Nov 06, 2024
These columns from our community reporters are updated every week.
Table of Contents
- Arden
- Battersea/Storrington
- Cloyne - Northbrooke
- Denbigh
- Godfrey
- Harlowe
- Harrowsmith
- Henderson
- Inverary
- Maberly-Bolingbroke
- Mississippi
- Ompah
- Parham-Tichborne
- Perth Road
- Plevna
- Sydenham
- Sharbot Lake
- Verona
by Brent Fehr
Mondays + Wednesdays - Darts at the Arden Legion at 7:30pm, 5967 Arden Road.
November 16th - Hunters Ball at Royal Canadian Legion in Arden from 8pm - 12am. Join us for Live DJ entertainment & luncheon provided at 10pm. Cash prizes 1st for Biggest Buck, $300, 2nd for Biggest Doe, $150, and 3rd for Novice (12-15 years) $100. Ticket required to weigh-in. All weigh-ins required before 6pm. Tickets available in advance & at door $20 per person. Call Lucy for weigh-ins @(613) 464-1177.
November 28th - Come join our life drawing group in the community room at the Sharbot Lake Medical Centre from 1 to 4pm (and every Thursday thereafter). All skill levels are welcomed - please bring a sketch pad and your preferred drawing materials. We ask that artists contribute $15 per session to pay for our model. These are not classes but an opportunity to practice your life drawing skills in a fun, friendly and supportive environment. For more details, contact Geoff @ 613-812-9428 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
November 30th - SAVE THE DATE for the Annual Tree Lighting at the Heritage Garden across from the Mill Pond will take place. Join us on Saturday @ 7pm for this community event. FREE hot chocolate from Circle Square Ranch and free cookies donated from Village Bakers. Sponsored by the Friends of Arden.
by Chris Pantrey
Where do deer get their coffee? Star Bucks!
To Don in Parham, I can't believe I missed your birthday last week! Hope you enjoyed your free fall feeling weekend :D
Lest we forget. Remembrance Day service in the Battersea area will be Monday, November 11 beginning at 10:45 at Sandhill Cemetery. Immediately after, the community is invited to come together at the Lions Club, for a luncheon.
Transition Storrington, a local group focused on Community Resilience, is bringing the film Common Ground to the Storrington Centre. Sunday Nov. 10th 1pm. Cost is $5 - $10 per adult - pay at the door. Children are free. Come for the film some discussion and treats! To reserve tickets, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Finally, a short message to the lowest of low, who broke into Battersea United Church Hall, stealing all the butter for the shortbread fundraiser, among other things. Are you proud of yourself(s)? But fortunately, our community comes together and supports each other. You can't steal that
Cloyne - Northbrooke
by Nancy Skipper
News from Flinton Trunk or Treat: That’s a wrap on year 7! Approximately 280 community trick or treaters joined us! The wind was brutal, the weather was beautiful and the rain held off! There are so many people to thank! The trunkers - you guys make this all come together. Thank you to the parents, guardians and kids that support trunk or treat year after year. This year I received support from Naturally L&A to enhance the event. Adam's Property Services sponsored the BBQ. Over 200 hot dogs served and $278.25 was collected in donations. Thank you to the Friends of Bon Echo for donating all the drinks. Thank you, Sue and Clint, for grilling up the hot dogs for us all to enjoy! The candy donations this year were phenomenal! Wow! Thank you to all the businesses and individuals that contributed. The community bags were proudly handed out by our Local OPP. It’s always a pleasure to have our local fire department being part of the event handing out reflective treat bags and candy! Thank you Township of Addington Highlands for your continued support with this event. Thank you Econorent Equipment Rentals Inc. for powering up the haunted tunnel this year! I can’t say thank you enough to everyone. There’s a lot of prep that goes into community events, but after it’s all done, I look back and can say it’s all worth it.
Finnegan’s General Store “would like to extend an invitation for coffee and sweets, to our area veterans during memorial week. They have done so much for our country and continue to be a valuable part of our communities. Thank you and see you on Saturday, November 9th from 10am to 12pm.”
Land O’ Lakes Garden Club will hold their Annual General Meeting on November 15th at the Lions Hall in Northbrook at 5pm.
The Flinton Remembrance Day Ceremony will be on Sunday, November 10th at 2pm at the Flinton Cenotaph. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
The Lions will be running a Vision Screening November 9th & 10th 10-1 for students grades K-12. Remembrance Service will be held on November 11th from 2-4 at the Lions Hall. The Lion’s Evening Santa Parade will take place on Saturday, November 23rd. For the third year, we will be offering the children an opportunity to buy gifts for their family members at the Holly Shoppe. We are looking for donations of new or nearly new items that the children can choose… things for adults and children. Please contact a Lions member or drop them off.
The fifth annual Christmas Toy and Food Drive is being held Saturday, November 30th at the Northbrook Foodland between the hours of 10am and 2pm. We are accepting donations of new toys, gift cards, non-perishable food items, and cash. All donations go directly to the Land O’ Lakes Community Services Christmas Hamper Program. It is also supported by the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department. Without donations, the program costs over $20,000 and services over 140 local families in need.
From Lakeside Inn Motel, Restaurant & Bar is getting ready to transform into Santa’s Foodbank Support Super Centre!!!! The professional photo back drop has been ordered and collection bins have been placed to start things off. Printed Photos with Santa to raise funds for the Foodbank will be held Saturday, December 7th. Stay tuned for details or drop in with a non -perishable item anytime! During restaurant hours, receive a FREE coffee. 14276 Hwy 41. Inside the Lakeside Inn.
Hunter's Creek Golf Club would love to host a drop off for gently used, clean, working toys for families that are unable to buy Christmas gifts for their kids. Will collect until Dec 15th then will distribute. Please reach out to us and/or drop off whenever you like. 613 336 2587.
Gail Fritsch
During the Festival of Lights on December 14 at Heritage Park the Denbigh Recreation will be lighting a Memorial Tree in memory of loved ones who are no longer with us. You can purchase a bulb for $2.00 in memory of a family member or friend, at Glaeser’s Country Store or Rosie’s Café and General Store in Denbigh. Deadline is December 1, 2024.
Attention all hunters: The Denbigh Recreation Committee once again will be hosting a Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings and pie for dessert. This event is Friday, November 8 from 4:30 to 7pm at the Denbigh Hall 222 Hwy 28. Cost Adults $15, Kids 6-12 $8 and under 5 free. Takeout is available.
Matawatchan Hall at 1677 Frontenac Road will be hosting Christmas Market on Saturday, Nov. 30 from 10am until 1pm. There will be light lunch, coffee, homemade crafts, local maple syrup, lots of yummy Christmas treats. Come out and support your community. If you are interested in a table, contact Nancy at 613-333-9556.
The Denbigh Library will be having a fun morning of board games on Saturday, November 16 from 10 to 11:30am. If you have a favorite board game, you are welcome to bring it. There will be playdoh and activities for the younger ones. Everyone up to the age of 12 is welcome. Please register by calling 613-333-1426.
Denbigh Griffith Lions Club would like to thank everyone who attended the Octoberfest for all your support; it was a fun time for all. The Lions Christmas Market is Saturday, December 7 from 10am until 2pm at Griffith. There will be gifts, goodies, photo op with Santa, hot lunch and mulled wine to enjoy. The Lions Club also will be selling tourtieres for $25, and fruit cake and cherry cake for $20. Their Christmas BINGO will be Tuesday, December 10; they look forward to seeing everyone, and the doors open at 6pm. The Lions Club will be offering Christmas Hampers to members of the community in need. If you are in need of a Christmas Hamper or know someone who may need one, please call Jan at 613-333-1748. More information in the next few weeks.
Please let me know if you have anything to report or are having a special celebration. I would love to hear from you.
Kelli McRobert
RECALL: Country Traditions Frozen Food Outlet's frozen waffles are being recalled due to possible Listeria contamination... for more details,
All U Can Eat Breakfast is coming up on November 16th from 8-10:30am at OSO Hall in Sharbot Lake. YUM!
Congratulations to the Cole Lake Church on packing 30 Christmas Shoe Boxes to be shipped overseas. They had 6 helpers and two children packing them up on Saturday morning. Well done. Each box costs approximately $12.00 to ship and any donations are still accepted until November 15th by the Cole Lake FM Church in Godfrey.
As the weather starts to change, LD Sports is pleased to announce the arrival of SAFE (Safety & Flotation Enhancement) apparel, now in stock! Contact them at 613-374-5604 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Reminder from the Weather Network "The public is reminded not to put out pet food, not to put out bird seed at this time of year, and to pick up all fallen fruit from trees—anything that rats can get into."
The Township of Central Frontenac is hiring a Public Work Operator/Labourer and the application deadline is November 15th, at 12pm. Here is the link
The Peanut Butter Challenge is back on!! Councillor Nicki Gowdy challenges you to support the districts with peanut butter between Nov 1 and Dec 16th in support of the North Frontenac Food Bank. Drop-off locations are:
District #1 -Arden Post Office
District #2 -Still being determined
District #3 -Central Frontenac Township Office
District #4 -Hopes Store in Parham
Let's see if we can beat last year's tally!!
Well done to the Township of South Frontenac on their new signs -WOW!
CONFIDENT ME workshop is being held on November 30th from 10am-2pm at 1004 Art Duffy Road, Sharbot Lake for females 10-13 years old.
Thank you to the Parham Fire Hall & Fighters for the great treats offered up for the kids on Halloween night! Well done!
The MANAGE BIG FEELINGS WORKSHOP is being held on November 26th from 9:30-11 through the RFCS. Registration is required at or call 613-279-3151 ext. 5. Child minding is available by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., spots are limited.
Congratulations to the South Frontenac Township Hallowe'en House Contest winners: Tina, Maureen, and Candy from Sydenham, and Harrowsmith!! Looking forward to see what you have planned for next year! Boo!
Looking for a fun and inexpensive holiday event to take your kiddos to? Check out this fundraising kids' Christmas party! On November 24th there will be an afternoon of Christmas family fun in support of the Kingston Portuguese Folklore Dancers! $5 advanced tickets $10 at the door. KIDS UNDER 13 YEARS OLD FREE. With your admission pricing, please enjoy face painting, bouncy castles, a magic show by the one and only Rob Driscoll, and a photo with the big guy himself Santa Claus! Full canteen open for purchase includes chicken fingers and fries, Portuguese style "bifana" sandwich, candy, treats, and more! Raffle prizes to be won include Toys 'R' US gift card, a kids' bike, an arts and crafts basket, a Lego set, and a magnetic tile toy set! Please contact us for advance tickets! Lucia Cacacho 613-929-9072, Tony Godinho 613-929-9907, Anthony Rego 613-929-5348, Tiffany Grant 613-328-8229
Skating Program. Registration is now open for the Skate Program!! When: Saturday, November 23rd - Saturday, December 28th **No lesson on November 30th** Time: 10am – 11am. Location: Stone Mills Recreation Centre, 713 Addington Street, Tamworth. To access the registration form or to learn more, please visit their website at
Marie White
No column; check back next week!
Gregg Hamelin
The Frontenac Youth Choir invites young singers to join us for the fall session to run six (6) weeks, on Wednesday, 4:30 to 5:30pm, from November 6th to December 11th with the Concert on Friday evening, December 13th. Practices and Concert at the Trinity United Church, Verona.
Saturday, November 09, 2024 BC Knitters will be selling "warm things" at Trousdale's Foodland in Sydenham from 10am to 2pm. Last week they donated $158 to the Food Bank.
Saturday, November 09, 2024 is the Annual Roberta Struthers Memorial Craft and Bake Sale at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith from 9am to 2pm. There is a Silent Auction table, vendors, bake sale and lunch will be available. For information and table rental call 613-372-2410.
Sunday, November 10, 2024 is the Old Tyme Fiddlers Open Mic at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith, from 1 to 5pm, followed by dinner. Cost is $15.00. Please bring a dessert to share. For information, call 613-372-2410.
Sunday, November 17, 2024 we have the TAKE OUT or DINE IN Turkey dinner at the Golden Links Hall, Harrowsmith. Tickets are not required but you MUST call 613-372-2410 in advance and order your dinner. Cut off date for ordering is Wednesday, November 13. Cost is $20.00 and the pick up time is between 4 and 530pm. For information, call 613-372-2410.
Now is the time to order your Christmas pies. There is a variety to choose from - apple, strawberry rhubarb and pumpkin to name a few. These are home-made, nine (9) inch unbaked pies. Cut-off date to order is Wednesday, November 27, 2024 and the pick-up date is Saturday, December 7, from 9am to 11am. For information and to order, call 613-876-1330.
Jean Brown
Everyone is home now on that two week family vacation of hunting season and it’s old home days for sure. Walking by the homes I peruse all the trucks, guns and hanging kill while smelling all kinds of cookies, cakes and hearing laughter rising up over the gun shots. It’s a real friendly hoot-even a blast! Our Arden Legion are accepting your appointments to bring the kill in for weighing with prizes offered at their Nov. 16 Hunter’s Ball where the big financial prizes will be awarded. We are so thankful that property and fence lines are being respected- it means so much.
This Sat. Nov. 9 Neil Purchase and Marilyn Tellier of our area will be hosting an Open Mic - at the Arden Legion from 1 – 5pm. Come along, and bring instruments or come and sing and dance. It will be resoundingly rip roaring!!
This Monday, Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day - a very important time for all of us to remember the sacrifices of all who served and worked for the freedom we enjoy today. We remember and are thankful for all who have served in past wars and peacekeeping efforts and those currently serving, plus all the people of today who wage the modern wars on pollution, climate change, poverty, discrimination. Their service fulfills the hopes and dreams for which our loved ones fought and died.
Also the North Frontenac Little Theatre’s production of Dracula is playing at the Oso Hall in Sharbot Lake until Nov. 9. Greg Morris, who plays the leading role of Dracula, lives in the Henderson suburbs, as does Sarah Deline who plays Lucy.
by Judy Borovskis
Fundraiser at Storrington Lions Club Hall – DEAL ALERT! Pick an ink cartridge... Any cartridge…$10 each or 3 for $25. Contact Laurie Patterson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Bob’s Breakfast Buffet! Thank you to all who supported us at the breakfast on November 2nd . 138 guests enjoyed the breakfast. Donation to Inverary United was just over $900. We were offered the loan of an outside grill enabling us to serve sausage and bacon! Thank you, Sun Harvest, for once again donating tomatoes. Next breakfast will be on December 7th! Hope to see you there.
Transition Storrington, a local group focused on Community Resilience, is bringing the film Common Ground to the Storrington Centre on Sunday, November 10th at 1pm. Cost $10 per adult – tickets at the door. Children are free. Come for the film, some discussion and treats! To reserve tickets, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Remembrance Day service at Sand Hill Cemetery on Monday, November 11th at 10:45am. Light refreshments will be served immediately after the service at the Storrington Lions Club. Cash bar and free parking. Everyone welcome.
Do you have a photo of the Inverary Public School from the 1960’s? It was a three-room schoolhouse on Latimer Road and Round Lake Road. Nancy Vandewal was a student there and she is looking for a photo. She can be contacted by text at 613-484-4493.
Gifts! Crafts! & Much more on November 16th, 10am to 3pm at Inverary United Church Hall! 23 vendors. Crafts, decorations, clothing, art work, baking, some small tools, toys, dishes, glassware and the list goes on. Absolutely something here for everyone. Drop in, check it out and be sure to say hello!
Youth Dance for students in Grades 5 to 8 at the Storrington Lions Club Hall from 6:30 to 9:30pm on Friday, November 22nd . Admission is $5 pp and includes adult supervision, canteen and DJ. Proceeds in support of Holy Name School.
FRONTENAC 4-H Fund Raiser Pork BBQ & Award Presentation on Saturday, November 23rd at the Storrington Lions Club Hall. Dinner served 5:30 to 7:30. Cost is $20.00 Adults, $10 6-18 years & 5 years and younger free. Tickets available at the door or from any 4-H volunteer. Thanks for supporting Frontenac 4-H!
Pop Can Drive – Fill The Bin - Start saving your cans! Pop cans/alcohol cans & bottles! Drop off anytime at the Lion’s Hall in Sunbury. Event takes place on Sunday, November 24th from 12:30 – 3 in support of the Lions Foundation of Canada Guide Dogs. Sponsored by ANS Scrap Metals & Environmentall Contracting Service.
Enjoy a Christmas Market shopping experience at Storrington Lions Club Hall on Saturday, December 14th from 10am to 3pm... 55 days till Christmas! More than 30 vendors will be on hand to showcase their crafts and items. For details, contact Marie at 613-449-4744.
Monday Night Euchre at the Storrington Centre. Starting time is 7:30pm. Four handed euchre. Cost is $6.00. Join us for a fun evening of Progressive Euchre – a partner is not necessary.
Yoga Class every Wednesday at 6pm. September classes back at Inverary United Church Hall. Pilates and Foam Rolling classes in other locations. More info: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Open Mic! A fun evening of music and friendship every Friday night at the Storrington Center. Doors open at 6pm and everyone welcome! Admission charge is $2.
Pickleball Courts available at Storrington Lions Club. Call 613-353-6920 to book yours!
Hall Rentals: Inverary Church Hall – contact Judy Borovskis 353-1768 or cell: 613-545-5017. Battersea Church hall – contact Roberta Smith 353-2846.
Karen Prytula
Pickleball 101 is back this November - Register Now! Master the Basics in this Six Week Session! Register for this free six week course by calling 613-267-5353 ext. 110. Limited space available (Preference given to Tay Valley Taxpayers). All equipment provided. Starting Tuesday November 5th to December 10th, or Wednesday November 6th to December 11th, 6pm-7:30 pm at Glen Tay Public School - 155 Harper Rd, Perth.
Remembrance Day – We should take the time to remember the following military veterans from the local area who were in the Great War, World War II, & the Korean War, as well as other people that risk their lives to keep us safe: Kenneth Allan, Edward Nelson Badour, R. A. Buchanan, Gilbert Blair, Herb Charlton, Frankie Collins, Rick Crawford, Vern Crawford, Jack Fleming, John Fleming, Arden Fournier, Edwin Burns Gordon, Elwin Gordon, Craig Greer, Robert Greer, Clarence Hall, Irene Kirkham (Strong), Melville Kirkham, James Lackey, Daniel Linton, Gladstone Linton, Billy Mallard, Brenda Mallard, Burns McDonnell, Harry Moore, George E. Morrison, Joe Power, Laura Power, Bill Ritchie, Glenn Russell, Wyn Truelove, Earl Tysick, Harold Walker, Arthur Warrington, Miller Warrington, Delbert Warwick, Ivan Wheaton, and those who we might have missed. We THANK YOU for protecting us and for your service to our great country.
No column; check back next week!
by Leane Bailey
TONIGHT!! We are excited to invite you to attend our Ompah Roast Beef Dinner, on Thursday, November 7th, from 5pm to 7pm at the Ompah Community Centre. On the menu is roast beef, gravy, potatoes, vegetables, cabbage salad, rolls, tea and coffee and homemade pies and squares. Cost is $20 for adults, $10 for children under 12 and those under 5 eat free. Proceeds go to the Community Centre and to the Children's Christmas Party.
A Service of Remembrance will be held at 10:45am on Nov. 11th at the North Frontenac War Memorial, 6598 Buckshot Lake Rd, Plevna. Join us as we commemorate the sacrifices of members of the armed forces and of civilians in times of war. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony inside the Clar-Mill Hall.
The November Birthday Bash/Potluck will be held on Nov. 20 at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, even if it's not your birthday month. Bring a toonie and a dish to share and join in the fun.
On Thursday, November 21st, The Snow Road Community Centre presents an evening of Classic Country Music with the White Family Band from 7pm to 9pm. Tickets can be purchased by e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 613-278-1853. Tickets are $15.
The Ompah Children’s Christmas Party will be held at the Ompah Community Centre on Nov. 30th at 1pm. The event includes a visit and a photo with Santa, crafts, face painting, and refreshments. Children (up to grade 8) must be registered prior to this event. Registration forms are available at local stores or by contacting Michelle Ross at 613-318-4039. Please register ASAP. A sign up sheet will be placed inside the Ompah Community Centre for volunteers who wish to donate refreshments for the party.
The 2024 North Frontenac Santa Claus Parade starts at 6pm on Nov. 30th from the North Frontenac Township Office, making its way East on 506/509 and ending at the Ompah Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to participate with a float in the parade. Please contact Dillon Boles at 613-650-7746.
The Community fridge in the foyer often holds veggies or canned goods etc. Everyone is welcome to take whatever is useful to you, or to drop something off. The fridge will be moved back into the hall on Roast Beef dinner day to hold the bountiful food and pies, but will be moved back to the foyer on Friday the 8th.
Please join us on Wednesday mornings for coffee and treats starting at 10am. It’s a great way to meet your Ompah neighbours and friends. While you are there, drop by the library which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to noon. (Note: There are no coffees on the first Wednesday of the Month, when the Community Café is held). The Ompah Community Centre also offers weekly activities such as exercise groups and Bridge games. Drop by the community centre to find out more.
by Christine Teal and Colleen Steele
Great evening for all the trick or treaters last week!
Hope everyone remembered to turn their clocks back!
It's sad to read about the closing of the Sharbot Lake Employment Centre as they have helped so many from this area connecting them with employment.
Hunters are geared up for the season. Stay safe, obey all the laws and good luck!!
November 23rd is the Parham United Church Turkey Supper in Parham from 5 to 7pm. Mark your calendars.
This Saturday you can go to the Christmas Market at the Golden Links Hall in Harrowsmith from 9 to 2 for your shopping pleasure! Lots of great items to be had.
Thinking of you to the McCullough/Campsall Family.
Thinking of you also to Jean Graham and Betty Babcock.
Don't forget to wear your poppies!
Seniors and Law enforcement together (SALT) are hosting a FREE, helpful and informative presentation on Wills and Power of Attorney on November 20th from 11 to 1pm (lunch provided) at the Parham CE Building 1035 Wagarville Road. To register, please call RFCS at 613-279-3151 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Perth Road
by Peter Bird
PERTH ROAD UNITED CHURCH: Sunday services continue at 10am. Address: 5614 Perth Rd Crescent, Perth Road, ON K0H 2L0. SUNDAY SCHOOL program is available for children. Newcomers welcome.
Happy Birthday or Anniversary to those with November Birthdays or Anniversaries. Thanks to all who helped or attended the Craft and Bake Sales Last Saturday.
St. Andrew’s Day Tea & Social. Enjoy homemade sweet treats and celebrate St. Andrew’s Day on Saturday, November 30th 2024 2pm - 4pm. Cost is $10 per person. Wear your Tartan (optional) and listen or sing-along to traditional Scottish songs performed by Celtic at Heart in the Perth Road Sunday School Hall.
For information about the Sunday School Hall rentals, please call Vera Shepherd at 613-353-2470 or Stephen Bach at 343-364-1033.
by Rhonda Watkins
It was a Fun night at last Tuesday's Plevna Halloween Euchre night! Thank you to the 17 people that came out to play! If you are bored on these long dark Tuesday nights and want to come out and mingle with friends and play some cards, we gather around 6:50pm at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall (6598 Buckshot Lake Road) and games start at 7.
Shiloh sends a Big Thank you to everybody that came out to enjoy the great night of fun at the 2nd Annual Spooktacular Haunted Walk and Party! A Big thanks as well to the community volunteers that helped out and to everybody that donated funds, time and treats and anything else that made this night such a wonderful community event! Thank you, Shiloh, for taking the lead and getting this event rolling!! Congratulations to our fabulous costume winners! For 6 and under: Barron P., Milly S. and Dianna B.L. For the extremely large group of 7-12 Esther R., Vienna P. and Emmitt D., and to the costume winners for ages 13 and up; Judy and Christian, Katie P. and Stephanie and Chad. Musical Chairs winners were Stan Lee in the 6 and under group, Hudson L. in the 7-12 group and Logan E. in the 13 and up group.
The Ompah Community Centre invites everybody to their delicious roast beef dinner on Thurs Nov 7th from 5-7pm! $20 per adult, $10 for kids under 12 and Free for kids under 5. Proceeds go to the Ompah Community Centre.
You are invited to the Service of Remembrance with the Township of North Frontenac on Mon Nov 11th at 10:45am. Our Community will be gathering at the North Frontenac Cenotaph at 6598 Buckshot Lake Road. After the service you are invited into the hall for a refreshment served by the Clar-Mill Community Volunteers.
The Clar-Mill Community Volunteers have organized a Fun Wreath Making Night with Janis St John on Thurs Nov 14th from 6-8pm at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall. You will go home that evening with a completed wreath or porch pot with natural boughs! The cost is $65 and charcuterie boards and refreshments are included! There are only a few spots left, so don't wait to call and book your spot so you don't miss out on this fun evening with friends! You can contact MaryAnn for more info. at 905 213-3820.
Ho Ho Ho!! The 2024 North Frontenac Santa Claus Parade and Children's Chiristmas Party is coming up on Sat Nov 30th! Children will be visiting with Santa at the Ompah Community Centre at 1pm There will be refreshments, face painting, crafts, presents and pictures with Santa! Children up to grade 8 are invited to pre-register for a gift. Registration forms are available at local stores or by contacting Michelle Ross at 613 318-4039. Everyone is invited to participate in the parade with a float and if you would like to join in the fun, please contact Dillon at 613 650-7746 for more info.
Thank you to the Clar-Mill Community Volunteers for giving a $400 cheque to Michelle Ross for the Children's Christmas Party! The Volunteers raised this money through the Fun Grocery Bingo Lunch they host at the Plevna Clar-Mill Hall on every second Tuesday. The next one takes place on Tues Nov 12th from 11-1pm.
Oh Boy! It's Clarendon Schools 4th Annual Christmas Chocolate Fundraiser! To place an order, you can reach out to one of the parents or call the school or visit Their campaign code is 60167. Orders are due by Nov 20th and delivery is the first week in December. Thank you in advance for supporting Clarendon School!
Sharbot Lake
by Greg Rodgers
Halloween night in Sharbot Lake was filled with community spirit, even more than usual. Walking around the village during the peak trick or treating time, it was amazing to see how many residents took the “treats to the streets” and added various forms of fun and creativity for the kids and the parents as well. Kudos to the neighborhood of upper Garrett street, where the residents have been going all out in recent years to be “ground zero” for trick or treating. It was great seeing Sharbot Lake residents in the streets enjoying themselves.
A note for those interested in the Life Drawing group at the Sharbot Lake Medical Centre: This has been listed among the regular weekly happenings on “Everything Frontenac,” when in reality, it has been on a hiatus, but will be re-starting on Thursday, Nov 28. All skill levels are welcome, (and bring a sketch pad and any preferred drawing materials). Cost $15/session to help pay for the model. These are not “classes” per se, but an opportunity to practice life drawing skills in a fun, friendly and supportive environment. For more info, contact Geoff at 613-812-9428 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Fall Music series continues this weekend (Saturday, Nov. 9) at the Royal Canadian Legion, featuring “The D-tours”. 7-9pm.
by Karen Brawley
As we approach Rememberance Day, here is information on this year's service: Remembrance Day ceremony for Sydenham and Branch 496. Everyone is welcome to attend the service at the Cenotaph on Wheatley St AND everyone is welcome to come to Branch 496 after the ceremony. March off at 10:30 from the Legion - unless the weather is bad. If that is the case we will just meet up at the Cenotaph. Gathering at the Cenotaph at 10:45am. Joined by parade Support of CFSCE, members and veterans are welcomed to join the march. Please join us as we remember them at Branch 496 afterwards for a light lunch with refreshments hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary.
We Will Remember Them.
Give the gift of a gift card this holiday season. New Leaf Link Gift Card Fundraiser 2024. Purchase a gift card through this fundraiser, and New Leaf Link receives a donation from the retailer! November Order Due: Sunday , November 17th by 10pm, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Pickup Saturday, November 23rd in Sydenham or Kingston. December Order Due: Sunday, December 8th to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Pickup Saturday December 14th. For more information and to request an order form, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
New Leaf Link (NeLL) is a non-profit charitable organization located in Harrowsmith, Ontario that provides educational day programming to adults living with developmental and physical disabilities. The programs we provide are tailored to our participants' interests and abilities. NeLL does not receive any government funding and relies heavily on grants, donations and community fundraisers.
Sydenham Legion is a happening place... Diddle for the middle!! FRIDAY NIGHT DARTS ARE BACK. 2 Fridays a month (upstairs). First night is Friday, November 8th from 7-9. All levels welcome. $3 for legion members. $5 for non. Join the fun. Darts not your thing? Downstairs we will have Euchre on Tuesdays (twice a month). First one starting November 12th. $3 for legion members. $5 for non. All welcome. Of course every Thursday we will have Charity Radio Bingo, which has gained major popularity. We've had winners in our crowd. Thanks to CJAI Ahmerst radio for including us as a location to obtain cards, which people can play from home or join the gang downstairs at 6pm and have some laughs and fun at the Legion.
Debbie Lingen
Movie Night is showing "Family Camp" a fun family video with Christian emphasis from the Skit Guys on Friday, November 8 at Verona Free Methodist Church at 6:30. Movie starts at 7pm. Bring your own snacks. Drinks will be provided. All welcome.
A community breakfast will be held Saturday, November 9 from 8:30am to 11am at the Verona Lions Club. Cost by donation. All proceeds go towards New Leaf Link in Harrowsmith.
Verona Remembrance Day Service will be held at the Verona Cenotaph starting at 10:45am on Monday, November 11. There will be a light lunch after the service at the Verona Free Methodist Church.
Style Revival Clothing Center will be open Saturdays, November 9 and 23, from 10am to 1pm. Style Revival provides gently used clothing, free of charge. They are also open every Wednesday. Location at the Verona Free Methodist Church.
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