Oct 09, 2024
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Sharbot Lake
- Verona
by Brent Fehr
The Arden School was built in 1931 (5998 Arden Road). After the area schools were consolidated, the building became the Kennebec Hall and also holds the local library. Today the “Hall” is referred to as Kennebec Recreation Centre, and it is super busy this month!
October 16th - Inaugural meeting of the Kennebec Cornhole Club at Kennebec Recreation Centre (5998 Arden Road). All Ages welcome on Wednesday for Indoor Cornhole from 1-4pm. Cost is a $1 donation to Recreation Committee For more Information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Barb Kirkland at 613 335 2604
October 25th - Halloween Movie Night at Kennebec Recreation Centre (5998 Arden Road). Join us Friday night @ 6pm for a showing of “Ernest Scared Stupid”.
October 26th - Annual Children's Halloween Party @ Kennebec Recreation Centre (5998 Arden Road). Saturday from 10am-1pm. Games, Temporary Tattoos, Crafts + Treats, and Costume Parade. Children's Luncheon @ Noon. More Information: Connie Tryan @ 613 335 2958 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Sponsored by the Kennebec Rec Committee.
October 26th - Halloween Costume Party + Dance @ Kennebec Recreation Centre (5998 Arden Road). Saturday from 6-8pm. Parent sign in and out, Call Corrin for more info 647-523-9930. Sponsored by the Kennebec Rec Committee.
October 31st - Community Shell-Out! at Kennebec Recreation Centre on Halloween Day from 6-7pm (Setup begins at 5:30 pm). Here’s a way to keep Halloween fun and safe for everyone! And, to see real Trick or Treaters. If you’d like to contribute, please drop your goodies at the hall and we will shell-out for you.
by Chris Pantrey
What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi !
Pumpkinfest News...
What an absolute amazing day! We were so pleased to welcome between 3500-4000 people to our little village, on a glorious fall day!
To each committee member and every volunteer, to our community partners and sponsors, to our bus drivers, tractor drivers, train drivers and canoe paddlers, to the pie bakers, and musicians, to our food vendors, market vendors, artists, scare actors and parking people, thank you doesn't seem enough, but yet, says it all.
Most important, thank you to all who attended and embraced the spirit of our festival. We do it FOR you and can't do it WITHOUT you!
And the winners are... Parade enthusiasm - Mindy, Dennis, Oscar & Theo. Spooky house - 5022 Battersea Rd. Autumn house - 5190 Battersea Rd. Guess the weight - Erika with the only exact guess of 179 pounds. Furthest away - David M. from Australia (what?!?)
We have a few unclaimed items in our lost and found. Please reach out to us, thru the "contact us" section of our website, if you have misplaced anything.
I will be including some more interesting Festival Fun Facts over the next couple of weeks!
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
The Lions are hosting a complimentary Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner Sunday, October 13th between 4-5 and 5:30-6:30. Everyone is welcome. Put on your dancing shoes and join in on the Lions “Music and Friends” Sunday October 20th 2-5pm. The Lions Annual Pumpkin Painting will be October 26th 1-noon. This is a free event for the children in our community.
Take the opportunity to meet the new LACGH CEO Michael Bell. Have your questions answered about healthcare, allow him to share his vision for the future of LACGH, and discuss ongoing initiatives that will impact our community. More details to follow prior to the event. October 19/24 at 1pm 72 Edwards St, Flinton Flinton Municipal Building.
The 7th Annual Trunk or Treat will be taking place on Oct 31 from 5:30-7:30 at 72 Edwards St in Flinton. If you would like to participate by being a trunker or to donate candy please call/text Teri Woods 613-336-9100 or message Flinton Trunk or Treat on Facebook.
Land O’ Lakes Garden Club will hold their Annual General Meeting on November 15th at the Lions Hall in Northbrook at 5pm.
Gail Fritsch
The Denbigh Recreation Committee would like to thank everyone for joining us this past Saturday on a beautiful day for our Fall ATV ride. We hope it was a great time for all and we appreciated your support. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped make it a great event. There were 215 participants. The 3 Top Poker Hands were won by 1st Darryl Halliday (straight) 2nd Kelly Dombroski (three of a kind) and 3rd Perry Weichenthal (three of a kind) There were many other draw prizes given out thanks to the generous donations of John Lee Forest Products, Econo Rent Northbrook, Cavanagh Construction, Casey Keller Skidding, Peter Mieske, Kaladar Carquest, Keller Firewood, Lemke Electric Inc, Finnegans General Store, Bancroft Eatery/Brew Pub, Glaeser’s Country Store, and Bonnie’s Buns and Burgers. Thank you!
Denbigh Recreation is hosting some Halloween events. There is a Halloween Kids Party on Saturday, October 26 from 11am to 1pm, with crafts, activities, pumpkin carving and lunch. A Halloween Dance is the same day – Saturday, October 26 at 8pm. Admission is $10.00 . Dress up and you could win a prize. This event is AGCO/LCBO and you must be 19+. Both events take place in the Denbigh Hall on Hwy 28.
Land O’ Lakes Community services and its volunteers thank you for attending Denbigh Diners this past Monday. We look forward to seeing everyone each month. The next Diners will be November 4, 2024
The community sends it condolences to the Philip Platz Family. Philip and Gladys spent many years in their home on the scenic Ashby Lake. He spent his later years in Pine Meadow Nursing Home in Northbrook where he loved to socialize, play cards and read.
Please let me know if you have anything to report or are having a special celebration. I would love to hear from you.
Kelli McRobert
No column; check back next week!
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Gregg Hamelin
Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy friends, family and good food.
BC Knitters donated $140.00 to the food bank. Special thanks to Steve for all his purchases.
On Saturday, September 28, 2024 the Harrowsmith Beautification Committee set up the Fall Display in the Parkette. Overnight into Sunday the display was vandalized with one of the straw bales being thrown across the street and three of the seven "Stick Figures" being stolen. A report has been filed with the OPP and the display has been rebuilt. If you know of anyone who might have been involved in this, please call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 and reference the incident in Harrowsmith on this date.
Saturday, October 19, 2024 the Harrowsmith Social and Athletic Club, 4041 Colebrook Rd Harrowsmith, is once again holding their Chinese dinner and quarter auction. Advance tickets and / or more information is at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Members $23 and non-members $25. Doors are open at 5:30pm with the meal at 6pm.
Sunday, October 20, 2024 there will be a TAKE OUT or DINE IN Beef dinner at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith. Tickets are not required, but you MUST call 613-372-2410 in advance and order your dinner. The cut off date to order is Wednesday, October 16. The cost is $20. For more information call 613-372-2410.
Saturday, October 26, 2024 join us at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith, for a wonderful Fall Craft and Bake sale. Start your holiday shopping and see what the talented local vendors and bakers have to offer. Lunch - homemade soup with a bun or sandwich. Tea / coffee and muffins will also be sold.
Sunday, October 27, 2024 the Harrowsmith S & A Club is hosting a Children's Halloween Party from 12 to 3pm. Dress up in your favorite costume and join in the fun playing games, decorating cupcakes and showing off your special costume. Free hot dogs and treats for those youngsters who dress up. Everyone is welcome - 4041 Colebrook Road, Harrowsmith, Ontario.
Jean Brown
It was super duper to visit and enjoy the many families/folks who came “home” and those from away who visited and attended, supported, donated to our United Church Vendor event. Thanks, folks - “you did good” and more. We love you all to pieces. It was truly an old home day- with many of our workers, organizers and visitors coming back to help, shop and visit, and many newcomers pitching in.
Thanksgiving happens this weekend and more folks are coming home to be with family and loved ones and walk about the village admiring the leaves and fall decorations.
The late Bazil Franklin Arney, son of Molly and Berton Arney was commemorated at the Lions Club of Land O’Lakes this past weekend as one of the veterans featured on the Remembrance Day banner Project Ceremony. These banners will be featured on Hwy 41 between Northbrook and Cloyne reminding us of the courage, strength and sacrifice of our veterans.
A much needed grief support group will be happening the first Thurs of the month at a drop in at Land O’Lakes Community Services in Northbrook. Please register by calling 613-376-6477 ext 205.
Our Lions are to be commended for their many projects having already set the date for their Santa Parade - on Sat. Nov. 23 at 5:30 starting and ending at their hall in Northbrook. Favourite Christmas songs is the theme.
by Judy Borovskis
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Bob’s Breakfast Buffet! Thank you to our volunteers on both Friday for set-up and Saturday workers for the event. 144 guests were served with a profit over $900.00 for the church. We enjoyed the company and the help from members of South Frontenac Fire & Rescue, Inverary Station. Guests were able to closely inspect the fire truck, fire fighters handed out pamphlets as part of Fire Prevention Week and treat bags were given to kids in attendance. They also cleared tables and helped dis-assemble the room. Our donation jug raised $288.50 for the Department’s Snowsuit Campaign.
Final Leopard Frog Barn Concert is Saturday, October 12th at 2pm. featuring the group Night Sun. Tickets are $20. Reserve by emailing Ellen: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Halloween Hustle Youth Dance! Friday October 18th at Storrington Lions Hall from 6:30 – 9:30pm. Prizes for the best costumes. Dance is in support of Glenburnie Public School.
Harvest Moon Dance from 8pm to 1am on Saturday, October 19th at the Storrington Lions Club Hall. Live music by Whiskey Smoke. Buffet at 11:00 pm. Free parking and cash bar. Tickets now available by calling 613-449-4744.
Community Food Bank Drive will be on November 1st . Drop your donations at the Storrington Lions Hall in Sunbury from 1 to 5pm. Cash donations are also accepted. All donations appreciated!
Vendors welcome for two upcoming events! November 16th at Inverary United Church Hall and December 14th at the Storrington Lion’s Hall. Reserve your spot contact: Marie at 613-449-4744 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Self-Defence Class! Hamid Nam, himself a 7th Dan in Karate will be teaching Self-Defence and Knife-Defence using techniques from Karate, Krav Maga and Aikido at Inverary United Church Hall on October 26th from 1 to 4pm. Register now at e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-328-6742. Proceeds will help veterans and military families in need.
Service Canada Help Session October 30th from 10am to 3pm. at the Storrington Lions Hall. An information session to help community members apply for the following programs and services: Social Insurance Number (SIN), Employment Insurance (EI), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), and the CDCP - Canadian Dental Care Plan – Application. For more information and to register call Marie at 613-449-4744 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Gifts! Crafts! & Much More on November 16th, 10 am to 3pm at Inverary United Church Hall! 23 vendors with something for everyone! Inverary United has 2 tables at the Bazaar. If you can donate items, crafts, bake goods etc. for the church tables please call Judy Borovskis at H 613-353-1768 or C 613-545-5017 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thanks for your help!
• Pop Can Drive – Fill The Bin Start saving your cans! Pop cans/alcohol cans & bottles! Drop off anytime at the Lion’s Hall in Sunbury. Event takes place on Sunday November 24th from 12:30 – 3pm in support of the Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dogs. Sponsored by ANS Scrap Metals & Environmental Contracting Service.
Monday Night Euchre at the Storrington Centre. Starting time is 7:30pm. Four handed euchre. Cost is $6.00. Join us for a fun evening of Progressive Euchre – a partner is not necessary.
Yoga Class every Wednesday at 6pm. September classes back at Inverary United Church Hall. Pilates and Foam Rolling classes in other locations. More info: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open Mic ! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center. Doors open at 6pm and everyone welcome! Admission charge is $2.00.
Pickleball Courts available at Storrington Lions Club. Call 613-353-6920 to book yours!
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
Live Music and Open Mic continues at Fall River Café every Friday night from 6-9 pm. Dinner special will be fish n chips. Bring an instrument, your singing voice or just a listening ear. Local talent is always welcome.
Musician’s Circle at ABC Hall – Thursday, Oct. 10. 7 – 10pm. Cost: $5 at the door toward hall maintenance. Play and sing along with fellow musicians. All musicians and all genres of music (country, jazz, blues, folk, easy listening, blue grass) are welcome. A fun learning and networking venue. For more info contact Dave Pollard at (613) 273-2464 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Perth Autumn Studio Tour Oct 12 & 13 - https://www.perthstudiotour.com/ Go to their website where you can download the map and see all the participating locations and the crafts offered for sale. Please note, most artists are unable to accept debit or credit cards.
Festival of Small Halls - October 19 at 7pm - The ABC Hall is hosting the music series featuring Brooks and Bowskill. Tickets are available through Ontariosmallhalls.com. Doors open at 7pm. Event starts at 7:30. Bar open for cash/credit sales.
Maberly Hall Foot Care Clinic, Now Accepting New Appointments! Our foot care clinics are available to older adults and seniors who are at risk for foot problems and/or find it difficult to care for their own feet. Please pre-register today, we anticipate appointments to be in high demand! The foot care clinic will take place at Maberly Community Hall, 180 Maberly Elphin Road. If you suffer from a chronic disease like diabetes, you may need to pay particular attention to your feet. Serious foot problems can put your independence, mobility, and well-being at risk. Our specially trained foot care nurses provide a general overview of your health and a thorough assessment of your feet, hands-on care and treatment of foot-related issues, foot care education, preventative care, and referral to other health professionals like doctors or podiatrists, if needed. Call the Tay Valley Township Municipal Office at 613-267-5353 to register.
Learn to Dance at the ABC Hall - Each session will include a basic one-hour lesson (with a video) followed by an hour of dancing to various styles of music. The first class introduced the Jive, the second class will cover the Rumba, the third, the Foxtrot. Occasionally they’ll switch things up with demonstrations of other types of dancing.
No experience needed. Pairs and singles are all welcome! The Dance Club is held on the first Sunday of the month at the ABC Hall from 2 to 4 pm. What to Bring: a clean pair of indoor shoes, a water bottle, $5 per person toward hall maintenance. For more information email Tom. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
No column; check back next week!
by Leane Bailey
The October Birthday Bash/Potluck is on October 16th and features a “dress up” theme for those who would like to dress up in their favourite outfit for this dinner, perhaps a favourite shirt, dress, or hat. Please bring a dish to share and a toonie and join with your friends and neighbours as we enjoy a fun dinner together.
Marily had so much fun at the Spring Clothing Swap that she is planning a Fall Clothing Swap event on Sat, October 19th from 10am to 11am. As you start to pack away your summer clothes and bring out your fall ones, it’s a great time to bring the items you don’t need to the clothing swap where they can be enjoyed by someone else, while you find items that you would love to wear to take home.
The November Community Café is on Wed. Nov. 6th, from 11am to 1:30pm at the Ompah Community Centre. The topic is “Learn about Diabetes Education for individuals and their families, and minimize symptoms with Tracey Fuller, RD CDE from Rideau Community Health Services”. Snacks and social to follow. Free for seniors ages 60+. For more information call 613-279-3151 Ext. 201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We are excited to announce that the Ompah Community Centre’s Hunter’s Roast Beef Dinner will be happening this November. Stay tuned for more details to follow. Volunteers will be needed to help with this event. Contact Leane for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 613-479-8047
Community Fridge in the foyer of the Ompah Community Centre: In the fridge will be food from the store in original packaging, or extra produce from your garden (must be washed, dried and bagged). Everyone is welcome to take what you can use, or to donate what you can, so everyone can benefit. Thank you to Katie for her work in bringing this idea to life.
Please join us on Wednesday mornings for coffee and treats starting at 10am. It’s a great way to meet your Ompah neighbours and friends. While you are there drop by the library which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to noon. (Note: There are no coffees on the first Wednesday of the Month, when the Community Café is held).
by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele
The COVID virus has been making the rounds and it's not pleasant so I've heard. Please stay safe!
Some folks were lucky on Friday night to win their Thanksgiving turkey at the Bingo in Sharbot Lake.
Thinking of you to Ella Mae Richardson.
Thank you to everyone for your help in making the Henderson United Church Vendor Bash a great event. There were so many great donations for the bucket raffle and then the 50/50 draw and we can't forget about the Grand in Your Hand! Congratulations to the winners! The vendors on hand were thankful for the shoppers who came to support them. It's alot of work setting up, organizing and taking down of an event like this so hats off to Angela Deline and her helpers for pulling off this wonderful event that helps out the Church... Hopefully you got a chance to listen to Jim and Pete MacPherson and Brad Beattie and the 2 other gentlemen that got to play with them. It was great to have the live music throughout the day from these talented musicians! Thanks again to all and can't wait to see you next year!
If you are looking for an idea for Christmas there are still 20 cookbooks left from the Parham United Church's 150th Anniversary. Contact me or anyone connected with the church.
The Hamiltons enjoyed a delicious "Chinese Dinner" for Thanksgiving at the Parham United Church on Sunday. What a great way to gather together as one big and happy family!
Plans are underway for a Ladies Night of Shopping under the Roof at Sharbot Lake Rink on Nov. 1st from 6 to 9 - so please keep this date in mind.
There is also a Vendor Event coming up at the OSO hall in Sharbot Lake on Oct. 19 from 10 - 2 and then that evening the Lions club is hosting a Seniors Night. As well on that day the District #4 Recreation Committee is hosting a Children's Halloween Party so be sure to get the kids their costumes ready for that fun event!
Did you hear that there will be a Hallowe'en Dance on October 26th in Mountain Grove?? Awesome!
Hope everyone has a most blessed Thanksgiving!
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. SUNDAY SCHOOL program is available for children. Newcomers welcome.
Happy birthday to those with October birthdays.
Perth Road Village is offering Craft and Bake sales Saturday, November 2, from 9am – 2pm at two locations – Perth Road Sunday School Hall and Harris Park Hall. There will be lots of variety, hand-made goods and a penny auction. Lunch will be available in both halls.
For vendor information please call 613 353-7303.
Upcoming in November: St. Andrew’s Day Tea & Social. Saturday, November 30th 2024 2 - 4pm in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall. More information to follow.
For information about the Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.
by Rhonda Watkins
Congrats to the five talented artists who unveiled their mural masterpieces last week!! Michelle Ross's new mural (Aurora Borealis Dancing above North Frontenac) will be displayed at the Shabomeeka Lake Boat Launch. Anne Garrett's new mural (Afternoon Delight) will be dispolayed at the Crotch Lake Boat Launch. Penny Hawley's (The Canadian Mississippi) will be displayed at the River Road, Mississippi River Boat Launch. Roxane Bay's mural (Frontenac Trilliums) will be displayed at the Buckshot Lake Boat Launch and Brian & Leane Bailey's mural (Look Mama) will be found at the Koch Kove Lane Kashawakamak Lake boat launch. We have such great talent in our community!!
Thank you very much to the 34 people that came out to play Euchre in Plevna last Tuesday night! We think that might have been the biggest crowd this year and we really appreciate you coming out and joining us! The high score prize went to Mike B. with 95! Congrats also to Rodger F., Carolyn W., James M. and Bill C. for all tying for the most lone hands with 4. Carolyn won the high card to take home the prize! Congrats to all the winners!! If you want to come out for a fun night of cards with friends, we gather at about 6:50pm at the Clar-Mill Hall. Games start at 7pm and refreshments are enjoyed afterwards when we give out the prizes.
The North of 7 Restaurant staff invite you to their Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings on Sat, Oct 12th for just $19.95! Bookings fill up quickly so don't wait to call 613-3 479-2603 to make your reservations! On a separate note, with winter coming they will be adjusting their opening hours back to 11am on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their little ones and join the EarlyON group every Wednesday starting Oct 16th from 9:30-noon at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall. You can register at www.keyon.ca and for more info, you can call 613 279-3151 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Circle Tuesday, October 15th on your calendar for the next fun Grocery Bingo Lunch hosted by the Clar-Mill Community Volunteers! This month all proceeds are going to the kids Christmas party hosted by the Volunteer Firefighters! Bingo Lunch runs from 11-1pm and for $10, you get a delicious homemade soup, sandwich, drink and dessert and one Bingo card to play Grocery Bingo (extra cards are $2 each). Take out orders are welcome. For more information, you can contact MaryAnn at 905 213-3820.
The Township of North Frontenac is seeking two new people to join the Economic Development Task Force. These are volunteer positions and are very rewarding! Mileage is reimbursed and the group meets monthly. If you are interested and think you are a dynamic individual filled with ideas to improve our Community, you are invited to submit a letter of interest to Brooke Ross, Manager of Community Development. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The closing date is Oct 24 at 4pm.
Plevna will have a Canada Post again soon!! YAY!! The new post office will be opening up Monday October 28th for all of your mailing needs! You will find the new office at 7428 Road 506 (across from the Plevna Liquor Store)!
You are invited for an evening of spooky fun on Thurs Oct 31st to celebrate Halloween at the Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road) The kids Halloween Party will be taking place from 6:30-7:30pm in the hall with games and treats! Following is the thrilling Haunted Walk in the Rink from 7:30-8:30pm. If you like to hand out candy, but don't get a lot of trickortreaters at your door, you are invited to bring your candy to the hall parking lot and join in the fun! For any questions, you can contact Shiloh at 613 876-7735.
Clarendon Central public school parent council will be doing their pepperette fundraiser just in time for hunting season.
If you are interested in ordering, please contact the school or a parent for more info. Orders are due Oct 25, with delivery soon after. These pepperettes are soooo delicious!!
The Clar-Mill Community Volunteers have organized a Fun Wreath Making Night with Janis St John on Thurs, Nov 14th from 6-8pm at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall. You will go home that evening with a completed wreath or porch pot with natural boughs! The cost is $65 and Charcuterie Boards and refreshments are included! When I think about what I have paid for a fresh wreath, this is an amazing deal and to think that I am creating it myself is an added bonus!! Don't wait to book as there are only 25 spots and they are filling up super fast! You can contact MaryAnn for more info. at 905 213-3820.
The local Christmas Assistance Program is available to individuals and families in Central and North Frontenac through the Salvation Army Mississippi-Rideau Lakes Corps. They began taking applications on Oct 1st and the deadline to apply is Nov 29th. If you would like to donate to support this wonderful charitable program, tax receipts are provided. For more info on how to apply or how to donate, you can call 613 279-3151 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers
District # 3 Rec Committee is seeking champions in our community to lead recreation events over the remaining months of 2024. Get creative! Yoga in the park - no problem, geocaching workshop - great idea, ball hockey tournament - awesome. No idea is too big or too small! District # 3 Rec Committee is also offering up to $500 per event to help cover the costs. Got a great idea and want to run with it? Reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613-929-6440.
As reported last week, the North Frontenac Little Theatre will be presenting “Dracula” as its fall production, November 6-9 at Soldiers Memorial Hall. Performances will take place Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, with a Saturday Afternoon Matinee. There will be a special “Dinner Theatre” evening on Friday with a meal and a show on site in OSO Hall. As well, a dinner package upgrade with pre-meal dinner at Belong Sharbot Lake will also be offered for the Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday performances. For more information and to reserve tickets, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 613-453-6962.
October 11th Royal Canadian Legion - Lasagna Dinner 5:30pm. Sharbot Lake Legion, 1015 Legion Rd. October 12th Royal Canadian Legion – Fall Music Series Featuring the music of the T.O.G.S.; 7-10pm. $10 general admission at the door (refreshments and light snacks available for purchase).
October 15th Sharbot Lake - Central Frontenac Railway Heritage Society AGM 1pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom All welcome. Contact us by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the Zoom link."
October 19th Sharbot Lake - Seniors' Event 4-6pm. Soldiers Memorial Hall (OSO Hall), 1107 Garrett St. Free. Be entertained with music and comedy plus enjoy a light meal and social time. Oso Soldiers Memorial Hall. All seniors welcome. Presented by the Sharbot Lake and District Lions Club. Call Joyce at 613-375-6640 for info or to book your spot.
by Karen Brawley
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving ... may your bellies be full and memories made be even more full.
Looking for something to do on Thursday evenings, pop on into the Legion downstairs to play some Amherst Island radio bingo. Cards will be sold at the Legion for $6 per strip. Bring a dauber and some friends. Happiness is yelling bingo.
October 25th we are having a Halloween dance at the Legion with Chelsea Road performing. Get your tickets now. They sold out last time. They are classic rock and country, sure to keep you on the dance floor. Costumes encouraged. Join us for a spooktacular evening...
Candy Mountain is starting to gro, as is the much anticipated Halloween night in Sydenham. Our trick and treaters are excited. Our village sees towards 300-400 happy children. So if your able and want to donate to operation candy top up. Drop donations at my house 4450 Portland avenue (green bin outside) or Christine's house at former Memory Lane, 4350 Mill Street (street side) candy top up helps our villagers make sure we have enough for out ghouls and goblins. Our village is beyond amazing
A few of our local good bad guys and gals have been arrested: Check out the New Leaf Link Facebook page as you may find that one of your neighbours has been "ARRESTED" for an absolutely hilarious reason!To donate: www.newleaflink.ca/donate. All proceeds from this Jail~OR~Bail Fundraiser for New Leaf Link will be used to fund the day programming that we offer for our adult neighbours living with physical and developmental disabilities. All of our programs are tailored to our participants skills, interests and abilities. New Leaf Link is a non-profit charitable organization located in Harrowsmith that does not receive any government funding and relies heavily on community donations and fundraisers such as this one.
Debbie Lingen
Stuff a Fire Truck event. Help fill the South Frontenac Food Bank. South Frontenac Fire and Rescue will have the Stuff a Fire Truck on Saturday, October 12 from 10am to 2pm at Verona Foodland.
Verona Lions Pie Sale, in time for hunting season and Thanksgiving. Frozen and ready to bake. Choose from blueberry, apple, cherry, raspberry, or strawberry rhubarb. Call 613 539 6662 to order and arrange pickup. $15.00 each
The 4th annual Art in the Sawmill Holiday Show will be held Saturday, October 19 from 10am to 4pm. 6037 Verona St. This show features art, one-of-a-kind handmade wares, and specialty home items.
Bellrock Fall Festival Chilifest will be held on Saturday October 19 at Bellrock Hall from noon to 4pm. Live music by Whiskey Smoke, hot chocolate, cookie decorating, bonfire, Harrowsmith Brewing company, bake sale, canteen and vendors. Door prize sponsored by Verona Rona. Fun for the family. $5 per adult entry, kids free.
Enjoy the Community Breakfast at the Verona Lions Club Hall on Saturday, October 19 from 8:30am to 10:30am. Cost by donation. All proceed go towards supporting the U13 Frontenac Flyers Rep Hockey Team.
Style Revival Clothing Center will be open Saturday. October 19, from 10am to 1pm. Style Revival provides gently used clothing, free of charge. They are also open every Wednesday from 10am to 1pm. Location at the Verona Free Methodist Church. They are currently accepting clothing donations.
The Fall Harvest is complete at Don & Linda's Back Yard Gardens at 4309 Maple Drive, Verona. Pie pumpkins, squash, garlic, onions, peppers, kale, and herbs on Saturday, October 12 from 9am to 1pm. 10% sale on all craft items until Thanksgiving. Donations for the South Frontenac Food Bank. Pre-order 613-374-1307.
Sydenham Women's Craft & Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, October 26 from 9am to 2pm at the Golden links Hall in Harrowsmith. Start your holiday shopping and see what these talented local vendors and bakers have to offer. Lunch - homemade soup and bun or sandwich.
Play Darts at the Verona Lions hall every Thursday. Open at 6:30pm to start at 7pm. All welcome. Cash bar and food available.
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- Line Spike, A Two Day Concert, Set For Canada Day Weekend In South Frontenac
- Driving Compassion: Community Champions Deliver More Than Meals
- Frontenac County inches towards Doctor Recruitment
- Addington Highlands Sets 2025 Budget – Tax Rate Up By 5.83%
- Official Plan Back Before South Frontenac Council
- Three King Charles III Coronation Award Winners from Frontenac County
- “Pickleball Lives in Piccadilly” – Frances Smith
- North Frontenac Council – March 14/25
- Refuseniks Voice Opposition to Ongoing Israeli Attacks on Gaza