basically wrapped up, sure been a warm one. A bit of a shame our beach has had some closures, but the health and safety of those who use it is important for sure.
Someone told me about this. Hop on the https://www.southfrontenac.net website and go to things to do. There’s lots to do around here.
Save your change, the yearly toll is coming to Sydenham. Our local Lions will be out with smiles and laughter on august 5th from 9am-1pm at the Wheatly and George Street intersection. The voluntary toll is an awesome community fundraiser. Our local Lions are a pretty fantastic group within our community. Donate if you can, any amount counts - it all adds up.
Wow! Our Sydenham Snake “SLITHER” has drawn some amazing artistic abilities, from young and old, a month ago he began with 8 rocks, my last count there were 293, way to go guys, hope you are all enjoying seeing him grow. In case you haven’t seen it, check it out beside Foodland on the trail. Let’s see if he can make it to view the lake before summers end. It is pretty warm, snakes like water too, right? (See pic)
A friend of mine suggested a treasure hunt. What’s a treasure hunt? Basically, you put your crap out on the curb starting Friday evening and people will come and pick it up. You then go to other houses to pick up their crap to keep the amount of crap in your house constant. Let’s make the long weekend in August our first annual “Treasure Hunt” weekend, starting Friday evening the 4th of August, put your crap out on the curb (be sure to label it crap for the crap hunt) and let’s do this.
Debbie Lingen
Enjoy the Drive-In Movie Night this Friday, July 28. This event is hosted by the Verona Free Methodist Church and will be held in the parking lot. The movie will be All Saints and is generously sponsored by Revell Ford Lincoln. Free admission. All welcome, donations accepted. The canteen will open at 8:15pm and the movie starts at 8:45pm. Style Revival will be opening at 8:15pm during canteen time before the Drive-In Movies all summer long. In case of rain, the movie will be held indoors.
Enjoy Euchre at the Bellrock Community Hall every second Thursday. In August, euchre will be held on Thursdays, August 3, August 17 and August 31. Pot Luck lunch (optional) at 12 and euchre at 1 pm. It costs $2 to play and $1 for 3 tickets for the 50/50 draw. There is also prizes for door prizes High score, most lone hands and lowest score
The 10th Annual Art in the Sawmill will be held on Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6 from 10am to 4 pm. From original art, handmade jewelry, home decor and even fresh coffee and snack, come out and help support our community of local art and artisans. This year there will be over 25 plus local artisans taking part. Located at 6037 Verona St.
Frontenac Women’s Chorus: Come sing with us! The Frontenac Women's Chorus is welcoming new members for September. Ability to read music and previous choral singing experience advised. Monday evening rehearsals are 7pm at Trinity United Church, Verona. Send an email telling them all about you to: Stella at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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- North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
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