Aug 02, 2023
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Verona
by Wanda Harrison
Coming back to Arden, much to everyone’s pleasure, the George Parks Annual Pig Roast will be held at the Arden Legion Saturday, August 5, 5pm to 7pm. $20.00 per person and $10.00 for kids (5 and under free) the menu will include baked beans, baked potato, coleslaw, buns, and dessert, with take out available. There will also be door prize raffle!! It’s great to see this popular event return to the village.
The Sharbot Lake Lions are offering their all you can eat breakfast Saturday, August 12, 8am to 11am at Oso Hall. This breakfast will be in support of the Food Bank. Adults $10.00 kids 6-10 $6.00, under 6 free. This group works tirelessly and is asking for support from you. They are encouraging folks to bring your own plates, cutlery, glasses & cups to offset the costs and to also to protect the environment. Please do your part!!
Another return to the village is the Arden Artisans Open studio event. Artisans featured are Joanne Picket with Arlene Uens, Sarah Hale, Judith Versavel featuring works by John DuChene, James Hanley, Valery Hermer and Aileen Merrium , and Gordon Wright Fine Art. Posters will direct you to the various locations. It is great to see another annual event return!!
by Amanda Pantrey
Are you looking for a hot date? Pick any day in August, they don't get much hotter than that.
Enjoy food and fellowship at a Community BBQ at Storrington Lions Club Hall every Thursday from 5 to 8pm. This event includes cash bar and free parking.
Happening this Saturday, August 5th – Art in the Hamlet! Be sure to tour around Battersea and enjoy this wonderful event!
Save the date for the 3rd Annual Charity Motorcycle Ride on August 12th at the Storrington Lions Hall! Registration starts at 9am and Kick Stand Up at 10. Registration is $30 (or $40 with a passenger) and includes a Hamburger Lunch, Door Prizes, and a Silent Auction. Proceeds are in support of Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs.
Be part of Wild Woods Art Walk, a unique, enchanting outdoor installation of art along the Milburn Creek Trail happening in conjunction with Battersea Pumpkin Festival. Art will be displayed along the sides of the trail, hanging from trees, set up on rocks or logs. Have an idea or something you've made you want to share? From creative dabblers to experienced artists, all South Frontenac residents and Indigenous residents from across townships are invited to contribute art for this exhibition. Participation is voluntary. One day exhibit - October 14th. Three-week exhibit- October 1st- 22nd. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested or for more info.
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Land O’ Lakes Garden Club invites you to join them at their next meeting on Wednesday, August 9th at 7pm at the Barrie Community Hall in Cloyne. The guest speaker will be field naturalist David Bree, who will be talking about our favourite insect north of #7, the Dragonfly. Everyone is welcome and you do not need to be a gardener to join the Garden Club.
The Lions Club of Land O’Lakes is having a Golf Tournament at Hunter’s Creek Golf Club on Saturday, August 12th. Registration is at 8am with a Shotgun 18 hole start at 9am. Lunch and a putting green contest is included in the $55 fee. For information, contact Chuck at 613-336-1822. Come on out, hit some balls and have some fun.
The Lions will be launching their Emergency Centre Capital Campaign at the Lions Golf Tournament at the 2pm auction at Hunter’s Creek. This is open to the public so please come out and support this worthy cause.
Angela Bright
The Summer is going by fast. Have a great long weekend with family and friends.
Denbigh Recreation Committee will be hosting a CORN BASH August 12 from 1 - 5pm at Heritage Park in Denbigh. Admission by donation. Family fun games for all ages. Bring your favourite salad to share. Farmers market featuring produce, beef, pork, crafts, local artisans and baked goods. Vendors wanted; please contact 613-633-9885 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information.
The next Foodbank is Tuesday, August 8. If you are in need, please call 613-333-2224. The Foodbank is open from 10:15am until 11am. Please call in advance so a box can be prepared for you.
Kelli McRobert
No column; check back next week!
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Marilyn Goodberry
Wow, what happened to the hot weather? One day it was 30+ degrees with the humidex and the next day it was cold enough for coats and raining.
Come sing with us! The Frontenac Women's Chorus is welcoming new members for September. The ability to read music and previous choral singing experience is advised. Rehearsals are Monday evenings from 7pm at the Trinity United Church in Verona. Send an e-mail telling us all about yourself to: Stella at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Saturday, August 19, 2023 will be the South Frontenac Music Festival in The Point Park in Sydenham, featuring Tyler Brett Forkes. The Music Festival promotes local musicians and gives members of the surrounding communities the opportunity to listen to live music. Thanks to the generous support of local sponsors Ryan Rose Realty, SFRC and the Verona Community Association. For more information visit the website or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Jean Brown
Our own Angie Deline hosts a charitable vendor sale this Sunday Aug. 6 from 10- 2 on site at 14569 Rd. 38 in Sharbot Lake. Featuring over 20 vendors, an amazing prize table and proceeds aid both Henderson and Mountain Grove United Churches.
Henderson United welcomed guest worship leader Sarah Hale of Arden to the pulpit.
Our very own Lions Club of Land O’Lakes are hosting an 18 hole golf tournament on Saturday August 12th at Hunter's Creek golf Club to generate funds for a new generator. Fee of $55.00 includes a meal, golfing, putting contest, and silent auction on site, plus a 50/50 draw and lots of fun. To reserve a golf cart contact 613-336-2587 or call Lion Chuck 613-336-1822
Pine Meadow Nursing Home recently rocked a beach day- complete with sun hats, beach balls and beachy games at which Eric Wagar kept the score! In the future Pine Meadow pairs up with the Alzheimer society for the 2nd annual walk for Alzheimer on Sept 8 from 10- 1. It includes a BBQ by donation, bake sale, and lots of fun times.
by Judy Borovskis
Huge thanks to Harry and staff at Sydenham Landscape Products for the surprise gift of new mulch for the playground at Ken Garrett Memorial Park. Thank you for your constant support throughout the community.
Worship Services - Inverary United and Battersea United will join in worship at Inverary United on August 6th at 11:15am. August 13th Worship Service is 9:15 at Gilmour Beach in Battersea. The rest of August services are at Battersea United at 9:15.
3rd Annual Charity Motorcycle Ride Join us August 12th at the Storrington Lions Hall! Registration starts at 9am. - Kick Stands up at 10! Registration is $30 ( $40 with a passenger) and includes a hamburger lunch, door prizes and a Silent Auction. All proceeds in support of Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs.
Kingston Charity Bike Night every Thursday from 5 to 8pm at the Storrington Lions Club. Barbecued burger or hot dog, salad and dessert for $10. All proceeds are in support of Nankind and Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs. Burgers are really good! Brownies for dessert this week.
Storrington Retirees Luncheon at the Storrington Centre the second Wednesday of each month. Enjoy a home cooked meal. Everyone welcome!
Fall Prevention Program by the VON at the Storrington Centre will resume on Tuesdays 9 to 11! Everyone previously registered is on the list. If you know of someone new, they can contact the office for more info. Register by calling Dayna VanKoughnett at 613-354-6668 ext 105.
Soulful Singing - Join us the fourth Tuesday of the month (May – August) at 7pm. Info and directions call Donna 613-353-2889.
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Mark the date! Plowing Match September 10th at the farm of Charles & Norma Barr, 4382 Latimer Road, Inverary.
Please save the date for the next Battersea Pumpkin Festival from 10am to 4pm on Saturday, Oct. 14th. More info on what you will enjoy and how you can be involved coming soon.
Karen Prytula
So far, August is a quiet month, but I do have this for you to read:
The lawn social given by the Maberly Ladies Aid Society at the parsonage [that’s the large red brick house beside the St. Alban’s the Martyr Anglican Church in Maberly] on Tuesday evening last, was as usual a decided success. The evening was delightful, the tables well loaded with good things and everything the ladies could do to make a pleasant time was done. The Perth Citizens’ Band very kindly came over after spending the day at the Agricultural Picnic and gave a selection of appropriate music, for which the Rev. Vissar tendered them a hearty vote of thanks. The Ladies Aid are truly grateful to the band for their services, as the finances were much larger on account of the boys being present. At 10 o’clock pm the band started for Perth, and as they marched through the village under the silvery light of the full moon, the hills and valleys resounded to the tune of that old march, the British Grenadiers. [Probably marching to the Maberly Train Station] [Fri. June 25 1897]
by Pearl Killingbeck
No column; check back next week!
by Linda Rush & Marily Seitz
I missed the deadline for last weeks paper so I have a few items to get caught up with.
Summerfest was a wonderful jam-packed day; pancake breakfast, entertainment, vendors, pickleball demonstrations etc.
Two Annual General Meetings were held at the hall (Canonto Lake and Palmerston Lake Associations),. Both Lake Steward reported that the lakes are in good shape though the invasive Eurasian Millefoil is present in both lakes. Continued effort to control it is necessary.
The tables were full at the July Birthday Bash Pot Luck dinner. Five people blew out their birthday candles - Hazel, Tom, John, Fred and Dave. The next Bash is Aug. 16. See you there.
Music Night at Snow Road featured Jon Jones singing a couple of his own songs along with tunes from the 70's and 80's. Toes were tapping and I was certainly singing along with many of the familiar songs. Wade Foster, fiddler extraordinaire, and friend, will entertain at the August Music Night.
The Garden Tour visited 3 gardens at Lothlorien Farm and Tom and Sue's garden on Sunset Lane. Each garden was different and beautiful as all plants are enjoying the rain and heat.
'Junk in the Trunk' Giant Garage Sale takes place on Aug. 12 from 10 to 2. To reserve your place, contact Laurie at 204-996-1138 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Congratulations to our local track star, Stan, who competed in the Ontario Masters Championships in Toronto on the weekend and came home with two gold medals in high jump (in the rain) and pole vault.
by Elijah Abrams
August 12th is the date for the next Lions Club Breakfast at Sharbot Lake, OSO township hall. Proceeds will help benefit the Local Food Bank. Come out fill your tummy and support a local cause.
Sorry to hear of the passing of Maryann Freeman who once lived in the Long Lake Area.
Happy Birthday to Connie Southall summer resident of Long Lake who comes to our exercise classes. Kudos to Connie who had health issues earlier but keeps up with the rest of us by doing hers in a chair. She is an inspiration to all of us. May you have many more birthdays Connie!
The Grasshoppers ended their baseball season this past weekend. Thank you to all the players, volunteers, coaches, parents and executive who make this work. We are always looking for extra hands so if you have young ones participating in the sport and have some extra time to give please let us know we would be happy to hear from you!!
Nice to see the long white clover being cut along the guard rails, makes pulling out of driveways and side roads so much safer!
Folks will miss getting their corn from the Howes we will you well after your operation Ken. However Steele's Honey is now available. Thanks for your patience.
Congregation of United Churches in Parham and Sharbot Lake enjoyed the service by Dianne Lake and Joyce Conboy then a most delicious lunch afterwards Rev. Shelley Roberts returns to the pulpit next week.
Parham Baseball we have August 3rd the U19's are playing at 830, then August 10th they will play again at 830 - Come on out and cheer - the season is winding down so they need your support!
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services Continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0.
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE. Welcome all present and past members, and adherent members to help celebrate 140 years of service.
This service will take place on Sun. Aug 15. At 10pm, followed by luncheon and social in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall.
by Rhonda Watkins
Our Community Fish Pick Winner this week is Luca C. for this huge lake trout! He caught and released this approx. 6 to 7 pound guy on Buckshot Lake! He was trolling with a down rigger and used a wobbler spoon, wow!! Congrats Luca!!
Congratulations to our Tuesday night Euchre winners! There were 30 people who came out to play last week and Matt P. won high score with 84. Four people tied with 4 lone hands and Colleen R. drew the high card to win most lone hands prize. Celine T. took home the sweet consolation prize and now has her very own box of brownie mix! Thank you to everybody that came out! $206.50 was raised for the Holy Trinity Anglican Church! See you at our next Euchre night, 7pm at the Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna (6598 Buckshot Lake Road).
Thank you very much to the MEGA YARD SALE on 1142 Overton Road off Buckshot Lake Road for donating an Air Fryer to our Euchre game night as a prize!! It was so kind!! Come on out to play Euchre next week for a chance to win!! If you would like to visit MEGA Yard Sale to see all of their inventory, they are open every Saturday and Sunday from 9-4pm. Give yourself time to look around because it is an ACRE of great deals from Electronics to Garden Art!
The Rural Frontenac Community Services Youth Program is hosting an Outdoor Pop-up at the Clar-Mill Hall Thurs Aug 3rd. They will be there from 9:30-11:30 with games and crafts for kids to play. Kingston Frontenac Public Library will also be joining them with a story and STEM activity for youth to try. Activities are most suited for ages 6-12, but all ages are welcome to attend. A caregiver must be onsite. Thank you!
Did you know you can use your Kingston Frontenac Public Library Card to get FREE passes? You can get a weekly Ontario Parks Pass Permit for 7 Provincial Parks, A Museum of Nature Pass for a family of 5 or a National Art Gallery Family Pass. Please remember to contact your local library or visit their website to make your reservation. I love my library card!!
The Kingston Frontenac Public Library Plevna Branch is hosting a Fun Fabulous Build a Bird House Event on Thurs Aug 10th. Pre-Registration is required and everything needed to build the birdhouse is included for FREE! You can visit or go to the Plevna Branch for more information! The Branch hours are Tues and Thurs 2-6pm and Fri and Sat 10-1pm.
Everybody is welcome to come out to the Clar-Mill Hall, Thurs Aug 3 at 6:30pm for our first New Plevna Hall Volunteer Meeting. We will spend this first meeting deciding when to meet, getting acquainted with each other and learning about what interests each of us. There won't be any elections at this first meeting. We will get some information about what is involved in organizing a volunteer group and share ideas about what kind of fun events and activities we would like to see held at the hall. There will be prizes to be won! Don't miss out on the chance to make a difference in your Community
The Amazing Yard Sale is back on Sat Aug 5th from 8-2pm at 1718 Myers Cave Road. There is a wide variety of interesting items and something for everybody!
Don't forget St. Kilian's Church Sweet Bake Sale coming up this Sat Aug 5th from 10-1pm at 5984 Ardoch Road. There is always so many delicious treats for us all to enjoy! They would like to Thank the Community in advance for all of their support!!
by Karen Brawley
No column; check back next week!
Debbie Lingen
Enjoy a Drive-In Movie Night on Friday, August 4. This event is hosted by the Verona Free Methodist Church and will be held in the parking lot. The movie will be Dolphin Island and is generously sponsored by LD Powersports. Free admission. All welcome, donations accepted. The canteen will open at 7:30pm and the movie starts at 8pm. Style Revival will be opening at 7:30 pm during canteen time before the Drive-In Movies all summer long. In case of rain, the movie will be held indoors.
The 10th Annual Art in the Sawmill will be held on Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6 from 10am to 4pm. From original art, handmade jewellery, home decor, come out and help support our community of local art and artisans. This year there will be over 25 plus local artisans taking part. Located at 6037 Verona St.
Don & Linda's Back Yard Gardens are collecting for the Food Bank on Saturday August 5. The food bank is in need of canned pasta sauce, canned fruit and canned baked beans. Don and Linda will have fresh veggies to pick and 12 different tomatoes to choose from. Crafts, gift baskets, all perennials are 50% off and More.....Garage Sale and collectables from 9am to 1 pm. 4309 Maple Drive Verona.
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