Oct 30, 2024

These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.

Table of Contents

by Brent Fehr

Congratulations!  To Barbie Matson of C4 Convenience Store in Arden.  Each year the Frontenac County Business Awards celebrate the local businesses and the entrepreneurs who demonstrate the spirit of the Frontenac brand and who serve as ambassadors. The award winners will be announced at the Frontenac Business Retreat & Awards event on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at RKY Camp. “When you check your emails and find this…Thank you to our amazing supportive community.  We just celebrated our 4 year anniversary, and we are still here because of each and every one of you. Shout out to my past and present amazing staff, I could not do this without all of you. This nomination is not just mine, but ours. I have so much appreciation and gratitude to all.” Barbie Matson

October 31st - Community Shell-Out! at Kennebec Recreation Centre on Halloween Day from 6-7pm (Setup begins at 5:30 pm). Here’s a way to keep Halloween fun and safe for everyone! And, to see real Trick or Treaters.  If you’d like to contribute, please drop your goodies at the hall and we will shell-out for you. 

November 16th - Hunters Ball at Royal Canadian Legion in Arden from 8pm - 12am. Join us for Live DJ entertainment & luncheon provided at 10pm.  Cash Prizes 1st for Biggest Buck, $300, 2nd for Biggest Doe, $150, and 3rd forNovice (12-15 years) $100. Ticket required to Weigh-In. All Weigh-In’s required before 6pm. Tickets Available in Advance & At Door $20 per person. Call Lucy for Weigh-In’s @(613) 464-1177

November 30th - SAVE THE DATE for the Annual Tree Lighting at the Heritage Garden across from the Mill Pond will take place. Join us on Saturday @ 7pm for this community event. FREE hot chocolate from Circle Square Ranch and free cookies donated from Village Bakers. Sponsored by The Friends of Arden.

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by Chris Pantrey

What do ghosts put in their hot chocolate? Whipped scream!

Congratulations to Battersea United Church, reaching the most amazing milestone of 166 years of serving our community.  The church opened their doors in 1858. I am sure the original founders could have never imagined the changes that the congregation have embraced. A cornerstone of the village, they support us with faith, comfort, weddings, funerals, food banks and everything in between. 

Special birthday wishes to Paul Davey! 

Friday November 1st is the food drive for our local food bank.  Drop off your donations at the Storrington Lion's Club between 2-5. Please, give what you are able. And if you ever find yourself in need, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This is a hand up, not a hand out. 

Pumpkinfest fun fact... 146+ people volunteered over 584 hours on Saturday October 5th. Thank you to each of you, we couldn't do it without you!!

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Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper

Sadly a concrete statue of Mary & a couple of concrete planters have gone missing from the front of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church in Flinton, The statue of Mary was given to the church by the family of a deceased former parishioner and we are hoping that posting this, someone will return it to St. John's. Sadly, as of this past Friday the concrete statue of Mary and the 2 small planters are still missing!

Pine Meadow Nursing Home received a special donation of these beautiful quilts made by the Fortier Family Quilter! They were snatched up in no time! The residents were quick to notice the detail and beautiful designs in each one. Thank you for your generosity!

The Lions Annual Hunter’s Toll Road will see members out accepting donations October 31st through November 3rd 9-5 daily. All proceeds go back to help the Community. The Lions will be running a Vision Screening November 9th & 10th 10-1 for students grades K-12. Remembrance Service will be held on November 11th from 2-4 at the Lions Hall. The Lion’s Evening Santa Parade will take place on Saturday November 23rd. For the third year we will be offering the children an opportunity to buy gifts for their family members at the Holly Shoppe. We are looking for donations of new or nearly new items that the children can choose…. things for adults and children. Please contact a Lions member or drop them off.

Once again, the Cloyne Recreation Club is opening the Barrie Township Hall to anyone wanting to hand out candy on Halloween but don’t get kids where you live. There will be space available inside the hall or in the parking lot to set up a table or decorate your vehicle. Set up is at 4:45 on Oct. 31st with the event running from 5:30-7:00 p.m.

The 7th Annual Trunk or Treat is taking place today, Oct 31st from 5:30-7:30 at 72 Edwards St in Flinton.

Coming in November/2024 Public Walking -this will be held at North Addington Education Centre, Cloyne every Monday and Wednesday (excluding holidays) from 5 pm to 6 pm. Come and walk at your own pace in a safe warm environment. A big thanks to the Lions Club of Land O' Lakes for sponsoring this event.

Finnegan’s General Store “would like to extend an invitation for coffee and sweets, to our area Veterans during memorial week. They have done so much for our country and continue to be a valuable part of our communities. Thank you and see you on Saturday November 9th from 10am to 12pm.”

Land O’ Lakes Garden Club will hold their Annual General Meeting on November 15th at the Lions Hall in Northbrook at 5:00pm

From Lakeside Inn Motel, Restaurant & Bar is getting ready to transform into Santa’s Foodbank Support Super Centre!!!! The professional photo back drop has been ordered and collection bins have been placed to start things off. Printed Photos with Santa to raise funds for the Foodbank will be held Saturday December 7th. Stay tuned for details or drop in with a non -perishable item anytime! During restaurant hours receive a FREE coffee. 14276 Hwy 41. Inside the Lakeside Inn.

Thank you Gleaners Belleville for delivering a BIN for our Winter Food Drive. The food bin is located in the lobby and is easily accessible. Let’s FILL MULTIPLE BINS TOGETHER! Gleaners and Tri-County Warehouse provide crucial supplies and support to the Land O’Lakes Food Bank in Cloyne. Regular pick ups are made and delivered to Cloyne and surrounding area. We live in a wonderful community with generous donations. There have been multiple fundraisers this year by cottage associations and businesses and community members. There are ongoing supports throughout the year. All of this is needed. Thank you to everyone who has participated in some way. As we head into the Christmas season and long cold Winter we hope to support our community with your help. Food Banks across Canada have experienced an increase of up to 70% since 2019. Gleaners has seen a 67% increase.

Are you looking for a way to help in your Community and earn extra cash? Snow Removal Needed For Clients in Addington Highlands and North Frontenac Please contact Shelby 613-336-8934 ext. 229 at Land O’Lakes Community Services if you are interested or for more information.

Hunter's Creek Golf Club would love to host a drop off for gently used, clean, working toys for families that are unable to buy Christmas gifts for their kids. Will collect until Dec 15th then will distribute. Please reach out to us and/or drop off whenever you like. 613 336 2587.

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Gail Fritsch


During the Festival of Lights on December 14 at Heritage Park the Denbigh Recreation will be lighting a Memorial Tree in memory of loved ones who are no longer with us.  You can purchase a bulb for $2.00 in memory of a family member or friend, at Glaeser’s Country Store or Rosie’s Café and General Store in Denbigh.  Deadline is December 1, 2024.

Attention all Hunters.  The Denbigh Recreation Committee once again will be hosting a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings and Pie for dessert.  This event is Friday November 8 from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Denbigh Hall 222 Hwy 28.  Cost Adults $15, Kids 6-12 $8 and under 5 free.  Takeout is available.

The Matawatchan Hall at 1677 Frontenac Road  welcomes David Francey to perform on November 2, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets are $35.00.  You can buy tickets via e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   For questions call 613-318-8308. 

David Francey is a Scottish-born Canadian carpenter turned songwriter, who has been known as ‘one of Canada’s most revered poets and singer’. He was honored to accept his 4th Juno award this year for his new album, The Breath Between. 

The Denbigh Library will be having a fun morning of Board games on Saturday November 16 from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.. If you have a favorite board game you are welcome to bring it.  There will be playdoh and activities for the younger ones.  Everyone up to the age of 12 is welcome.  Please register by calling 613-333-1426.

Please let me know if you have anything to report or are having a special celebration.  I would love to hear from you.

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Kelli McRobert

Well, it was fun to see the old Hinchinbrooke School being used for the OPP training exercise last Tuesday! Hope the exercise went well!  Thanks for all you do for this community.

This is a reminder that the Christmas Shoe Box (Operation Christmas Child-OCC) packing day will be hosted on Saturday, November 2nd from 0900-1100 am, at the Cole Lake Church, 8 White Lake Road (@38).  Volunteers pack boxes to be shipped to children overseas through the Samaritan's Purse (OCC) each year.  Community members can help pack, donate small gift items, or donate $$$ to help with shipping costs ($12.00/box).  Helpers will be provided with coffee and snacks! Here is a link to a list of suggested items: samaritanspurse.org/occ. For information, you can contact the church at 613-374-3138.

Congratulations to our North of 401 Tournament Champions this past weekend at Battle of the Bubble! Silver -Barry Campbell & Dennis Bally, South Frontenac; Silver -Glen King (Kingston), & Mark Clarke, South Frontenac; Gold -Carolyn Brintnell (Kingston) & Lisa Ringelberg, Central Frontenac; Gold -Janet Sanderson (Kingston) & Janice Miles, South Frontenac; Bronze -Tammy Warren (Kingston) & Kelli McRobert, Central Frontenac; Silver -Jon Freda (Ottawa) & Joanne Bird, South Frontenac.

Yoga in Harrowsmith will be available on Wednesdays at 4:30PM at the S&A Club starting November 3rd. To sign up: nomadyogini.ca all levels are welcome.

The Perth Family Health Team now offers unattached primary care on Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment. You can use the clinic if you live within 50KM of Perth and do not currently have an NP or Doctor. Call 613-515-2680. Brought to you by HealthCare Connect. 1-800-445-1822.

The Napanee Paulmacs is offering a microchip and rabies clinic on Saturday, Nov 16th, 2024 from 12-5 PM and they are accepting walk-ins.  450 Centre Street North.

Style Revival at the Free Methodist Church (downstairs) will be open Saturday, November 9th & 23rd to accept clothing donations from 10 am -1 pm.

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Marie White

No column; check back next week!

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Gregg Hamelin

The Frontenac Youth Choir invites young singers to join us for the fall session to run six (6) weeks, on Wednesday, 16:30 to 17:30 PM, from November 6th to December 11th with the Concert on Friday evening, December 13th.  Practices and Concert at the Trinity United Church, Verona,.

Please support the Little Food Pantry in Harrowsmith located at 4938 Road #38 "Please take what you need and leave what you can!" 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024, there will be a Painting Workshop with a Harvest Home Theme from 13:00 - 15:00 PM at the Grace Centre, 4295 Stage Coach Road, Sydenham.  Bring an apron, paper towels and a sense of fun.  Everything else is provided.  A $5 donation for Beginners to Experienced (55+).  Please register a few days before with Natalee at South Frontenac Community Services, 613-376-6477 ext 310. 

Friday, November 01, 2024 there is a Youth Dance at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith, from 19:00 - 21:30 PM for Public School children, cost $7.00.  This is our Halloween Theme dance and there will be great prizes.  Come dressed in costume and have a chance to win one.  For more information call 613-372-2410.

Saturday, November 09, 2024 is the Annual Roberta Struthers Memorial Craft and Bake Sale at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith from 09:00 AM to 14:00 PM.  There is a Silent Auction table, vendors, bake sale and lunch will be available.  For information and table rental call 613-372-2410.  

Sunday, November 10, 2024 is the Old Tyme Fiddlers Open Mike at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith, from 13:00 to 17:00 PM, followed by dinner.  Cost is $15.00.  Please bring a dessert to share.  For information call 613-372-2410. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024 we have the TAKE OUT or DINE IN Turkey dinner at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith.  Tickets are not required but you MUST call 613-372-2410 in advance and order your dinner.  Cut off date for ordering is Wednesday, November 13.  Cost is $20.00 and the pick up time is between 16:00 and 17:30 PM.  For information call 613-372-2410.  

Now is the time to order your Christmas pies.  There is a variety to choose from - apple, strawberry rhubarb and pumpkin to name a few.  These are home-made, nine (9) inch unbaked pies.  Cut-off date to order is Wednesday, November 27, 2024 and the pick-up date is Saturday, December 7, from 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  For information and to order call 613-876-1330.

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Jean Brown

Hope folks have a safe and happy Halloween today!!

Area churches are busy serving God and last Sunday Harlowe Wesleyan Church offered the music of Mary and Wayne Abrams and family to the glory of God. Yummy food at the pot-luck and sharing brought a true spiritual experience. Henderson United featured the guest ministry of Licensed lay worship leader Sharon MacDonald from Sharbot Lake. Then, this coming Sunday Nov. 3 Arden United will feature a musical remembering sing a long of old time favourites at 2:00 with musicians Carol and Sylvia followed by a coffee and tea social (free will offering). Come and sing, visit, and have some fun.

We are excited to announce that two members of the North Frontenac Little Theatre (NFLT) hail from Henderson and live on Henderson Road! Greg Morris (aka Dracula himself) of the Henderson suburbs and Sarah Deline(aka Lucy) of Henderson Village and many others are busily preparing for the Nov. 6-9 performances at the Oso Hall. Be sure to get those tickets folks!

My word we miss the Harlowe shindigs big time and are waiting for their start up in 2025.

The peanut butter Christmas food bank challenge is coming up- so if you see the product on sale- grab it up. We are competing with all the districts of our Central Frontenac Township and I sure hope that our district wins again this year- we’re counting on everyone to get behind this!

Congratulations to our own C-4 Convenience store in Arden, on their fourth year of business and currently being one of twenty- seven businesses nominated for a Frontenac County 2024 Business Award. We are so truly excited for this business and all local businesses and services.

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by Judy Borovskis

• Happy Halloween Everyone!

• Turn your clocks back one hour when you retire for the evening on Saturday November 2nd !

• Thank You! to the Storrington Lions who hosted the first annual Harvest Moon Dance. The moon co-operated and provided the perfect backdrop for a brilliant evening event. Whiskey Smoke Duo Band kept toes tapping and the Lions members made sure a full supply of food was available. Thank you to all who came to support this event! See you next year!

• Fundraiser at Storrington Lions Club Hall – DEAL ALERT! Pick an ink cartridge….any cartridge…$10 each or 3 for $25. Contact Laurie Patterson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

• Community Food Bank Drive is tomorrow, November 1st. Drop your donations at the Storrington Lions Hall in Sunbury from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Wish list includes: BBQ sauce, bread, brown sugar, cheese, jam butter/margarine, cleaning products, coffee, crackers, eggs, flour, frozen meat, honey, ketchup, juice boxes, mayo, milk, mustard, oil (cooking), paper towels, peanut butter, rice, shampoo, soup – cream of mushroom, tomato, stew cans, sugar. Cash donations accepted.

• Bob’s Breakfast Buffet! Saturday November 2nd. Doors open 7 – 10 am. Food is served buffet style, but for your convenience coffee, tea and juice are served at the table. Scrambled eggs, sausage, pancakes and local maple syrup and tomatoes – all yours for $10, children 12 and under $5. Friday November 1st is set up in the hall beginning at 9:00 am. Call Judy at 613-353-1768 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for info or to volunteer some time either day.

• Transition Storrington, a local group focused on Community Resilience, is bringing the film Common Ground to the Storrington Centre on Sunday November 10th at 1:00 pm.  Cost $10 per adult - pay at the door.  Children are free.  Come for the film some discussion and treats!   To reserve tickets, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

• Remembrance Day service at Sand Hill Cemetery on Monday, November 11th at 10:45 am. Light refreshments will be served immediately after the service at the Storrington Lions Club. Cash bar and free parking. Everyone welcome.

• Gifts!  Crafts! & Much More on November 16th, 10 am. to 3 pm. at Inverary United Church Hall! 23 Vendors. Crafts, decorations, clothing, art work, baking, some small tools, toys, dishes, glassware and the list goes on. Absolutely something here for everyone. Drop in, check it out and be sure to say hello!

• Youth Dance! for Students in Grades 5 to 8 at the Storrington Lions Club Hall from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. on Friday, November 22nd . Admission is $5 pp and includes adult supervision, canteen and DJ. Proceeds in support of Holy Name School.

• Pop Can Drive – Fill The Bin Start saving your cans! Pop cans/alcohol cans & bottles! Drop off anytime at the Lion’s Hall in Sunbury. Event takes place on Sunday November 24th from 12:30 – 3:00 in support of the Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dogs. Sponsored by ANS Scrap Metals & Environmentall Contracting Service.

• Enjoy a Christmas Market shopping experience at Storrington Lions Club Hall on Saturday, December 14th from 10:00 am. to 3:00 pm.. 55 days till Christmas! More than 30 vendors will be on hand to showcase their crafts and items.  For details, contact Marie at 613-449-4744 .

• Monday Night Euchre at the Storrington Centre. Starting time is 7:30 pm. Four handed euchre. Cost  is $6.00. Join us for a fun evening of Progressive Euchre – a partner is not necessary.

• Yoga Class every Wednesday at 6 pm. September classes back at Inverary United Church Hall. Pilates and Foam Rolling classes in other locations. More info: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

• Open Mic ! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center. Doors open at 6:00 pm and everyone welcome! Admission charge is $2.00.

• Pickleball Courts available at Storrington Lions Club. Call 613-353-6920 to book yours!

• Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.

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Karen Prytula

Leonard Cohen, the late singer/songwriter/poet, had great grandparents and a grandfather that once lived in Maberly. To learn more come out to a presentation put on by the Lanark County Genealogical Society. You don’t have to be a member of the society to attend. The presentation is FREE and open to the public. Saturday, November 2, 2024, 1:30 pm, Brunton Hall, inside the new Beckwith Township Municipal Office, 2022 Beckwith Park Lane in Beckwith Park. Guest speaker Karen Prytula will speak about Leonard’s grandfather, uncles, cousins, and great grandparents who once lived in this tiny hamlet before they moved to Montreal in the late 1800s.

Live Music and Open Mic continues at Fall River Café every Friday night from 6-9 pm. Dinner special will be fish n chips. Bring an instrument, your singing voice or just a listening ear. Local talent is always welcome. 

Pages and Playtime! Storytime at Maberly Hall! Storytime introduces your child to books, rhymes and rhythm, music and song, play, crafts, taking turns, paying attention, and being in a group. This is a welcoming program to meet parents and caregivers. This program is best suited for children ages 0-5 years old. Hosted at Maberly Community Hall in partnership with the Perth and District Union Library on select Tuesdays from 10:30am to 11:30am of each month. October 29th, November 12th, December 10th.  Maberly Hall - 180 Maberly Elphin Road.

Book Club with Emily - Last Thursday of each month 1pm-2pm. December’s will be held on the 19th from 1pm-2pm, 180 Maberly Elphin Road, Maberly

Early On at Burgess Hall! The first Wednesday of every month and it’s FREE for ages 0-6 years of age! Early On provides a welcoming space where parents, caregivers, and children can participate in fun activities, connect with other families, learn about the different family services in the community, and get advice from early childhood development professionals. 9:30am - 12pm drop in. 4174 Narrows Lock Road, Please bring indoor shoes. 

Learn to Dance at the ABC Hall - Each session will include a basic one-hour lesson (with a video) followed by an hour of dancing to various styles of music. No experience needed. Pairs and singles are all welcome! The Dance Club is held on the first Sunday of the month at the ABC Hall from 2 to 4 pm. What to Bring: a clean pair of indoor shoes, a water bottle, $5 per person toward hall maintenance.

A message from Bruce and Charlee Bailey: We wanted to let all of you who helped with the cleanup of Mark Burnham’s house that Mark passed away peacefully on Tuesday, October 22 with friends around him.  A celebration of Mark’s very diverse life is being planned and we will keep you up to date on when and where that will take place. 

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No column; check back next week!

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by Leane Bailey

There is a Christmas Craft Show on Nov. 2nd, from 10am to 2pm at Clar-Mill Hall in Plevna. Drop by to find lots of great gift ideas, and have lunch in support of St. Killian’s Church.

The November Community Café is on Wed. Nov. 6th, from 11am to 1:30pm at the Ompah Community Centre. The topic is “Learn about Diabetes Education for individuals and their families, and minimize symptoms with Tracey Fuller, RD CDE from Rideau Community Health Services”. Snacks and social to follow. Free for seniors ages 60+. For more information call 613-279-3151 Ext. 201 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are excited to invite you to attend our Ompah Roast Beef Dinner, on Thursday, November 7th, from 5pm to 7pm at the Ompah Community Centre. As is the tradition, potatoes and carrots will be peeled and chopped that morning at 10am.  Please come with your favourite paring knife to help out the community, enjoy coffee and treats, and have some fun.  On the menu is roast beef, gravy, potatoes, vegetables, salad, tea and coffee and homemade pie.  Cost is $20. $10 for children under 12 and those under 5 eat free.  Proceeds go to the Community Centre and to the Children's Christmas Party (Nov. 30).

We have not reported on the last two Community Potluck Birthday Bashes. In September, Patti, Harley, and John celebrated their birthdays, and we welcomed Harley and Vicki to the community.  In October Neil blew out the candle.  Also in October, several people dressed up for the occasion.  The next Bash will be held on Nov. 20 at 6:00pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend, even if it's not your birthday month, and dressing up is not expected (but being dressed is!).

On Thursday, November 21st, The Snow Road Community Centre presents an evening of Classic Country Music with the White Family Band from 7pm to 9pm. Tickets can be purchased by e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 613-278-1853. Tickets are $15.

The Community fridge in the foyer often holds veggies or canned goods etc. Everyone is welcome to take whatever is useful to you, or to drop something off.  The fridge will be moved back into the hall on Roast Beef dinner day to hold the bountiful food and pies, but will be moved back to the foyer on Friday the 8th.

Please join us on Wednesday mornings for coffee and treats starting at 10am. It’s a great way to meet your Ompah neighbours and friends. While you are there drop by the library which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to noon. (Note: There are no coffees on the first Wednesday of the Month, when the Community Café is held). The Ompah Community Centre also offers weekly activities such as exercise groups, and Bridge games, drop by the community centre to find out more.

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by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele

Friday Night - Sharbot Lake Rink is the place to be!!!  The Ladies Night is back!!! The event runs from 6 to 9 pm on November 1st!  Lots of great local vendors will be on hand to help you get started (in case you haven't already!) on your Christmas Shopping.  The money from the tables will be use to help the Clothes for Kids campaign and the Sharbot Lake Rec Committee.  There will also be a raffle with lots of great items and we are hoping to have a bake table on sight as well!

Plans are underway for a Christmas Vendor Event on Saturday November 30 at the CE Building in Parham from 10am to 2pm.  The Rec Committee will be having a bake table so if you are interested in baking to help support all that they do in the community it would be greatly appreciated!  

Parham United Church congregation enjoyed their monthly soup luncheon after the service on Sunday.  Soup sure tasted good on such a cold day!

Sympathy to the England family on the passing of Jim.

Coffee Time at the Parham Free Methodist Church on Nov. 5th from 10 to 1130 starting Nov. 5 everyone is welcome!

Hope all trick or treaters have fun and stay safe.  Drive careful as little ones get so excited.

Sunday Nov. 3rd Arden United Church are hosting a community sing a long with the theme of Remembering with many old time favourites starting at 2 pm

Join the life drawing group in the community room at the Sharbot Lake medical clinic

every Thursday afternoon beginning November 28th. For details contact Geoff @ 613-812-9428 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Family and friends gathered to help Shannon Harper celebrate her 40th birthday on Saturday at the CE Centre

Thinking of the family who lost their girl last week in a fatal side by side accident.

Happy Birthday to our Novembers folks celebrating....Jamie Riddell, Missy Thompson, Bonnie Beatie, Jason Riddell, Angie Lee, Mark Brown, Julia Schall, Jeremy Lowery, Seth Willard, Paul Lowery, Charles Lowery, Brenda Woodward, Rose MacPherson, Becci Uens, David Hole, Andrew Hole, Aimee Towers, Debbie Moon, Tracey Riddell, Cory Thompson, Tyler Gordon, Dale Meeks, Carrie Jones, Kim St. Pierre, Diane Whan, Pete MacPherson, Erin Fo, Brandi Hamilton, Wesley Hartwick, Darrell Walker, Jenna Mosher, Niki Putnam, Claire Alarcon-Belanger, Nancy Thompson, Amy Thompson, Sandy Hallam, Angie Sargeant, Holly Raymond, Stu and Ron Howes and Meagan Kehoe

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Perth Road
by Peter Bird

PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services continue at 10.00 am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. SUNDAY SCHOOL program is available for children. Newcomers welcome.

Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those with November Birthdays or Anniversaries.

Craft and Bake sales Saturday, November 2, from 9 am – 2 pm at two locations – Perth Road Sunday School Hall and Harris Park Hall. There will be lots of variety, hand-made goods and a penny auction. Lunch will be available in both halls.

For vendor information please call 613 353-7303.

St. Andrew’s Day Tea & Social. Enjoy Homemade Sweet Treats and Celebrate St. Andrew’s Day on Saturday, November 30th 2024 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Cost is $10 per person. Wear your Tartan (optional) and listen or sing-along to traditional Scottish songs performed by Celtic at Heart in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall.

For information about The Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.

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by Rhonda Watkins

Thank you to the 15 people that came out to play Euchre in Plevna last Tuesday night! Phil F. was the lucky winner with a high score of 92 and the most lone hands with 7! WOW! Phil took the high score prize and Bob J. got the most lone hands prize with 5 because he came in second with most lone hands. Congrats to both winners!! If you want to come out for a fun night of cards with friends, we gather at about 6:50pm at the Clar-Mill Hall. Games start at 7pm and refreshments are enjoyed afterwards when we give out the prizes.

The Plevna Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road) is the place to be tonight (Thurs Oct 31st). The kids Halloween Party will be taking place from 6:30-7:30pm in the hall with games and treats! Following is the thrilling Haunted Walk in the Rink from 7:30-8:30pm. If you like to hand out candy, but don't get a lot of trick or treaters at your door, you are invited to bring your candy to the hall parking lot and join in the fun! For any questions, you can contact Shiloh at 613 876-7735.

Have you started your Christmas Shopping yet? Not to worry, the vendor shows are starting and have you covered! The Plevna Christmas Craft Show is coming up on Sat Nov 2nd from 10-2pm at the Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road). You can contact Debbie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Betty at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more info.

The Ompah Community Centre invites everybody to their delicious roast beef dinner on Thurs Nov 7th from 5-7pm! $20 per adult, $10 for kids under 12 and Free for kids under 5. Proceeds go to the Ompah Community Centre.

You are invited to the Service of Remembrance with the Township of North Frontenac on Mon Nov 11th at 10:45am. Our Community will be gathering at the North Frontenac Cenotaph at 6598 Buckshot Lake Road. After the service you are invited into the hall for a refreshment served by the Clar-Mill Community Volunteers. 

The Clar-Mill Community Volunteers have organized a Fun Wreath Making Night with Janis St John on Thurs Nov 14th from 6-8pm at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall. You will go home that evening with a completed wreath or porch pot with natural boughs! The cost is $65 and Charcuterie Boards and refreshments are included! There are only a few spots left, so don't wait to call and book your spot so you don't miss out on this fun evening with friends! You can contact MaryAnn for more info. at 905 213-3820.

The Pine Meadow Nursing Home Christmas Bazaar & Bake Sale is coming up on Fri Nov 22nd from 10-3pm. You will find local vendors, baked goods and even enjoy a hot lunch combo. You can contact Sarah at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 613 336-9120 ext 226 for more info.

The local Christmas Assistance Program is available to individuals and families in Central and North Frontenac through the Salvation Army Mississippi-Rideau Lakes Corps. They began taking applications on Oct 1st and the deadline to apply is Nov 29th. If you would like to donate to support this wonderful charitable program , tax receipts are provided. For more info. on how to apply or how to donate, you can call 613 279-3151 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ho Ho Ho!! The 2024 North Frontenac Santa Claus Parade and Children's Chiristmas Party is coming up on Sat Nov 30th! Children will be visiting with Santa at the Ompah Community Centre at 1pm There will be refreshments, face painting, crafts, presents and pictures with Santa! Children up to grade 8 are invited to pre-register for a gift. Registration forms are available at local stores or by contacting Michelle Ross at 613 318-4039. Everyone is invited to participate in the parade with a float and if you would like to join in the fun, please contact Dillon at 613 650-7746 for more info. The Parade will be starting at 6pm at the North Frontenac Township Office and making its way East on the 506/509 highway ending at the Ompah Community Centre.

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Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers

Upon posting last week’s “Sharbot Lake Happenings,” I received a comment concerning both mindfulness and fitness sessions being offered by the Sharbot Lake Family Health Team. After seeking info from their website, I discovered that there are a number of great offerings by the team in the realm of “Healthy Lifestyle Programs.” These include Community Cooking, Community Exercise, Craving Change, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Nutrition Counselling and Therapeutic Yoga.  If you are interested in any of these, call your Family Health Team at 613-279-2100

Dracula tickets are going fast.  To date, there is only availability for Wednesday’s performance.  Remember that Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday’s performances may be upgraded to include a dinner package at Belong Sharbot Lake.  For more info phone 613453-6962, or (preferably) email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This week’s Sharbot Lake events in Sharbot Lake include: Friday, Nov 1: Sharbot Lake - Roast Beef Dinner, 5:30pm. Sharbot Lake Legion, 1015 Legion Rd.; Open Mic Friday Evenings at Kick & Push Brewery

Sharbot Lake 8:30am-12pm Wednesdays. The Child Centre, 1004 Art Duffy Rd. For children aged 0-6yrs and their families. Pre-register at keyon.ca — 1-3:30pm Thursdays. The Child Centre, 1004 Art Duffy Rd. for children aged 0-6yrs and their families. Pre-register at keyon.ca

Join the life drawing group in the community room at the Sharbot Lake medical clinic every Thursday afternoon beginning November 28th. For details contact Geoff @ 613-812-9428 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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by Karen Brawley

Well... October has come and gone.. we saw some vibrant colours on the trees this year. Summer even tried to hang on tight.

Got your ducks in a row? Put on your dancing shoes. Another amazing band is performing Saturday night at the legion. Tickets should be available at the door for this one. $10 and doors open at 7. They will be for sale at the legion and one stop until Saturday. Hope to see you there

Candy Mountain was a success yet again. It's so awesome to see our community pull together and help one another. The kids who trick or treat truly appreciate it as do the families we help top up

The Household Hazardous Waste Depot will be moving to Winter Hours as of November 1, 2024, which are the Second (2nd) and Fourth (4th) Thursday of each month. Novembers open dates will be the 14th and 28th from 3 pm to 7 pm.

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Debbie Lingen

The Frontenac Youth Choir invites young singers to join them for the fall session to run for 6 weeks The choir will begin their practices on Wednesday November 6th at Trinity United Church, Verona from 4:30 to 5:30pm. They will be preparing a few songs to join the Trinity Christmas Choir concert on Friday, December 13.

The Annual Craft Vendor Sale is on Saturday November 2 from 9 am to 2 pm at Trinity United Church. Great variety of items to choose from. Lunch, baked goods and raffle baskets will be part of the church fundraising efforts.

Prince Charles Public School will hold their Annual Holiday Market on Saturday November 2 from 10 am to 3 pm. Visit with Santa and shop for crafts and goods. $2 entrance fee. Kids under 12 are free. Or a donation of a non-perishable food item.

The November Women's Luncheon will be held Tuesday, November 5, at 1230 pm at MOM'S Restaurant in Verona. The theme for November is "Looking Back and Planning Ahead" For more information and to register please call 613-374-2703 by November 3.

Verona Diners Lunch Club for seniors (55 +) is being held Thursday, November 7. Chicken pot pie, a side and dessert. $10 Served at noon. Entertainment Cowboy Mark McDonnell. Call 613-376-6477 ext 303 to reserve. Location Verona Free Methodist Church

Verona Remembrance Day Service will be held at the Verona Cenotaph starting at 10:45 am on Monday November 11.

There will be a light lunch after the service at the Verona Free Methodist Church.

Style Revival will be open Saturdays November 9th and 23rd. Verona Free Methodist Church,

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

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